
He's a 90's baby. His fav Kpop songs and groups are probably second gen :-)

Haven't seen you around in a while. Hope everything is going well @luv2bafangurl and not because you ran into some trouble like Kokuto did. 

This is the worst. My plumber told me that I need to start saving because I'll need to start replacing plumbing fixtures in the near future. *weep*

I‘m fine, thank you for asking. It‘s just that  I‘m trying to move on with my life while waiting for the S2 and TJC‚s other new drama. And like Kokuto I also fighting that losing battle with THE Money Monster. In my city it is even hard to find good handyman/company.  The good ones are constantly fully booked. Also their going rate nowadays make my head spin so fast I almost fainted everytime I see their cost estimation. On the other hand I had a couple of bad experiences already with shody under quality work results that in no way worth the money I’ve paid them for or inflated cost from handyman who took advantage of my desperation shamelessly ‚sigh‘ T-T

@Kokuto: Oh my… start saving up, plumbing is no joke I heard.

I‘m fine, thank you for asking. It‘s just that I‘m trying to move on with my life while waiting for the S2 and TJC‚s other new drama.

The smart thing to do :-). I'm getting there myself.  I've reached the point where I have a cohesive interpretation of the story and am now onto the final stage - critiquing the writing inconsistencies :-). Still have to post that Jing write-up that I've been sitting on. Oops !

In my city it is even hard to find good handyman/company. The good ones are constantly fully booked. Also their going rate nowadays make my head spin so fast I almost fainted everytime I see their cost estimation.

Yup. A good handyman and/or plumber is hard to find. I was lucky that one of my sibling's friends is a plumber so I feel that I can trust him to be honest and do good work. And he gives friends and family discounts which is awesome. And he has a network of other tradesmen that I can tap into. It's worth asking friends and family for tradesmen that they trust. I feel like sometimes they do take advantage when they see that you are a woman. Mechanics are notorious for this

Some Tan to make you all forget about those house maintenance issues

O_O the eyes, bro


Some Tan to make you all forget about those house maintenance issues

O_O the eyes, bro 

He is wearing rings with butterfly decor on it. Who was compared with butterfly in LYF? Xiao Yao. LOL. And one ring on the wedding finger. 


There are many data tracking companies/organisations. Thus, there are many charts . I don’t know exactly but i think for example this chart collects data across several media platforms and social networks, broadcast platforms 

i just found this paper


Thank you. I only read the abstract so far, but it sounds interesting. I do wonder what they mean by the word "reproduction". Nevertheless, the fact that FFB/XL is still popping up on V-link after all these months is probably a good indicator of the organic interest in this character, rather than hype due to "water army' or what have you.


Some Tan to make you all forget about those house maintenance issues

O_O the eyes, bro 

Are these DeBeers ads?

I got serious skin envy looking at these photos !!!

Did anyone see the melon about Love Has Fireworks being scheduled for April this year? It would be funny if this one came out before LYF Season 2.


Sorry, haven't been Tanning lately 'cause of work

and 'cause of him aheueheueheuhe

Am very slowly catching up on the threads... but just quickly dropping by to say thank you for sharing this gorgeous artwork from Harper's Bazaar's 入梦集 photoshoot with TJC, which has so many elements that is reminiscent of Xiang Liu and Fangfeng Bei! Love the LYF artwork you share on your website and looking forward to more!


Are these DeBeers ads?

I got serious skin envy looking at these photos !!!

Did anyone see the melon about Love Has Fireworks being scheduled for April this year? It would be funny if this one came out before LYF Season 2.

No, these are from his studio. Just general pretty photos :P

Yes, it looks very likely that will be released in April. It also seems that LYF will be released later in the year, so no confirmation about those February/March dates as of yet :(

Anyway, we surely have some drama to keep us entertained aheueheueheuhe


Am very slowly catching up on the threads... but just quickly dropping by to say thank you for sharing this gorgeous artwork from Harper's Bazaar's 入梦集 photoshoot with TJC, which has so many elements that is reminiscent of Xiang Liu and Fangfeng Bei! Love the LYF artwork you share on your website and looking forward to more!

Awww thanks Liddi!! That's so nice, I'll make more for sure ❤️

Did anyone see the melon about Love Has Fireworks being scheduled for April this year? It would be funny if this one came out before LYF Season 2.

Based on TJC's Sohu Entertainment interview that aired yesterday, he believes that the movie I Miss You will air first, followed by Love Has Fireworks, then LYF S2, Go East and Under the Skin S2, in that order.


One more, specially for  HeadInTheClouds :3


Awww thanks Liddi!! That's so nice, I'll make more for sure ❤️

That's awesome. Can't wait, thank you!


Based on TJC's Sohu Entertainment interview that aired yesterday, he believes that the movie I Miss You will air first, followed by Love Has Fireworks, then LYF S2, Go East and Under the Skin S2, in that order.


Thank you for the information liddi. At least ưe ưill get the sugar from Love Há Fireworks to fall back on after the blood path from LỲ Season 2. And Go Easr comedy to follow. I probably won't get to see I Miss You :-(


That's awesome. Can't wait, thank you!

I'm waiting for her to complete a set of XL and Bei Baby so I can buy them :-)


One more, specially for  HeadInTheClouds :3

Aww! Thanks :-)

How could you miss the best photo of the bunch??