
How long will your break last?

By the way, I just added you on WhatsApp!

I'm off until the 8th of Jan.

Thanks!! It's day 2 of my post-drama depression and it's not getting any better. A Journey to Love, more like A Journey to the Afterlife! T_T

Someone on Facebook commented that it's still a HE, just a Heavenly Ending :-). I'm waiting for Love has Fireworks as well, we haven't heard anything more about it. 

I think some folks got excited when he rolled down the window and was waving at the fans, though you'd think they'd understand that was just an acknowledgement of his fans and not an invitation. I think alot of his fans, especially the long time fans, were aghast at that behavior.

Jeeze. I want to say that I'm surprised, but I've seen too many insane fan behaviour to be taken aback by anything that some of these people will do. I'd imagine his long-time fans are more into his talent and body of work rather than your more typical idol-style fans who are heavily into the fantasy that idol actors tend to promote. Some of them seem to struggle to separate the actors of the characters that they play. 

I'm guilty of obsessive behavior and stanning, but it's of the armchair sort and nothing compared to the dedication of Chinese fans

They are fanatically dedicated and well-coordinated. My obsession stopped at buying one copy of a magazine or sitting through more episodes than I would of a drama that wasn't to my liking. I ain't waiting around for hours on end to catch a glimpse of them or spending crazy amounts of money to help them sell products.  I just find the psychology behind this sort of fanatism fascinating. 

The Chinese fandoms are coordinated like a military unit :-). There seems to be all kinds of shady stuff going on in China fandoms with deliberate smeared campaigns and buying "water army" to push certain narrative etc.

Though, like you, I do enjoy some juicy celebrity gossip with my popcorn. ;p Like that mess with Dylan and Dilraba fans. LOL!

It's a great stress relief :-). There is beef between Dylan and Dilraba fans? They haven't even worked together, I don't think. What on earth could these fans be fighting about?

I’m legit worried about Love Has Fireworks. WCR last drama has a rating of 2.8 on…somewhere from a picture I was sent. Douban maybe?

Anyway, we live in fear. Nothing new. Lololol

@Kokudo: I only see the list for actor in your link but I don't see the vote for actress And do you know how the prize for “the most expected coming drama prize in Tencent awards was determined. How comes that “best choice ever with Yang zi and xukai surpassed LYF season 2? LYF S2 probably has a lot of reservation

It's the post below ... though it looks like my link only goes to a post, instead of the community tab.  Here's the post for the actresses.

I have no idea how TenCent picked the awards.  Perhaps they have a release date for Best Choice Ever, and are pushing it?  I got the feeling that a lot of the awards were more recognition, than actual a competition.


I’m legit worried about Love Has Fireworks. WCR last drama has a rating of 2.8 on…somewhere from a picture I was sent. Douban maybe?

Anyway, we live in fear. Nothing new. Lololol

Was that Fireworks of the Heart?  That was a giant dumpster fire for Cnetizens for some reason.  They kept finding things to hate about it, including roasting the drama for having the water running, and not conserving water, while a couple was making out.

But yes.  Wang Churan has been getting a lot of grief for her attitude too.


Was that Fireworks of the Heart?  That was a giant dumpster fire for Cnetizens for some reason.  They kept finding things to hate about it, including roasting the drama for having the water running, and not conserving water, while a couple was making out.

But yes.  Wang Churan has been getting a lot of grief for her attitude too.

Yes that one. Always the darn fireworks.

Already bracing myself for impact. Tan needs to stay away from these nonsense rom-coms. He’s better than all this stuff. 

It's a great stress relief :-). There is beef between Dylan and Dilraba fans? They haven't even worked together, I don't think. What on earth could these fans be fighting about?

Allegedly Dylan was in talks to join Dilraba's newest drama, but ended up refusing the role, because he wanted top billing.  Not even sure if that is true.  But the fans went nuts, and started attacking each other and the stars.  It went from commentary on the stars acting abilities, or lack of, to accusations of Dylan having a 2cm .... sausage --which may or may not have trended / become a hot search on weibo.  LMAO.

Needless to say, it got ugly,  and supposedly the stars had to step in, and tell their fans to calm down and STFU.


I’m legit worried about Love Has Fireworks. WCR last drama has a rating of 2.8 on…somewhere from a picture I was sent. Douban maybe?

Anyway, we live in fear. Nothing new. Lololol

You should be worry, I don’t about everyone but for me she’s that actress who make you sleep or annoyed watching her dramas when she’s female lead.:( I just hope to not be disappointed for TJC sake seriously


Yes that one. Always the darn fireworks.

Already bracing myself for impact. Tan needs to stay away from these nonsense rom-coms. He’s better than all this stuff. 

Yes, that's why I wish they would change the title of her and Tan Jian Ci's drama.

I prefer the costume dramas, but I think he wanted to do these modern contemporary romances because producers didn't see him able to play the ML in them.  Now that he's made it clear he can do it successfully, he probably won't feel as eager?

I'm waiting for Love has Fireworks as well, we haven't heard anything more about it.

It's open for reservations if you have WeChat or a VIP subscription to WeTV.

Damnn you don’t know how hard this vote was for me like Tan Jian Ci and Xu Kai, two favourite to the death of me literally. Not only I love Xu Kai in Wonderland of Love this year and he’s just one my favorite Chinese actor’s because even with some bad scripts my boo always manages to level up with his acting every drama I saw from him. Anyway I still vote for TJC because Xiang Liu was so memorable this year of course no one can take his place. That’s what help me decide which one of them my vote go to such an hassle haha _’

We appreciate the vote, especially considering how well Xu Kai is doing.  But you can vote for him tomorrow. :)


You should be worry, I don’t about everyone but for me she’s that actress who make you sleep or annoyed watching her dramas when she’s female lead.:( I just hope to not be disappointed for TJC sake seriously

Oh hell. I already dropped that other one. I can’t drop this too, helppp

Jeeze. I want to say that I'm surprised, but I've seen too many insane fan behaviour to be taken aback by anything that some of these people will do. I'd imagine his long-time fans are more into his talent and body of work rather than your more typical idol-style fans who are heavily into the fantasy that idol actors tend to promote. Some of them seem to struggle to separate the actors of the characters that they play.

Well, fan is just short for fanatic.  

I will say that Tan Jian Ci seems to walk the line between acknowledging and appreciating his fans, and maintaining his distance.  I'm sure it has something to do with having spent half his life in the public eye.  Plus he seems to have a good PR / fan club.  He also seems to have a calm center to his personality.

They are fanatically dedicated and well-coordinated. My obsession stopped at buying one copy of a magazine or sitting through more episodes than I would of a drama that wasn't to my liking. I ain't waiting around for hours on end to catch a glimpse of them or spending crazy amounts of money to help them sell products. I just find the psychology behind this sort of fanatism fascinating.

The Chinese fandoms are coordinated like a military unit :-). There seems to be all kinds of shady stuff going on in China fandoms with deliberate smeared campaigns and buying "water army" to push certain narrative etc.

I think there are a segment of fans that are the same all over the world.  There's also been PR firms that try to manipulate fans and press since the 20s.  But I think the Chinese fans are just much better organized, as you said, and very dedicated.  

Yes, I'm a lazy fan.  I don't want to stand in line for anything.  lol  I think there's an actual endorphin high fans get from doing that in person, though, plus the whole group / collective belonging feeling.



MK Interview with the Bae 

Yay!!  I'm so glad he got a clothing endorsement, and not another beauty product.  Yes, we KNOW he's beautiful.  lol


Oh hell. I already dropped that other one. I can’t drop this too, helppp


You should be worry, I don’t about everyone but for me she’s that actress who make you sleep or annoyed watching her dramas when she’s female lead.:( I just hope to not be disappointed for TJC sake seriously

I'm going to be stunned if I end up liking LMLMV better than Fireworks, cause Fireworks looks like exactly my jam.  Of course, I never thought I'd enjoy LMLMV as much as I did.