I honestly can't pinpoint what exactly feels forced to me, it just does. Or maybe I am bias, maybe I like better the way XY is when she îs next to XL, than the way she îs and acts when îs next to Jing.
Also "During the two years, the two of them were each other’s companion exploring every nook and cranny of Xuan Yuan Castle. He sometimes disappeared, and then would show up again, always with a whatever attitude. Xiao Yao felt like the two of them could have kept playing together like this for forever and an eternity. Because the two of them were just too similar.."
This to me feels more natural, more like her, so much different than the lifestyle she shares with Jing. It's conflicting, because as I said, I am reading something, but I am seeing something else. I don't know how to explain exactly, it's just that it doesn't seem right to me. I haven't finished the whole novel, but up till now the happiest I have seen her was when she îs around XL/FFB, but yet at the end of the day the author îs still telling us that she îs în fact longing for Jing and/or the lifestyle that Jing gives her. Jing îs not XL, even though he would probably take her wherever she wishes for, it is not going to be the same, because Jing îs very different than XL.
Let's just say I like better what XL brings out of her, I think that's actually the thing, but I still feel there is a contradiction along the road.