Merry Christmas, all my wonderful friends and Tan Jian Ci appreciators!

I hope everyone who celebrates had a wonderful holiday.  My laid back day didn't quite turn out as laid back as I had planned, but overall, this was a lovely Christmas for me and mine, with plenty of good company and good food.

I hope everyone who celebrates had a wonderful holiday. My laid back day didn't quite turn out as laid back as I had planned, but overall, this was a lovely Christmas for me and mine, with plenty of good company and good food.

I can already hear the boys' pleas for attention heuehue

Did you leave them alone and go partying without your sons? Lololol


I can already hear the boys' pleas for attention heuehue

Did you leave them alone and go partying without your sons? Lololol

Yes, I did leave them alone for a few hours to meet up with a friend who came in from out of town and a mom visit.  Even though I brought them some bribes (leftovers) they piled up on me and won't let me move.  Spoiled rotten.

Trying to catch up here ... someone on the comments said there were official trailers for Season 2 on WeChat.  Has anyone seen them?  Should I start crying now?


Inaccurate. I see only tans, I mean tens. :D



Trying to catch up here ... someone on the comments said there were official trailers for Season 2 on WeChat.  Has anyone seen them?  Should I start crying now?

Really? No! Omg 

New song coming soon my guys.

Mona Lisa ahhhhhhh


Yes, I did leave them alone for a few hours to meet up with a friend who came in from out of town and a mom visit.  Even though I brought them some bribes (leftovers) they piled up on me and won't let me move.  Spoiled rotten.

As they should. :)


 Merry Christmas, all my wonderful friends and Tan Jian Ci appreciators!

I hope everyone who celebrates had a wonderful holiday.  My laid back day didn't quite turn out as laid back as I had planned, but overall, this was a lovely Christmas for me and mine, with plenty of good company and good food.

I’m so glad to hear that Kokuto. I don’t know if we’re you live was raining but down here has been raining most of the day. We had to take the opportunity to take out Luna when it wasn’t raining because she hates to get wet :o) ♥️


I’m so glad to hear that Kokuto. I don’t know if we’re you live was raining but down here has been raining most of the day. We had to take the opportunity to take out Luna when it wasn’t raining because she hates to get wet :o) ♥️

Yes, it's been raining or overcast all day.  A great day for staying inside with the hot coca.  But I kick the boys out in the backyard for a quick taking care of business as long as it isn't raining buckets.  Taro hates it, but evil mommy blocks the door.  muahahahaha.


Yes, it's been raining or overcast all day.  A great day for staying inside with the hot coca.  But I kick the boys out in the backyard for a quick taking care of business as long as it isn't raining buckets.  Taro hates it, but evil mommy blocks the door.  muahahahaha. 

:0). Luna doesn’t like to get wet at all. So if she sees rain or should I say if she feel it she will go back immediately :p

But it also made me think, of which I already kind of knew or strongly suspected, that TJC is both a sentimental and romantic soul -- there's something very intimate and seductive about buying perfume for someone you care about.

I don't know enough about TJC, however, he does come across as thoughtful and reflective when he talked about crafting a character that suggests someone with sensitivity. And the way that he takes his adorable puppies everywhere - he's a softie. I think it's cute how his dogs are tiny lapdogs typically associated with female owners so he doesn't care about coming across as masculine. 

And I agree that buying a fragrance for someone can be a highly intimate thing; not only do you have to think about their taste, but you also have to think about how you see them and how you would like them to smell. There's no way I'll buy my partner something that makes me recoil :-).

Along with Ormond Jayne Xi'an, I'm also contemplating buying the other fragrances in Armani Prive's China-inspired line -- The Yulong and Pivoine Suzhou.

I've smelled both of these. Pivoine Suzhou is on the sweet side with a slight sour note to my nose. Yulong is a tea-based scent, it's a pleasant everyday scent that is easy to wear, just lacking a certain smokiness that I tend to like in my tea-based fragrance. 

I definitely prefer a clean musk, something skin-scented. I'm not sure about Uncut Gem because it literally says in the description on the website that it's manly lol.

I had a sniff of Uncut Gem today and it is very masculine and "hard" to my nose. If you prefer a clean musk give Musc Ravageur a smell, the dried-down is slightly sweet, musky and close to the skin. I also tried Rose Tonnerra and it's a big, fat no from me. It's the worst kind of rose fragrance because it actually smells like real roses which just gives me headaches and an old-ladyish vibe. I much prefer rose notes when it doesn't smell that much like rose :-).

I think Xiang Liu is a character created to make a person fall hopelessly in love with him. He has all the admirable qualities and all the fascinating complexities to make him singular and unforgettable. TJC has more than once spoken of how difficult it was for him to let go of this role -- he fell in love with Xiang Liu too, I am sure. Season 2 will hopefully provide closure for fans but also I think I've accepted that Xiang Liu will forever be 'the one who got away' character that fans will always yearn for.

Well, I need to "break up" with this character ASAP because this relationship is sapping me of my time and energy :-). I still get teary reading certain passages in the novel and watching certain scenes in the drama. It's really bad and I obviously need help :-). Have you read the novel?

LOL one of my friends said that TJC is about a 7 in modern styling and shoots straight up to a 10 in historical costume and styling.

nathskeths and maybe you might kill me for this, but I agree with your friends. I told nathskeths that TJC probably isn't the best-looking one out of the cast, but as Xiang Liu he is leaps and bounds the most attractive. Part of it is probably due to the character of XL, the other part is probably due to the power of a good wig or two :-). I think his styling for Xiang Liu and Gu Yun in Winner is King are his best costume looks. When will Winner is King be released from purgatory?

Commercially, it's absolutely a good move. It will set him up for life financially and give him stability

Yes, I can see why this would be a good thing for him and any artist really. The field is highly competitive and unstable, financial security is something that we all strive for. Some financial cushion will potentially allow him to take more artistic risks because he isn't worried about getting that next gig etc. 

Could be a bad move in that if he continues to do more romantic idol dramas he will eventually be pigeonholed as that and industry people will forget that he's a legitimately good actor who can do and excel in serious work and won't be thinking of potentially casting him when those kinds of jobs come up.

I think the fact that he'd already shown his acting chops may work in his favour as he wouldn't have to overcome the prejudice that actors who started at liuliang faced when they tried to pivot into more serious work. If he can balance between romantic idol dramas and more serious, dramatic works, he may be fine. The fact that he can act will always be his biggest advantage. What are the odds that he will achieve top liuliang status, you think? The competition is fierce and I can see his potential limitations. Who are the top liuliangs at the moment? Xiao Zhan, Wang Yi Bo, Yang Yang (is he still on top?), Wang Hedi? Anyone else?

For TJC's particular situation, I think liuliang status was not really something he actively chased (although his critics will disagree, but I've been there since 2017 and never once did I feel like he was trying to become a liuliang,

From his body of work, there are two roles I can see that can be pointed to as attempts to reach liuliang status - Gu Yun and Xiang Liu. I agree though that he seems to genuinely love acting and performing so it's not just about popularity or fame. 

They are not at the level of some other extremely toxic monolithic fandoms like 紫米 or xfx, but they are really only about 2 years into a path of potentially becoming a major fandom so they really need to, as the saying goes, check themselves before they wreck themselves

I recognize that xfx stands for Xiao Zhan's fandom, but who's the first one? I genuinely don't understand stanning and find the obsessive behaviour and unconditional/unthinking support baffling. Asian fandoms take things to the extreme, IMO. I just love some good celebrity gossip. It's unfortunate that because of the language barrier, I can't access much of the Chinese celebs' and fandom shenanigans because there is some crazy behaviour there:-)

What did his fans do that lead him to released those guidelines? I do enjoy TJC acting a lot and hope that his fandom will keep things sane for his sake.


Trying to catch up here ... someone on the comments said there were official trailers for Season 2 on WeChat.  Has anyone seen them?  Should I start crying now?

I haven't seen anything on Facebook, and his fans are usually super quick with those sorts of things.

You know...

we could still do that.

Well, I am on break at the moment so I can work with that time difference. Once I'm back to work, it will be more difficult to get the time line up.


Heh! A+ for self-awareness :-)