It’s just like you and HeadInTheClouds said. I hope he doesn’t get typecast in these rom-com fluffy dramas because they’re in all honesty boring as heck, and he’s way too talented to be in such productions :/

I think what he's doing is making the most of the success of LYF to star in these "idol" style dramas to maximize his popularity and exposure. His age is working against him, so he only has a small window to capitalize on this. The exposure and popularity will then hopefully give him some cushion and leverage for the more serious/prestigious acting gigs. With his actual acting talent, it wouldn't be hard for him to do this transition. Unlike many of the idol stars with limited acting talents who find themselves unable to successfully transition into non-idol fares once they age out of the game. It's not a bad strategy, IMO.

It's a shame that Winner is King was banned, otherwise, I think he would have broken out earlier and we might have gotten more lead roles from him.


What is this meowing thing that you keep on mentioning? I must have missed it. Probably during one of those moments when I nodded off :-).

Whenever there's a cute moment, they put in a cat meow sound effect.  Like, IF you some how missed the moment.  lol


From what I gather, his character is an attending cardiac surgeon or cardiologist and VA and she's a college senior. That seems like a very unlikely match in current Chinese society. I just find it pretty unbelievable that someone of his socioeconomic stature would pursue a relationship with a college student (a fling, sure, which would be a bit icky but ofc does happen) no matter how much he fell for her voice online. With that said, it seems to be a wish-fulfillment story so I think realism isn't a priority. 

Agree. It's a show where you need to park your brain on a different continent. These shows serve their purpose. I just don't like this particular dynamic. Now enemies to lovers with lots of bickering? It still cliches, but I like it a lot more.


What is this meowing thing that you keep on mentioning? I must have missed it. Probably during one of those moments when I nodded off :-).

It's a cat sound that keeps appearing every time she's making those deer-in-the-headlights faces. I get it, she's starstruck, she's shy, she's internally screaming. All very relatable, 'cause who wouldn't be?

But that darn cat sound will be the end of me. It was cute at first, like everything else. But after a while, it started to get a bit much, like everything else lmao. I thought she had an invisible cat, but then I figured it was her phone notification sound or something. I was told it's just a way to show she's shy. As if we needed another indication of that.

Love Me Love My Meow hahahahaha


Whenever there's a cute moment, they put in a cat meow sound effect.  Like, IF you some how missed the moment.  lol



Good gosh! You know, at least they are not pretending/hiding what kind of story they are telling :-)


It's a cat sound that keeps appearing every time she's making those deer-in-the-headlights faces. I get it, she's starstruck, she's shy, she's internally screaming. All very relatable, 'cause who wouldn't be?

But that darn cat sound will be the end of me. It was cute at first, like everything else. But after a while, it started to get a bit much, like everything else lmao. I thought she had an invisible cat, but then I figured it was her phone notification sound or something. I was told it's just a way to show she's shy. As if we needed another indication of that.

Love Me Love My Meow hahahahaha

Subtlety was not part of their playbook :-)


It's funny because I sensed something was amiss with Elise when we didn't get showered with tons of pretty gifs.

"What could possibly be so wrong?" :D

lol you noticed I haven't posted much in the LMLMV forum and no gifs for a while? I didn't have anything nice to say about the new show so I just didn't post XD




Good gosh! You know, at least they are not pretending/hiding what kind of story they are telling :-)

I ... no.  no.  Just ... No.  This show is very clear what it is about.  The only way they could have been clearer was to draw in ears and whiskers like we see in gifs and livestreams.

At first, I thought there was a real cat meowing, but then I realized that wasn't the case and what was going on.

Love Me Love My Meow hahahahaha


Subtlety was not part of their playbook :-)


lol you noticed I haven't posted much in the LMLMV forum and no gifs for a while? XD

You guys are killing me.  lol

It's a shame that Winner is King was banned, otherwise, I think he would have broken out earlier and we might have gotten more lead roles from him.

Yes! It's all a shame. Winner is King is the kind of drama that would be nearly universally liked. If they're looking for things to ban, they should start with the trope of those annoying baby females. The odd thing is that Orchid is the only one I genuinely find cute. Maybe because she's a flower and it's all fantasy.

Oh welp, I think I'm becoming a true danmei.

I think what he's doing is making the most of the success of LYF to star in these "idol" style dramas to maximize his popularity and exposure. His age is working against him, so he only has a small window to capitalize on this. The exposure and popularity will then hopefully give him some cushion and leverage for the more serious/prestigious acting gigs.

Hopefully, yes. 'Cause these idol dramas ain't it.  Not for him anyway. It's like putting a Van Gogh in the middle of a street fair.

I still want to continue, though. If he's in it, it will automatically be not awful. Lol just like Tong Hua's "not tragedies" hahahahah

He was offered and signed on to LMLMV and Love Has Fireworks on the heels of his breakout with Under the Skin -- that was a pretty popular show domestically and he got a big boost from it. So actually LYF is not his breakout show domestically (although internationally I think it was, in that it was the show that introduced him to a lot of international fans), it's UTS. Idol dramas don't have mass public appeal (most aren't even aired on tv) and are not going to better his prospects at being offered serious, prestigious work, in fact it will work against him if that's what he wants -- the more idol dramas he does, the less seriously he will be taken and considered for serious prestigious work. Idk if that's even what he wants though, it's what a lot of his fans want for him because they -- myself included -- feel like his acting skills are kind of wasted on idol dramas. I think right now he wants to elevate his status from a mid-tier liuliang to a top-tier one and make the bigger paychecks that come with that. And idol dramas pay well, especially modern ones for 2-3 months of work.

Not everyone can have a career like Yang Zi's where not only is she a top-tier liuliang but is also critically acclaimed and has starred in serious, prestigious productions as well and moves very easily and comfortably between the two spheres of c-ent film/tv. At some point, he's going to be considered too old to be doing idol dramas, so he's probably trying to maximize what time he has left and get the money while it's there -- serious shows and films usually don't pay as well, I think they consider the prestige to be part of the compensation package lol.

As a fan, I literally only have one wish for his career in the next two years -- I would love to see him cast in a Daylight Entertainment show. To me, that would show that his talent is being acknowledged by the right people and his career is going in a direction that will give him longevity and creative success as well as prestige. As comparison, Zhang Wanyi has already been in a few Daylight shows (The Bond, has been cast in Nirvana in Fire 3), when people in the industry talk about future major awards winners, his name is always included in that group. And imo, TJC is a better actor than him (although I'm willing to concede that they have very different acting styles so it could just be that I vastly prefer TJC's acting style).


lol you noticed I haven't posted much in the LMLMV forum and no gifs for a while? I didn't have anything nice to say about the new show so I just didn't post XD

I'm legit ready to roast things but I'm containing myself because:

1) I love my MDL friends more than I love a good roasting session;

2) It's Tan's first ML drama so let him shine;

 3) I like strawberries more than I dislike Peppa Pig females.

I'm going to start hate-watching this because I get funny when I get mad. When things are too tranquil I lose my sense of humour. So that's an incentive :D


It's a cat sound that keeps appearing every time she's making those deer-in-the-headlights faces. I get it, she's starstruck, she's shy, she's internally screaming. All very relatable, 'cause who wouldn't be?

But that darn cat sound will be the end of me. It was cute at first, like everything else. But after a while, it started to get a bit much, like everything else lmao. I thought she had an invisible cat, but then I figured it was her phone notification sound or something. I was told it's just a way to show she's shy. As if we needed another indication of that.

Love Me Love My Meow hahahahaha

This forum is definitely without filters wilddd good take arguments are here. It's a change from fans who support and defend their fav's dramas as if their lives depended on it. 

The baking off (me hating you saying some true when I love this drama with all my lifespan)  meanie girl W now I’m saddd 

I ... no. no. Just ... No. This show is very clear what it is about. The only way they could have been clearer was to draw in ears and whiskers like we see in gifs and livestreams.

Stuff like this would be so much better:

At least the meowing would be appropriate hahahahahahah

The baking off (me hating you saying some true when I love this drama with all my lifespan) meanie girl W now I’m saddd

No Bad, I don't want to make you sad, quite the opposite hahaha

I'll make so many cat jokes that you won't be able to forget about it every time it happens in the drama :D