Thanks @liddi for the link.

‚相思日月长 is the one where she resurrects Xiang Liu using a fragment of his soul which Gong Gong managed to preserve‘

I just finished reading this fanfic and this is officially my favorite ?. Now if only they make a S3 using this fanfic, I can finally move on.


lol I deleted my previous comment since it sounded too neutral. Nah, I have to say something for real. Why do they have to bring up "liking bad boys is why most people end up in abusive relationships" ? This isn't real life. It's all fictional smh.

And only friendship vibes from her and XL? See, this is why cutting down the moments XY & XL had in the novel is a bad thing. Some people who only see things at face value when watching the drama can't see it. This is why the novel is way better.

Anyways, I'm not going to talk about this again.

??glad to see I‘m not the only one triggered by this post. I was congratulating myself for not commenting on this post and start a fan war on LYF main page??Oh the pain of being an adult.

May I add though, that even as drama watcher first  who went into the LYF‘s world blind, I got it right away that XY has FEELINGS for XL/FFB. If their stares are any degree hotter, they‘re going to need a room, is all I need to say. Who needs kisses if the staring contests are way more intimate. Oh who am I kidding, we need those Snake‘s kisses asap ???.

??glad to see I‘m not the only one triggered by this post. I was congratulating myself for not commenting on this post and start a fan war on LYF main page??Oh the pain of being an adult.

Nah, I'm pouring gasoline all over that nonsense. They can say what they want and we just stay quiet? Nope.

Leaked script Ep5 scenes 21-22   (Vol 2 Ch14 / Chapter 31)

Leaked script Ep6   (Vol 2 Ch14 / Chapter 31)

Thank you for these translations liddi!

[This is vastly different from the novel, where Xiao Yao prepared the crystal globe and had it sealed at the North Pole 4 years earlier, after Cang Xuan ascended the throne. Here, she only started making the crystal globe after Feng Long asked to set their marriage in motion]

Yes, vastly different!

They looked at each other, their gazes probing, but neither would take the first step. Xiao Yao averted her eyes in disappointment, then shook her head and laughed.

This feels like a summary of so much of their relationship. 

Her maid noted that since it is the last time, it should be something special.

Having Miao Pu say this feels... wrong. As if XY wouldn't have created such a beautiful and meaningful scene that required so much care and effort if Miao Pu hadn't said that this "last" poison creation should be special. 

The fact that XY was regularly sending poisons to XL and that this would be the last one also seems like something that XY would keep to herself and not share with anyone. Not even Miao Pu. 

She requested all kinds of rare, expensive ingredients, and for Yu Jiang and Chishui Xian's assistance, to which Cang Xuan readily agreed, much to the old Xuan Yuan king's disapproval, saying that Cang Xuan's reputation for being frugal and self-restrained would have gone down the drain with her extravagance.

As Yu Jiang and Chishui Xian worked to solidify the crystal globe, the surrounding temperature dropped and snowflakes unexpectedly formed and fluttered. Xiao Yao lifted her head to see the snowflakes, and reached out to touch them, sadness on her face as she thought this was the last time she would be making poisons for Xiang Liu.

I don't like that they changed Yu Jiang's role. In the novel, he only helps XY contact Xian to ask for her help. Here it sounds like he's more directly involved in creating the ice crystal ball. 

I'm more okay with Xian being involved with creating the ice crystal ball since she wasn't involved in the last battle where XL was killed. But Yu Jiang was. He was second in command under Ru So and clashed with XL directly, but wasn't able to kill him. I don't like that he's now directly involved in making the ice crystal ball. 

At dusk, Xiang Liu stood by the banks of Gourd Lake in the lightly drizzling rain, holding a box in his hand with a faraway expression. It seemed as if Xiao Yao's voice could be heard in the rustling sounds of the wind, rushing waters and familiar scenery.

Changing this scene so that it's not XL overhearing others talking about XY's engagement in a brothel and then going out into the rain to stand by the river in QS town and instead it's him standing by Hu Lu Lake and recalling XY's voice actually seems like a nice change. I'm okay with this one. 

In an instant, the cold air and drizzling rain that came into contact with the ice crystal globe crystalised into snowflakes that danced around Xiang Liu.

Xiang Liu immediately realised the lengths to which Xiao Yao went to create it. His eyes held mixed emotions, and he was visibly moved.

Within the crystal globe was a base of blue sea, with colourful small fishes and red corals in it. On the surface of the sea was a great white seashell, and a beautiful mermaid sat on it, one hand on her heart, and the other hand outstretched towards the merman in the water, floating on the waves.

All pretty consistent with the novel, which is nice to see. 

[Flashback to the time they saw the mating mercouple]

I'm a bit wary about this. The drama covers the mercouple being in heat and mating but doesn't really touch on the concept of mercouple's viewing their clam shells as a home where they will live together long-term and raise their children. I know at least one YaoJing fan's interpretation of the meaning behind the ice crystal ball was influenced by the drama (she interpreted it as an invitation for a passionate tryst). I feel like this flashback could end up perpetuating that type of interpretation. 

Xiang Liu lifted his hand and reached out as if to hold the mermaid's hand, but lingered without moving closer. Snowflakes fluttered down between him and the crystal globe, and his eyes were filled with sorrow.

He doesn't put his finger right on the ice crystal, making it look (from the right angle) like he was taking the mermaid's hand?

I'm not sure how to feel about this change... I can sort of see why they would make it. The don't have the benefit of the book narration telling the reader: "At a glance, it appeared that they were holding hands but in truth the ice crystal separated them. They were from two completely different worlds, they could never truly be together." 

Xiao Yao fixed her gaze on the distant waves. She suddenly stood up and looked eagerly at the surface of the ocean, but could see nothing except water. Her eyes slowly filled with dejection and hurt, and she sat blankly back down.

I've decided that I like that they added this. It's another indication that XY really was waiting for XL, and not just watching the ocean while contemplating that whether or not she should go through with the marriage to Feng Long.

XY (quietly): Perhaps I am just waiting for fate.

XY: Royal Father asked me to wait for 7 days. If nothing happened within the 7 days, it is fate; if something did happen, it is also fate.

This feels a little bit misleading? She extended an invitation to XL and now she has to wait for his decision. It's not really a question of fate. Maybe whatever he chooses, she can decide that's what must be the outcome that's "mean to be"I guess... Idk. I don't love this add. 

AN (murmuring): I don't know... (sighs) Back then, I thought that as Gao Xin princess, I could have whatever I wanted. I did not know that Cang Xuan gege would leave Gao Xin, did not know he would become king of Xuan Yuan, let alone that he would make someone else his queen. The person I am today has no idea either whether I could be with Cang Xuan gege in the future.

This feels like they are setting up Ah Nian's situation as analogous to XY's situation with TSJ and inserting it into a YaoLiu scene.

Ah Nian didn't know that CX would become king and make someone else his queen. Ah Nian previously thought she could marry CX, but now she has no idea if she can be with him in the future. 

XY didn't know that TSJ would become the Tushan clan leader and marry FFYY. XY previously thought she would marry TSJ, but now she has no idea if she can be with him in the future. 

I don't like that this implied comparison has been shoe-horned into a very important YaoLiu scene. 

He stared at the crystal globe intently as if bewitched, and reached out to touch the mermaid within, their fingertips touching through the ice crystal.

Oh good, they added it here! ^^

FFB: I taught you the ability to protect yourself, yet now you want to take things lying down and just get by. Have you asked if I allowed it?

The first part isn't wrong... XY is pretty much giving up and letting a marriage that she doesn't really want basically happen to her. That's awkwardly phrased... but "take things lying down and just get by" is a fair assessment. 

But even so, I don't love the phrasing of the last part. The intended meaning might be, "I'm not going to let you settle for a marriage that will make you miserable." but "Have you asked if I allowed it?" doesn't quite hit that note. Maybe it just feels a bit rich to imply that she should be asking him for permission given that he just rejected her invitation to come to her and to give her a reason to not go through with the marriage. That rejection was practically telling her to go ahead with the marriage.

I wonder where  Fei Fei is. The creator of this thread.

Should I sing a song to bring her back? 

Maybe someone else will appear. LOL

I'm cackling at the thought that a Yao/Jing fan interpreted the crystal ball as an invitation to a tryst ?. 

So this person thinks XY sent the crystal ball to XL as an invitation to a sexy, romantic rendezvous? I mean, there are some posters here who probably yelled "i volunteer as tribute" whenever XL appears on screen (you know who you are ?), so I don't blame poor XY for wanting a piece of that. But, how do they reconciled this with XY supposedly only/forever love for Jing? I guess for some YaoJing fans, XY wanting to sexed XL up is more acceptable/tolerable than her actually loving XL..

And how do they accept this "slutty" XY ending up with their purest, greenest flag ever (*sarcasm*), Jing? Then again, they don't seem to have issue with YaoJing sneaking around with their affair so this sort of trysts are probably a-ok with them.


Speaking of Green Flag Jing, there is a trend in recent years of  using someone's preference for fictional characters/relationships to cast moral judgement on them - with the implications that the one doing the judging is morally superior because they liked the superior person/ship. How pathetically insecure do you have to be to do this!

There are some good conversations to be have about media and their influence on normalising behaviours or things that shouldn't be normalise, but you need to be selective about where on the internet you go to for these sorts of discussions.  A huge chunk of the internet is not good at nuances, context or have the knowledge to have these discussions. Hyperbole, black and white thinking are too often the order of the day for social medias. And fandoms in particular is definitely not the place for it. These fans are as deep as a puddle and more interested in using these topics to defend and legitimise their character/ship of choice then an actual nuance discussion. Words like gaslighting, toxic, abusive and redflag are thrown around like free candies on Halloween,  to the point of being meaningless.

I can play this game and labelled Jing as a Nice Guy. The kind that expects romantic reciprocation for thir niceness, but will turn nasty if rejected or (and this would be more Jing's style), cries, mopes and threatens suicide. But, you know, Jing already does his fair share of things that I can side-eyed him for. I don't need to whack on some social-concept/label to to justify my dislike for certain behaviour of his.

So don't bothered with people liked this. Enjoy your entertainment, embraced your love for these fictional "bad boys". To quote a song, "good boys go to heaven, but bad boys bring heaven to you". And XL is absolutely heavenly ?.

Untuk para pembaca yang budiman. Jika Anda pernah menonton film adaptasi “Lost You Forever”, Anda mungkin menyadari bahwa ini bisa membingungkan. Anda mungkin tidak 100% yakin bahwa XY benar-benar mencintai XL, begitu pula saya! Tapi untuk buku aslinya, saya bisa memastikannya.
Salah satu simbol kepedulian atau cinta Protagonis wanita XY yang paling dipercaya terhadap Jing adalah Rambut Jing! Mari kita analisa V1. C14 dalam buku: Jantung XY berdebar kencang saat melihat rambut Jing yang tergerai.
Pertama, saya ingin menuju ke efek cahaya dan membuka imajinasi kita. :)
Kalau begitu mari kita lihat gambar dengan lampu latar berikut dan Anda akan mendapatkan saya dan XY! Maka Anda akan tahu betapa “cerdas, licik” dan berbakatnya sang Penulis, Tung Hua sebenarnya. Dia memimpin pembaca dan menyembunyikan Cinta XY seperti yang selalu dilakukan XY.
Sebagai pembaca, kami juga menggunakan imajinasi kami dan menempatkan diri kami pada posisi karakter.
Mungkin sanggul rapi XL tampan di layar membuat kita melupakan citra aslinya di dalam buku!
Mari kita selidiki apa yang digambarkan Tung Hua tentang XL atau kesan WXL pada pertemuan pertama mereka. (diterjemahkan oleh Google!)
“Rambut putihnya seputih awan, tidak disanggul. Sepotong jasper digunakan untuk menyeka dahinya, dan rambut putihnya dikumpulkan rapi di belakang kepalanya. Itu menggantung secara alami. Fitur wajahnya sangat tampan sehingga mempesona, dan keseluruhan tubuhnya juga bersih dan rapi”.
Dan penampilan XL di Cermin kecil XY yang berharga:
“ Di laut biru yang dalam, Xiang Liu, berpakaian putih dan berambut putih, berenang dengan anggun dan bebas, dengan rambut putih panjangnya berkibar di belakangnya, membuat wajah tampannya terlihat sangat mempesona”. ( V1.C13)
Sekarang mari kita lihat penampakan Jing di waktu fajar.
tidak ,飘散在海风中。他侧倚着船栏,几分慵懒,几分随意地看着东边天空初露的晨曦。
“Tapi dia melihat Jing berdiri dan dengan santai melepaskan ikatan mahkota yang mengikatnya. rambutnya. Rambutnya ditutupi rambut hitam seperti galaksi, jatuh telentang dan terbawa angin laut. Dia bersandar di pagar perahu, memandang dengan malas dan santai saat fajar menyingsing di langit timur.”
Sebenarnya saat itu bukan warna rambut yang berperan penting, melainkan outline. (Matahari tepat di belakangnya) Saya kira WXL/XY sudah berkali-kali memperhatikan punggung XL semakin redup hingga ia menghilang. (di atas laut!) Itulah alasan mengapa “jantungnya berdebar kencang seperti rusa”. Jujur saja, Jing sedang cosplay bagian belakang dan rambut Xiang Liu.
Kedua, jika menurutmu aku mencuri Loveline dan sorotan Jing. Mari kita baca lebih lanjut bersama-sama untuk melihat dinamika emosi mereka, dan memahami psikologi tindakannya.
Xiaoyao awalnya teralihkan perhatiannya saat Jing berbicara tentang permata merah/ungu dari ikan monster, tapi saat dia mendengar bahwa permata itu membantu orang “bertahan” lebih lama di bawah laut, dia tiba-tiba menjadi tertarik. Mengapa dia menginginkan itu? Haruskah dia menjauhi orang yang dia takuti? Oh ya, mungkin dia hanya suka berada di laut dan tidak membutuhkan orang lain untuk memberinya udara, (tapi tetap kenapa di bawah laut?) Bagaimanapun juga, dia memikirkan XL.
Lalu XY menatap Jing diam-diam sementara mereka bertiga memandangi lautan yang berkilauan sinar matahari keemasan, merasa terhubung dengan Jing (lebih dari Funglong, tentu saja!) seolah-olah dia hanya ingin memeriksa lagi apakah itu benar Jing, bukan XL. .
Jika semua hal/tindakan/kepentingan berasal dari reaksi romantis terhadap Jing, pada saat perpisahan, Tung Hoa akan menulis sesuatu untuk menunjukkan perasaan XY yang masih melekat pada Jing alih-alih XY berdiri diam, diam, dan tanpa emosi. Hanya Jing yang sedih dengan tatapan rindu.
Yang terakhir, poin terpenting di sini, adalah Love Voodoo tidak pernah melawan atau menggigit hatinya! Anda akan menemukan lebih banyak jika Anda percaya “Tindakan seseorang akan memberi tahu Anda semua yang perlu Anda ketahui.”

Anyone interested in starting a thread dedicated to XY/XL fanfiction? I think we are going to need it given the leak season 2 script ?. This thread moves so fast that it's hard to keep track when something get recommended.

The ice crystal ball feels like it’s almost swollen, and my hands are itchy and I want to write about it. Appearing in Chapter 14 of the second book "Chasing the Past, Kong Meng Meng", Xiaotian's last confession to Xiang Liu.

(Furthermore, the ice crystal ball is used to urge Xiang Liu to understand or to express his longing for you or to express his regret that the past with Jing cannot be forgotten. Please find some reading classes to listen to it.

What exactly does the ice crystal ball express? I have written an article on the difference between verbs before. This article will focus on the static part.

Let’s first look at Xiaotian’s production process:

"Xiao Yao spent countless efforts to carve the snow mountain ice soul into a sea shell - two shells as white as snow, with undulating and curled corners like waves, showing a half- open shape, like a flower that has just bloomed. flower.

Xiaotian then mixed various rare spiritual herbs and poisons to make two sharks. She placed the female mermaid on the shell and placed the male mermaid in a corner far away from the shell. Xiaotian also made red corals and colorful small sea fish.

There is no doubt that the core is seashells and sharks, while red corals and colorful small sea fish are briefly used as backgrounds.

But when the backdrop is mentioned for the second or third time, it takes on meaning.

"First fix the red coral at the bottom of the ice crystal, then mix the poison, blue toad's poison and Jade Mountain Chalcedony, and pour it into the hollowed out ice crystal. The blue liquid will look like a pool of sea water. Xiaotian will do it The good sea shellfish man carefully placed it into the blue ocean, put in the colorful small sea fish, then closed the cut ice crystals, and temporarily sealed them with spiritual power."

"Transparent ice crystals are wrapped in a blue sea. In the quiet sea water, there are colorful fish, red corals, and a large white shell, blooming like the brightest flower, a beautiful The female mermaid sits sideways on the shell, with seaweed- like green silk hanging down. Half of her beautiful fish tail rests on the white shell, and half floats in the sea water. She touches her heart with one hand and stretches her other hand forward, like She was trying to catch something, but also seemed to be summoning something. In the direction where she stretched out her hand, a male mermaid was floating in the waves. It seemed that he was not far from the shell, but he was looking out of the ice crystals indifferently, which made people feel He is actually in another world, not in that quiet and peaceful ocean."

This is the ice crystal ball seen from Xiaotian's perspective.

The colorful fish are not the colorful fish from Yushan Yaochi, but the colorful fish that Xiaoyao and Xiangliu saw when they last swam together on the bottom of the sea. Xiang Liu and Xiao Tian had a soul discussion on whether to forget or remember. "Without memory, there is no thinking, and there is even no joy and sadness." But Xiao Tian said, "Even if it is pain and burden, I still want to remember." .”

"Little Tian gradually caught up with Xiang Liu, and a group of colorful fish swam past them.

Xiaotian stretched out her hand, and the slender colorful fish kissed her palm. She could feel their simple calmness. Xiaotian said: "They are so calm, they don't seem to have any emotions."

Xiang Liu said: "The memory of this kind of fish is very short. It only takes a few snaps of your fingers. That is to say, when you retract your hand, they have forgotten that they just kissed your palm."

Without memory, there is no thinking, and even joy and sadness are impossible. Their peace may be the purest peace in the world.

Xiaotian looked back while swimming, and the colorful fish were still swimming in the water. Xiaotian said: "I remember them, but they have forgotten me. When I see their kind again in the future, I will think of them. Even if we meet for the first time, it will be like meeting again, and every time we meet them, it will be the first time, even if A reunion is always a first encounter.

Xiang Liu asked: "Do you want to remember or forget?"

Xiaotian thought for a while and said: "Remember, even if it is painful and burdensome, I want to remember it."

2-9 <Where the wind returns, send me treasure>

Why would a normal chat suddenly involve pain and burden? Looking back on the entire underwater journey, Xiaoyao and Xiangliu almost always put their hands on the window paper at the critical point where it would pierce with just a little force. So my understanding here is that she is hinting to Xiang Liu, don't think that I am so fragile, that I only want happy memories, even if there will be pain and burden to be with you, I am willing.

Xiang Liu didn’t understand it, and it wasn’t written in the book, but I think he understood it, but he had already experienced the heartache of losing something after having it, so he hoped that Xiaoyao wouldn’t have pain, burden, or remember. he. When he advances, she retreats. When she advances, he retreats, retreats, retreats. To be honest, if the two of them think less about each other, we will all have he.

And when Xiaoyao put the colorful fish into the ice crystal ball, it was not the "colourful fish" that swam under the sea after planting the poison, but specifically the "colorful small sea fish". Could it be that she was telling him: I said even if it is Pain and burden, I also want to remember that this time I am not afraid, so will you hold my hand?

Red coral only appears in the ice crystal ball in the whole book. Let’s assume that the author only did it for the beauty of the ice crystal ball. If it means something, then red coral symbolizes happiness and eternity. When Xiaoyao placed the red coral in the ice crystal ball, could she be saying that she believed that if Xiang Liu accepted her, they would be happy together and their love would last forever?

"The underwater world wrapped in ice crystals is so beautiful, like a blue dream.

When the ice crystal was placed on the table, due to the extreme cold, a cold mist lingered around it, adding a bit of unreal mistiness, as if it would disperse with the wind anytime and anywhere. But in fact, ice crystals are hard and hard to be damaged by swords. "

Dream, intertwined in the dark line between "dream" and the left ear, and here again the ice crystal ball seen from Xiao Yaotian's perspective is "too beautiful, like a blue dream." This is what she did herself, She devoted all her memories and expectations to this ice crystal ball. It was extremely beautiful, so beautiful that it was unreal. Even she knew this very well - she really resisted thinking about the question of "who she most wanted to spend the rest of her life with." ? Maybe, but her subconscious had the answer.

With that person, life will be so brilliant that it is indescribable. But that person was too distant and indifferent, and he felt rejected again and again. That kind of beauty is like a dream. The barrier between dream and reality seems to be ethereal, but in fact it is hard to be hurt by a sword or broken.

The ice crystal ball also evoked Xiang Liu's memories: "The sea under the moonlight." These six words can cover almost all the beautiful scenes of Xiang Liu in the sea, whether it was the birth of the bright moon on the sea, thirty- seven years under the sea, or one day and one night. Swimming together under the sea.

"After a while, he withdrew his gaze and opened his palms. On his palms was an ice crystal ball.

Fine raindrops fell on his palm, forming a cold mist around the ice crystals, making the blue waves shimmer like the sea under a moonlit night.

The blue seabed is quiet and quiet. The female mermaid is sitting in a beautiful shell home, stretching out her hands as if calling and demanding, while the male mermaid is gazing indifferently at the world outside.

Xiang Liu stared at the ice crystal ball in his palm for a long time.

Slowly, he stretched out a finger towards the Mermaid's outstretched hand, and his finger touched the ice crystal.

It seems that they are holding each other, but across the ice crystal, they are in two completely different worlds and can never truly hold each other. J

2-14 <Chasing the past, empty and miserable>

The previous paragraph and this paragraph are written correspondingly. There is no detailed description of the ice crystal ball in this paragraph. I think it is because the two paragraphs are too close to each other and repeating it would be redundant. Instead, condensing it into one sentence can better highlight the key points that the author wants to highlight: shell home, summoning, and requesting. The writing method is similar to that of the koi carp playing with the lotus, emphasizing the difference. Just imagine if the author copied a large paragraph here and only changed a few words, how many readers would notice it?

The ice crystal balls that Xiaoyao and Xiang Liu saw were different, not only the difference between "grasping" and "asking for". Describing it from Xiaotian's perspective, although there are many difficulties between them, it is not without hope. She can't catch that blue misty dream, but if she really feels that there is no hope, then why give it away?

At the moment of sending the ice crystal ball, Xiaoyao laid her heart bare in front of Xiang Liu and told him clearly: Now, the only obstacle between us is your heart.

But Xiang Liu’s perspective is, “We can never truly grasp each other.”

The wilderness can accommodate Fangfeng Bei and Gao Xin Jiu Yao, and the sea can accommodate Xiang Liu and Xiao Yao. Is it really impossible for them? Is the extremely cold ice crystal that is hard and difficult to damage a position? They just don't match the time rhythm step by step.

Merlin's murder made Xiang Liu experience the pain of losing a loved one, and when Xiaotian woke up in thirty- seven years, he also experienced the pain of losing a loved one. By chance, the two were tied at this point of abuse. When Xiaoyao was worried that she was getting deeper and deeper and closer to the end of the world and wanted to cut off the love, Xiangliu had not yet decided to really let go; but when Xiaotian tried again and again and made the final effort, Xiangliu But he had already decided to retreat to the position of guardian.

Nothing can escape the invisible but cruel dividing line between Merlin's murder and the thirty- seven years under the sea.

This blue dream is finally wrapped in a big- bellied laughing doll that symbolizes the comfort of reality. But from Xiaotian's perspective, this blue dream has actually dissipated.

If you look carefully in the book, blue appears many times, but the blue in the third book is different from the blue in the first two books.

The blue in the first two books is the color of normal things or the color of things transformed by spiritual power, such as the sky, sea, flowers, clothes, elixirs, and spiritual animals. But in the third book, in addition to the sky and sea, there are also normal things appearing in blue. Special colors: blue spider web, blue smiling flower. The aura around the blood- cursed seashell that saved Xiaotian was like blue smoke, the blue fluorescence when undoing the poison.

(And Brother Hou, who was secretly compared to Bei by Xiaotian, has a blue tiger seal. This...)

Blue is the color of melancholy, and it is also the color of the sea. It is not the color of Xiangliu, but the color that belongs to Xiangliu and Xiaoyao.

Although I have written a dark fable version of Butterfly and Spider Web before,

Interpretation, but I don’t think Jing is malicious or

Doing anything without pure motives. In his world, Xiaotian doesn’t

is the first, but having Xiaotian is the first, he is indeed

Selfishly wanting to keep Xiao Tian, knowing that Xiao Tian loves Xiang Liu Ye

Can't let go. But I regard him as a patient who cannot live without himself.

He is even willing to take the initiative to be a substitute for his own medicine.

How many plots in the third movie can we see the shadow of Bei in Jing? Almost after Xiang Liu gave live teaching in Li Rong's old man's tavern, Jing seemed to have changed his core. Even Xiaotian said he was "cunning". It seems I don’t recognize him anymore. Thinking about it this way, he was quite sad, but to get what he wanted, from his own perspective, it might be all about asking for mercy and getting mercy.

Sea- blue spider webs, non- existent blue smiling flowers. Xiaotian always wakes up from his dreams, but says that he never dreams of Jing. There is no trace of Liu in the third book, but his shadow can always be found in the lines. In Xiaotian's unspoken thoughts, he never left.

Finally, let’s talk about the most important seashells and sharks, combined with Chapters 5, 9, 14, and 15 of the second book.

"Xiaotian suddenly realized that they were in the shell. He wanted to check immediately, but he was afraid of exposing traces, so he had to lie down for a while, then slowly got up, pretending to look around casually. It was that shell. Pure white color, with curled corners, like waves, very beautiful.

The shell is so big that even if two people lie inside, it won't feel crowded at all. When she was in a coma, she and Xiang Liu slept in it. For thirty- seven years, does it count as sleeping on the same bed? The two sharks regarded the shell as their love nest, but what did Xiang Liu think of this shell?

Xiaotian felt that his mind was full of thoughts for a while, his face was hot, and his heartbeat was speeding up. "

2-9 <Where the wind returns, send me treasure>

When they were swimming together at the bottom of the sea, Xiaotian wondered whether Xiangliu also regarded seashells as his love nest. But further back, during thirty- seven years at the bottom of the sea, Xiang Liu came back and made Xiaotian feel as if he had gone home - he had gone home, and she was waiting for him at home. (Ah, I really can’t touch the bottom of the sea for another thirty- seven years. Every word is like a knife.

"Xiaotian doesn't know how long he has been waiting, maybe a few hours,

She felt Xiang Liu again, as if he had come home. First he touched her forehead and greeted her, and then he lay next to her. "

"It turns out that for so many years, she has been put to sleep in a shell by Xiang Liu. Xiaotian couldn't help but smile. Isn't it like a pearl hidden in a shell?"

2-5 <But the farewell lasts for a long time>

Xiaotian had just woken up, and her subconscious association was very sweet. Shells symbolize many things, including wealth, peace, life and love. What Xiaoyao was smiling at must not be because he suddenly felt that Xiang Liu was so rich, that Xiang Liu lived a very stable life, and that Xiang Liu was my reborn parent.

Needless to say, pearls mean treasures. It can be seen that at this moment, Xiaotian's heart thinks that Xiang Liu treasures herself as a treasure. Where did she get her confidence? Xiang Liu gave it to her. During the thirty- seven years at the bottom of the sea, the love that Xiaoyao felt was hot and strong, and it was also a trickle.
So gentle and silent. She had never believed so much that Xiang Liu loved her deeply.

I read a book called "Oath Bird" many years ago, and it told a heartbreaking story in a nonchalant way. I can’t remember the details, but I remember it was mentioned in that book that Nanyang people believe that human memory lives in shells, and memory is something more valuable than life. Although it has nothing to do with "Sauvignon Blanc", it is true that for Xiaoyao, Haibei hides the most unforgettable memory in her life that cannot be told to others.

Xiangliu's seashells are extremely beautiful and important to Xiaotian, so it is worth her searching for the highest- end ingredients and spending countless efforts to carve them into a highly restored miniature model.

"During the chase, the female mermaid seemed to have some thoughts and slowed down. The male mermaid opened the seashell... The female mermaid smiled and swam into the seashell... The male mermaid also swam. "Into the sea shells"

""Haibei is their home. Big seashells are difficult to hunt. The bigger the seashells are, the stronger the male mermaids are. After the female mermaids accept the advances, they will lay on the seashells.

They mate inside and give birth to their children. The pearls are actually the inner core of these big shell monsters, and they are the food prepared by the sharks for the little sharks.

Xiaotian remembered that she had lived in a sea shell during the thirty- seven years she had been sleeping at the bottom of the sea. She didn't notice it at the time. She only remembered that it was pure white and had waves- like curls on the corners, but she couldn't remember how big it was. Xiaotian wanted to ask Xiang Liu, but was embarrassed and secretly regretted it. Why didn't he take a closer look at what the shell he had slept in for thirty- seven years looked like?

Seeing that Xiaotian didn't say a word, Xiang Liu's face gradually turned red again, and he couldn't help coughing: "I think you are quite thick- skinned, but I didn't expect that you were cured by two sharks today."

2-9 <Where the wind returns, send me treasure>

"Hey, hey, hey, classmate Xiaotian, Xiang Liu said that the shells are more

It means that the male shark is stronger, why are you thinking about the sea here?

How old is Bei? She's still blushing, tsk tsk tsk. Really just

I’m thinking about the size of the seashells, so there’s no need to blush, dear~

Xiang Liu coughed something again, and it was obvious that Xiao Tian was flustered and blushing, and he knew what she was thinking.

play. You two continue acting.

These two paragraphs summarize the key points:

The male mermaid asks for sex first, and if the female mermaid accepts, she will swim into the sea shell, and then the male mermaid will swim into the sea shell. In other words, when the mermaids live in the sea shell, they recognize that the sea shell is their home.

Under this premise, let’s look at the ice crystal ball from Xiaotian’s perspective:

"Having a half- open shape, like a flower that has just bloomed" "A beautiful female mermaid sitting sideways on the shell"

This definitely means that she is not sitting on the top but sitting inside, and sitting inside means that the Mermaid has regarded this seashell as her home. Corresponding to Chapter 5, Xiaotian felt as if Xiang Liu had gone home.

The title of Chapter 5 is: But the farewell lasts for a long time. I forgot which article I wrote about this, so I used the phrase "There is a Strange Tree in the Courtyard" as "Why is this thing so valuable? But I feel sad for the time being." It was written about a 99 woman's yearning for her husband who has traveled far away, and her expectations. husband's return Come. So after thirty- seven years under the sea, how does Xiaotian view his relationship with Xiang Liu?

I guess that when she woke up, Xiaoyao must have had that moment in her heart when she thought that Xiang Liu and her were as inseparable as husband and wife. The ice crystal ball confirmed my opinion - because she was waiting for him at home, and the explanation of "Sheike Family" was clearly understood by Xiang Liu.

Female mermaids accept sexual advances —— Huh? When did male mermaids accept sexual advances?

Ahem, our young willows are a pair of strong- willed species, and the sadomasochistic love of a strong- willed species will inevitably have to go through thousands of times, whether it is extremely bad or not.

When a male shark begs for sex, his counterpart Liu Haihai forces a kiss on Xiaotian and asks if you and I are the same as before.

After experiencing the twists and turns of fate, there were life and death, and when the female shark finally fulfilled the promise she made on Chaoyun Peak, NEXT->

She wanted to.To live for herself once, she returned to their home and asked: I am back, will you still go home?

But the female mermaid also knew that the male mermaid was looking out with a distant and indifferent attitude, and he might not come back again.

The hand extended by the female shark is not a single woman asking her sweetheart if she loves her too, but a wife calling her husband who is traveling far away. We obviously have a family, but we are all separated, and now I am back. , are you willing to come back?

"Xiaotian didn't say anything anymore, and Xiang Liu left without looking back. The door slowly closed behind him, making a soft sound. Xiaotian remembered that when she was sleeping on the bottom of the sea, every time the two shells closed, they would make a sound. A similar sound. Xiaoyao's tears fell silently."

2-15<Who does the shadow go to>

The thirty- seven years under the sea and the beautiful white seashells are always as fresh in Xiaotian’s memory. Even to Fangfengbei During the wedding robbery, Xiang Liu closed the door, and all Xiaotian thought of was the closing of the seashells at the bottom of the sea - Xiang Liu's departure and return.

The first time Xiaotian heard the sound of seashells closing was when Xiang Liu came back. But this time, it was to leave. Why are you crying? Because I know very well that after leaving this time, he will not come back again.

Finally, I returned to the big- bellied laughing doll in Xiaoyao's hands. Some people said that the man added to it was Bei, some said it was Xiang Liu's wish for him, but in the absence of clear evidence, I still think it is Ye Qi. It takes two or three years for the ice crystal ball to be opened, sent to the far north, deployed by ice spirit masters, and then grown again. This man did not put it in just before the battle with Xiang Liu, but put it in at least two or three years ago. Went in. What happened two or three years ago? It is assumed that Tu Shanjing's injuries were well enough to survive.

Men and female mermaids are not of the same species. Xiaoyao uses the female mermaid to imply that she recognizes her identity of being half a siren, which is a good match for Xiang Liu. The Mermaid's hand was indeed held, but the picture was really strange. It always reminded me of the story of the Little Mermaid, which eventually turned into bubbles. The man stares at the mermaid. Who is the mermaid looking at?

What hurts more than not being able to love is not being able to love.

 AH :

This might be a good time to mention that I did end up finishing that Titanic-inspired fic:

Fair warning again though, it's 100% canon-compliant with the novel (nothing from the original story is changed) and, like Rose in the Titanic, it acknowledges that the female lead had a long, happy life (including children and grandchildren) with another man (TSJ). So it's definitely not for everyone (nathsketch ^^). 

It also hasn't been beta-read yet, so if you do end up reading it and find any typos or have any suggestions for edits, please let me know! ^^

omg I can't believe I missed this post. Now I have 3 fics I'm looking forward to reading. Thank you!!! <3

 AH :

This might be a good time to mention that I did end up finishing that Titanic-inspired fic:

Fair warning again though, it's 100% canon-compliant with the novel (nothing from the original story is changed) and, like Rose in the Titanic, it acknowledges that the female lead had a long, happy life (including children and grandchildren) with another man (TSJ). So it's definitely not for everyone (nathsketch ^^). 

It also hasn't been beta-read yet, so if you do end up reading it and find any typos or have any suggestions for edits, please let me know! ^^

Oh lord, I missed this.

You finished it!! Yay!

I’ll definitely have to read it! So proud of you!! ???


omg I can't believe I missed this post. Now I have 3 fics I'm looking forward to reading. Thank you!!! <3

Same, I just saw it!!


Speaking of Green Flag Jing, there is a trend in recent years of  using someone's preference for fictional characters/relationships to cast moral judgement on them - with the implications that the one doing the judging is morally superior because they liked the superior person/ship. How pathetically insecure do you have to be to do this!

There are some good conversations to be have about media and their influence on normalising behaviours or things that shouldn't be normalise, but you need to be selective about where on the internet you go to for these sorts of discussions.  A huge chunk of the internet is not good at nuances, context or have the knowledge to have these discussions. Hyperbole, black and white thinking are too often the order of the day for social medias. And fandoms in particular is definitely not the place for it. These fans are as deep as a puddle and more interested in using these topics to defend and legitimise their character/ship of choice then an actual nuance discussion. Words like gaslighting, toxic, abusive and redflag are thrown around like free candies on Halloween,  to the point of being meaningless.‘

You‘ve put into words everything I‘ve thought on this topic so aptly???.  Judging people because whom they ship and accusing them to support abuse, etc is really crossing the line.  We can and must be able to differentiate between drama and real life. And sadly this toxicity (name calling, misplaced accusation) prevents us, shippers of different characters/pairing to discuss and dissect the character/relationship and argue why we ship them calmly. It could be a really interesting discussion and learning chance to see different point of view people could have.  

‚I can play this game and labelled Jing as a Nice Guy. The kind that expects romantic reciprocation for thir niceness, but will turn nasty if rejected or (and this would be more Jing's style), cries, mopes and threatens suicide. But, you know, Jing already does his fair share of things that I can side-eyed him for. I don't need to whack on some social-concept/label to to justify my dislike for certain behaviour of his.‘

Yes in real life having Jing as a husband is not all sunshine and rainbow. He may be devoted to you but God forbid his family (the classic MIL from Hell) doesn‘t like you, then he won‘t be able to shield you from his mother, because he is forever stuck in the middle, not able to choose side  (your side of course as you are his spouse, if we use modern expectation, like they judge XL with) and stick to it, because as soon as MIL said ‚you‘re hurting my feelings, I‘m getting sick because of you‘ he‘s going to wobble back to the other side and ask you to understand and giving in. TSJ did it in drama, I‘m not making things up ?.  In all fairness, I don‘t think Jing will threaten suicide though if XY want to break up with him, maybe indirect suicide because he‘s going to be so sad and heartbroken, so lost his will to live and  somehow the news get back to XY making her pity him and get back with him.  And don‘t start me on how he tied XY for 15 years while he‘s ‘trying‘ to break off his engagement. And may I add, he‘s actually playing with XY reputation pursing and getting cosy with XY during this time, because if it gets out that XY is his side piece, it‘ll at least taint XY reputation for being side piece/homewrecker, callous woman who is hurting and destroying another woman happiness (for all appearance FFYY is a devoted loving fiancee who‘s integrated and accepted in TS Family). NOO I‘m ranting again.Sorry.

So don't bothered with people liked this. Enjoy your entertainment, embraced your love for these fictional "bad boys". To quote a song, "good boys go to heaven, but bad boys bring heaven to you". And XL is absolutely heavenly ?.

OMG I love this quote, Can I steal it ?pls?