
Speaking of archery, in the drama, they didn't explain why FFB /XL wants to teach her archery. It appears as if it's just a random thing that happened.  I know he did it so XY can protect herself. Idk how it unfolded in the novel so I'm curious too about this.

I also remembered earlier in the episodes, XL went to someone and ordered a bow to be made. Some commented that didn't happen until much later.

The arrow was to be used to assassinate Chang Xuan in Episode 22.


I am going to think of a song depicting Xiang Liu's feelings for Xiao Yao in every episode, if I can find a suitable one.

I think the song "Angels Like You" by Miley Cyrus is very fitting for XL's pov. 

Xiang Liu's song for Xiao Yao:

Your Song by Ellie Goulding


I am team Jing but I really love XL. His love is so selfless, although he bullied her at the beginning, his heart really opened up as he got to know her. It's so sad to see that not only was his life so hard from the beginning but even his end was heartbreaking. Even till the end, he thought of the one he loves. He really deserves better, I wish the author had given a new partner for him instead of the tragic end, but I guess that's what really gives the meaning of the title. Man I really hate these heartbreaking dramas but still lately I find myself watching only these and crying up until 3 am in the morning everyday

That's how I feel too. When XY denied him from sucking her neck, he looked so hurt and lost. My heart ached for him. When he saw XY on the deathbed and wanted to touch her but couldn't, my heart shattered to pieces.


That's how I feel too. When XY denied him from sucking her neck, he looked so hurt and lost. My heart ached for him. When he saw XY on the deathbed and wanted to touch her but couldn't, my heart shattered to pieces.

She denied him out of respect for Jing. I get it and also respect that as well. Tho hurt, he  also respected her boundaries hence why he moved back from her when they were in bed together. 

I don't know about you but I just want to give him a big big hug and tell him he's the best bad good little boy in these magical lands 😍

just by reading spoilers from novel reades abt how XL's ending, my tears come out insantly coz it's painful and unfair for him, it's been two weeks like this, bet i'm gonna crazy and get sick (heartache) if this continue, i think i can't handle if they show this later end the end,  so i'm planning to wait until i've seen spoilers abt how XL's end to prevent my heartache..


"XL teaches XY archery so she has a means of protecting herself. When XL first meets XY, she tells him "I am just someone who has been discarded. I have no ability to protect myself, I have no one to rely on, I have no where to go..." So XL makes sure that none of that is still true before he dies. We know that for sure based on the sentiments he expresses in his epilogue. 

I thought the weapons he ordered early in the drama were for his army, not for XY, but I could be mistaken. "

So I guess the drama is the same in the novel then that it wasn't explicitly said he thought her archery so that she has something to protect herself. But the readers were able to interpret it that way.

Some novel readers mentioned him ordering the bow was too early. Also, in one of XL's theatre chapters released by TJC's studio, XL was shown drawing the bow.

Does our nine-headed demon even receive a warm hug in his lifetime? This thought just makes it sadder.


Does our nine-headed demon even receive a warm hug in his lifetime? This thought just makes it sadder.

Fang Feng Bei's mother loved her son very much so XL said he experienced the love of a mother for her son.  He gained and treasured that experience.


Does our nine-headed demon even receive a warm hug in his lifetime? This thought just makes it sadder.

you're right , until no there's nothing like that, perhaps till the end :(


Does our nine-headed demon even receive a warm hug in his lifetime? This thought just makes it sadder.

you're right , until no there's nothing like that, perhaps till the end :(

So I guess the drama is the same in the novel then that it wasn't explicitly said he thought her archery so that she has something to protect herself. But the readers were able to interpret it that way.

No, the novel is explicit. In the epilogue, which is from XL's POV, he thinks to himself: 

"Remembering our first meeting in Qing Shui Town, you were all shits and giggles, a mouth full of made up crap. But the only thing you said that was true was: I have no ability to protect myself, no one to rely on, and nowhere to go.

After over tens years of teaching you archery, you now have the ability to protect yourself. You don’t need to use your own body to protect someone you treasure when danger is around. The right man for you, you now have someone to rely on, you don’t have to be all alone anymore with solitude as your companion. The sky is vast and oceans deep, you now have a place to go and don’t need to be chased by people and be without a place to call home.

...Xiao Yao, from now on I can no longer stand watch to protect over you, you have to take good care of yourself, wishing you a lifetime of worry free happiness."

And then he carves that sentiment into the crystal hidden in the laughing doll, which he has Sir Bi give to XY as Sir Bi's wedding present to her. 

Some novel readers mentioned him ordering the bow was too early. Also, in one of XL's theatre chapters released by TJC's studio, XL was shown drawing the bow.

Yes, I think I had it wrong. The scene in episode 13 where XL commissions the bow doesn't exist (as in, it's not explicitly shown) in the novel and happens at a point that takes place much earlier in the narrative than that scene should take place if it followed the timeline from the novel, but the drama writers probably just changed the timeline. It likely is meant to depict XL commissioning XY's bow, not weapons for his army. 


Fang Feng Bei's mother loved her son very much so XL said he experienced the love of a mother for her son.  He gained and treasured that experience.

This. Also in chapter 43 XY sort of forceably gets physical with him. Not exactly a warm hug, but it definitely showed that she cared.


Episode 14 turned my view on Xiang Liu: he is HOT,  SEXY, and MAJESTIC. Just like Qi Yo, Xiao Yao's biological father in Once Promised (ignore Qi Yo's haircut in the first few episodes of A Lifetime Love.  The hairstyle in the last few episodes makes Huang Xiao Ming so hot, sexy and majestic like Xiang Liu!) 

Oh wow.  I didn't know the actor playing Qi Yo in that series.  I'm watching Winter Begonias for JTC, who hasn't shown up yet, but Huang Xiao Ming is one of the leads, and yes, he's hot.  Can't wait to see him interact with JTC, now!