
It was you who recommended that fanfic right

Wait a minute... Recommend is a very strong word. I remember very clearly putting disclaimers up.

I just informed you of a very hilarious take on Jing in a fanfic. She even think he has done some kind control or manipulated her in the past. XL even offered to kill him. 


Which lipstick are you getting? It's always nice to get a little treat. You should absolutely be excited. I'm wanting to buy the Dior sparkles/shimmer lipstick. So bloody expensive, but it's so pretty I can't resist 

The Very Valentino lipstick :P

From his collection :D 

Hence my desperation hahaha

Wait a minute... Recommend is a very strong word. I remember very clearly putting disclaimers up.

Oh really? xD

I recommended it specifically to you and Elise because there is a whole jing roasting chapter where XY looks back and thinks that her assessment of kind TSJ is wrong and in reality he is a devious guy. I couldn't stop laughing... Chapter 15.

No, but seriously thanks for sharing the link to that fanfic :) I needed a laugh and some fox roasting ❤️


Sorry I passed out from how sexy he was

I thought I'd have a stroke hahahah

I knew there was a reason why I wake up suddenly 5 Am in the morning. Now I can go back to sleep happy after seeing my fill of those lovely photos. Thank you @nathsketch like always you rocks=). Good day everyone! 


I think I posted all the pictures.

My eyes are blurry hahaha

So, they are just posting the sexy, and not clothes and fashion.

I approve.

Thank you.

My Very Valentino lipstick has arrived. My friend is going to ship it to me. The box is so beautiful.

Oh, congratulations!  Can't wait to see it.


I knew there was a reason why I wake up suddenly 5 Am in the morning. Now I can go back to sleep happy after seeing my fill of those lovely photos. Thank you @nathsketch like always you rocks=). Good day everyone! 

It was me screaming at you. You finally heard me lol

Now go back to sleep! Plenty of material for your dreams :D


So, they are just posting the sexy, and not clothes and fashion.

I approve.

Thank you.

Still not the exposed, partially exposed pictures, but we are getting there. It’s a process :)


Still not the exposed, partially exposed pictures, but we are getting there. It’s a process :)

LOL!  And I'm happy to be there for every step of the process.  He's gorgeous.

He just posted on his Weibo 

“Thanks Elle very lazy day”

sir please that’s not lazy here we have a different word for it okay bye have a nice day. 


He just posted on his Weibo 

“Thanks Elle very lazy day”

sir please that’s not lazy here we have a different word for it okay bye have a nice day. 

Happy to be lazy with him. :)


Happy to be lazy with him. :)



WOAH thank you for posting all of these