
LMLMV needs  all the love we can give it as it seems we are the only ones who like/love it despite all it‘s glaring shortcomings =) cat meowing, boring flat characters among many other things LOL

I second that on Li Yi Tong, I heard ppl praised her acting but from the two dramas I saw her in, one with Deng Lun and Court Lady and her guest appearance in LBFAD, I‘m not impressed with her acting. Looks quite wooden to me. To be fair her characters in both dramas are the mary sue goody type of character

I did not watch any Li Yitong's drama other than Court Lady. Not impressed at her acting at all. Don't know if she got impoved lately. TJC was there with Li Yitong in Court Lady. His screen time together with her might exceed her screen time with the ML. 

I saw some posts on facebook lately saying that TJC's Love has fireworks will be on air in the early of 2024. 

About LMLMV, many of us didn't enjoy the plot and the drama pace, it seems that it still scores well in several ratings. Meaning, there are many viewers who rated it high (don't know if they rated the drama base on the drama itself or because of their idols). This morning, I read a post of my friends who watched millions C-K drama and she had hobby of reviewing drama/movies. She praised LMLMV because of the content about food and music



LMLMV needs  all the love we can give it as it seems we are the only ones who like/love it despite all it‘s glaring shortcomings =) cat meowing, boring flat characters among many other things LOL

I kid you not, but I made it to episode 20 thanks to Kokuto and Head.

I did not think that was possible hahahah the power of friends amirite :D


Li Yi Tong needs to get out of her cutesy role

As Avenuex mentioned, she plays herself in all the roles, she's not able to take on the character thus she tends to look and sound the same 

Cutesy roles need to be exterminated or played by people who know what they’re doing. If you ain’t a flower or a ladybug in disguise, either  drop the act or seek help. Lololololol

About UTS S2, as I am likely the minority here who doesn‘t rave about UTS S1 (I struggled to finished that one, because the story is not engaging for me) I don’t mind that the original writers were leaving the project. Maybe the new writers will succeed in making the story more interesting than its predecessor.

Understandable, it had problems with it. I found some of the police procedural aspect of it really straining believability and the way some of the cases were solved were unrealistic bordering on Keystone Cops silly. However, there's two main things that made me like the show; 1) it highlighted contemporary issues and problems in modern Chinese society and it highlighted the issues women face within that society as well as treating those issues in a mostly sensitive and nuanced way; 2) TJC's role was well-suited and constructed to showing off various facets of his acting skills, it was a multi-dimensional character that he brought to life. TJC has said that in evaluating potential projects he will ask himself why should he in particular do a role over any other actor, is there a compelling reason for him to do the part, can he bring something that other actors can't? I like this discerning attitude and intentionality towards one's work product (in the case of an actor, that work product is captured basically for all time for however many future audiences to see and evaluate) because I don't think just because someone is a good actor they should do every kind of role or are suited to every role. Every good actor is good in their own specific ways and I think his character in Under the Skin showed off TJC's particular strengths as an actor well.

There have definitely been roles TJC has taken on where I question if he's the best man for the job (different from whether he's my personal favorite man lol) or that I can imagine other actors doing and having about the same result.

Somewhat unrelated, I just wanted to say that I don't think people need to defend or explain why they enjoyed LMLMV. We're all different: we watch different things, we choose what to spend our time on watching for different reasons, and enjoy them for different reasons. 

The ones I was most interested in was a rumored wuxia with him and Zhang Ruoyun, and a wuxia with him and Cheng Yi (Zhang Wanyi's name was also mentioned as possibly involved with one of those but I don't remember which one),

I've heard of the one with Cheng Yi, it's rumoured to be a wuxia, right? If it's in the vein of the Mysterious Lotus Case book, it would be good. I don't think TJC has ever been in a wuxia before. Zhang Ruoyun is a solid actor and will give TJC plenty to play off, that would be an interesting pairing. 

The one rumoured with Zhao Lusi is, I believe, from the same team that did Love Like the Galaxy. I enjoyed that drama and it was very well received. What I hope is that it won't be a story that focuses on the female lead, while the male lead is in a more supporting role. Love Like the Galaxy was co-lead, both female and male leads had their arc and development. I think to get to the next level, TJC needs to successfully carry a drama where he is clearly the lead protagonist. 

And there's Si Ming which seems like it might happen but I can't say that I'm excited for it because while I don't dislike Li Yitong, I don't find her interesting to watch she's a serviceable actress in my mind but that's about it.

I agree that Li YiTong is serviceable, but un-exciting. She reminds me of Li Qin. Both are serviceable but lack a certain screen presence and audience affinity. I don't hate, but I don't love.

Did you see the rumour about the project with Deng Wei? That one doesn't look too credible and I hope it's not true since Deng Wei is really not a good actor at the moment.

About UTS S2, as I am likely the minority here who doesn‘t rave about UTS S1

I'm the same. I enjoyed it but didn't love it. I liked the inclusion of the social commentary, but I feel like the cases were not as engaging and as tense as I would have liked.

I heard that they are making Cdrama remake of Flower of Evil.

Oh man! That would have been an interesting role for TJC. A lot of us here wish that he would take on a darker, more twisted character. We ain't right in the head :-)

I‘m off to google what ‘eating someone‘ means. Have an idea already what it can be, but I do like to have my facts straight and clear hence research is essential.LOL

So, what did you find out and is it what you think it is :-)?

well, I'm stuck with you then

I'm ready for all the speed, lol

Hehe! Well, fasten your seatbelt.

First lesson. Never put "I'm open to be educated" in your profile on dating apps/sites. That's catnip to men and unfortunately, you'll attract men that you don't want to be attracting. Although, if you like to live dangerously, then by all means ;-). If you want to attract a "bad boy" hubby to teach you things, I guess you'll need to live a little dangerously :-)



Thank you for sharing. His voice sounds different when he sings pop music compared to when he sings on OST. But it could just be because I don't understand the language.


Hehe! Well, fasten your seatbelt.

First lesson. Never put "I'm open to be educated" in your profile on dating apps/sites. That's catnip to men and unfortunately, you'll attract men that you don't want to be attracting. Although, if you like to live dangerously, then by all means ;-). If you want to attract a "bad boy" hubby to teach you things, I guess you'll need to live a little dangerously :-) 

thank you for the lesson, 

'avoid evil men at all cost'! 

......for the "bad boy" husband bit, can I live dangerously safe? 

.....I don't want to live all the way dangerous, I'm quite fragile . Lol

Don't know if it is proper to post it here. Some claimed that "I swear this is the vision TH had in her head when she had her 1rst thought on how XL should look like. "

Don't know if it is proper to post it here. Some claimed that "I swear this is the vision TH had in her head when she had her 1rst thought on how XL should look like. "


Well, if you can't be the most amazing character in the show, cosplay him.

Anyone who says that, doesn't understand what XL is.  The man doesn't even have a hair ornament -- why the heck would he curl his hair?  In an army camp???  I mean, seriously?  They trash talk him being a demon, can you imagine what they'd say if he was prancing around camp in curls?  SMH.  And that costume?  XL is a creature born and bred in blood and fighting.  His childhood was spent fighting in the slave arenas for his life.  He's not wearing a overly long fluffy robe with giant windbag sleeves and a freaking train.  WTF?

Not to mention ... Tong Hua got to see Deng Wei and Tan Jian Ci in LYF.  If Deng Wei was HER vision of XL, all she had to do was speak up.  She did not.  Instead, she wrote a script for Tan Jian and got him for that drama.

Did you see the rumour about the project with Deng Wei? That one doesn't look too credible and I hope it's not true since Deng Wei is really not a good actor at the moment.

Now the rumor is that it's going to be Deng Wei and Zhang Ling He.

I'll running for my popcorn now.  The fan wars will be epic.



Don't know if it is proper to post it here. Some claimed that "I swear this is the vision TH had in her head when she had her 1rst thought on how XL should look like. "

This one looks like he'll scream and run from a cockroach

...too girly

In general, I don't understand the stylish concept of having curling end part of the hair. It is historical or ancient time. If a man had curly hair it was due to his DNA. there were no hairdressers with curling service. 

Thus such style is unrealistic