As a fairly active contributor, I've noticed the majority of my rejected 'new title' submissions were rejected because another user had submitted around the same time as I did. I assume other users may experience this too, particularly when a new movie/drama is announced (especially those with popular actors or adapted from popular works).

I'm personally more concerned about the summary portion, which is more user-specific, than other general information (cast/crew, genre/tags). However, I think the time and effort some users spend to submit a title with 'x' amount of information, only to be rejected, can be better used on other submissions/contributions (I imagine it may get repetitive for the staff to reject multiple duplicate submissions as well!).

I wonder if it would be possible, when submitting new titles/people, for there to be a queue on the side where contributors can check to see if another user has already submitted the same title/person which is still to be approved (of course, after cross-checking the database to see if there is already an existing page). Obviously, contributors who are not approval staff would be only able to view the queue, but not have access to do anything to/with it. I understand the approval queue may get quite long, so perhaps we can show 30-50 of the most recent submissions (whatever feels adequate!). Maybe we can also add a search option that extends beyond the maximum submissions we can see, where users can search for a possibly-queued title by its submitted name/"aka names".

For titles: with their name/picture/release year (like when searching up titles while editing an actor's page).

For actors: with their name/picture/birth year (like when searching up actors while editing titles).

I would definitely appreciate this one for the 'add new title' page, but it would also be useful for the 'add new person' page.

Let me know your thoughts!
