

thank you for your really informative insight on c-net. It’s too bad that TJC’s height is still kind of being his stumbling block. I hope that more and more high end fashion brands will see the merit of using average height of local people to promote their clothes. Especially in Asia where the majority of women actually are petite and TJC‘s height actually the average height of the men there. Maybe we‘ll live to see the surge of new fashion models with body types and heights that actually are the representative of real people instead of this idealized tall skinny models walking on the catwalk.  ‚I won‘t hold my breath though‘. 

This height thing makes zero sense. People be thinking he's like 1.50m. Do they need giraffes for these fashion brands? LOLOLOL

But actually, that's a good thing, tho. "Chinese women like tall men". May they continue liking them, then :)


Here!  Have some more cats meows that you'll like.  Tan Jian Ci cat emoji!



Omgg the same energy I have nooo don’t wake me up before I see it!! In Tan we will trust, I will be like an idealistic Jing fan don’t stop me haha

Chinguuuuu  that drama was a total disappointment for me :0(


I can't believe it, Ericka!  You too?  Ah well, at least this is a movie, so it's not a big time investment.

I'll join in optimism.  Especially since it is a movie.

Kokuto we talked about it last week I think and you told me that that usually it wasn’t your type of drama but you enjoyed it. I couldn’t watch it anymore. 14 episodes were too much for me. I remember that we talked when I was in Colombia and the first episodes weren’t that bad but after some point, it started being so weird. Their interactions were pretty awkward :0(

Do you have any particular travel atomisers that you would recommend? 

I have a couple by Dior that I think are good, and Frederic Malle has some too that are probably quite good. 

I've noticed that you like the Iso E Super molecules, it's in I Don't Know What, Molecules 1 and Another 13. I did have a smell of Another 13 and I can see why you would like it. It's a lovely clean skin scent - totally the Clean Girl aesthetic. Not Another Perfume is my current Clean Girl's go-to, but I'm tempted to add another one. Between Another 13 and I Don't Know What, which one lasts longer and which would you recommend?

Yes, I really do! I think I Don't Know What is my favorite out of those 3, Another 13 was my go-to but I Don't Know What is less sweet and more unisex which I prefer and it lasts longer on me. My skin tends to eat perfume too. :(

Amouage's Epic sounds intriguing, I will have to look into that. I was actually gifted a bottle of Nishane's Hundred Silent Ways for the holidays -- I don't know how I feel about it, it smells sweeter and more gourmand than what I am usually drawn to, the name is really pretty though. Thank you for the tip about Google Lens, it turns out the Salt perfume is from an in-house line that &otherstories does or used to do. I really don't remember ever buying perfume from &otherstories, so lol I'm mystified, maybe it was a gift from a long time ago.

I wasn't aware of that. Is he repping their fashion or more their accessories side of things?

I think both!

I did try to watch the modern series that he did after that but gave up after a handful of episodes since he didn't have the same appeal there as in Maiden Holmes.

lol was that Love Crossed? Because I tried watching that too and couldn't get through it. But there was this one actor from that show that I saw in a mini drama in 2023 whose acting I like (more than I like Zhang Linghe's acting) -- Brian Chang (Chang Bin). I saw him in the mini drama What's Wrong with My Princess? this year and even though that was so low budget and rushed, I was impressed by him and the FL in it (Wu Ming Jing -- she gives me the impression of a young Zhang Xiaofei), they are on my radar now. The show got no attention, but it still sticks in my head because I thought their acting and chemistry was restrained, subtle, mature and better than what I would expect from a mini drama. The show was cheap, but their performances were not.

People keep saying he outshone Dylan in Miss the Dragon, and I believe he played more of an antagonist in that one, I believe.

I could not get through that show, but he was better than Dylan although that's not really saying much because Dylan was bad in it. I think Deng Wei actually does better playing antagonist roles, he seems to have more fun with them. He also had better chemistry with Pan Mei Ye who is the same age as him and they were about on the same level career-wise at the time they made Miss the Dragon, he seemed more comfortable with her like they could interact as friends instead of a junior-senior relationship.

It’s too bad that TJC’s height is still kind of being his stumbling block.

It's really only a negative if he wants to keep doing idol dramas in particular and becoming more involved in high fashion brand partnerships. And even then, if his fandom grows large and financially influential enough, it will stop mattering at all because at the end of the day it's all about money and if you have a fandom that is willing to buy anything and everything you promote and consume any and all media you are in, you will be fine regardless of your height.

All this TJC and cat talk is reminding me of that video he did where he asks some fortune-telling object if he's going to raise a cat too and it gave him a vague reply. At one point he's said he doesn't like cats, but he's also said that he likes them now after he made Adoring and fell in love with his cat co-star.

By the way, Kokuto I think I gave you (I think it was you) some misinformation at one point. You asked if TJC was still with Youhug and I said no, but actually he technically still is. He's with Shanghai Yaoke which owns Youhug and Shanghai Yaoke is bankrolling his JC-T Studio.

Hey there Atmospheres! Are you still traveling a lot?

Well, if they haven't caused a big enough ruckus or flame war to be memorable, that's a big plus as far as what his fandom is like. :)

Definitely a case of no news is good news :-). I think fandom can be a reflection of the idol as well. These liuliangs or their PR/Management encourage the fandom to a certain extent as it benefits them. If the idol doesn't engage in the tactics and games, eventually the fandom will die out.

People keep saying he outshone Dylan in Miss the Dragon, and I believe he played more of an antagonist in that one, I believe. I haven't had a chance to watch it, as I heard it wasn't exactly a good drama

I saw like, 3 episodes then promptly dropped it. I can't remember if DW had shown up during the 3 episodes. Dylan is not what I call a good actor; he still relies on the role to be a suitable one or likeable one (such as DFQC) so I don't know if outshining him is a flex. 

Miss the Dragon was the reason I was a Jinger at first. Yikes. I'll never feel comfortable writing this stuff for all to see hahaha

It's part of your shameful past, nathsketch. You've been repenting for your sins since :-).


Look guys, they fixed it!

Imagine if it were like this!? Though they would still need a better actress for the role lolololololol

This is not even Hannibal Lecter anymore, just straight-up psycho-serial killer vibe 0_0 (which I know, Lecter kinda is :-).)


Here!  Have some more cats meows that you'll like.  Tan Jian Ci cat emoji!

That first cat is me whenever I discuss Jing :-). The last one is my kindred spirit - "Who am I? Where am I? I? I'm a bit confused right now :)."

TJC is cute, but the cats are cuter. Sorry!! Cute, fluffy animals will also come up trump in my book :)


That first cat is me whenever I discuss Jing :-). The last one is my kindred spirit - "Who am I? Where am I? I? I'm a bit confused right now :)."

TJC is cute, but the cats are cuter. Sorry!! Cute, fluffy animals will also come up trump in my book :)

The first one definitely is Jinger Attack mode hohohoho


Hey there Atmospheres! Are you still traveling a lot?

Hello!*waves* No, thank goodness, I'm finally back home and I have the next few days to rest and re-charge (and eat all the food I had been missing when I was overseas).

If you are up, the Weibo Night Livestream is up and on the Red Carpet!

Tan Jian Ci livestreaming from his car on the way to the awards!

I was actually gifted a bottle of Nishane's Hundred Silent Ways for the holidays -- I don't know how I feel about it, it smells sweeter and more gourmand than what I am usually drawn to, the name is really pretty though.

I quite like Hundred Silent Ways, but it's definitely on the sweet side, probably more my speed than yours since you like fresher, more unisex fragrances. I think this is Nishan's best seller, so whoever gifted it to you probably did their research. Nishane has one called Wulong Cha that I think would be more your cup of tea (unintended pun :-).) And it's China's inspired as you can tell from the name. 

I think both!

This is good. Prada is one of the top 5 I believe when it comes to fashion houses that put a lot of money into their campaigns and their presence during Fashion Week. 

lol was that Love Crossed? Because I tried watching that too and couldn't get through it.

It was Sparkled Love. A campus love story and I'm too old for those, now :-). There are some really solid offerings in the mini-drama realm. Last year's A Familiar Stranger was a surprising find for me. It's a good place for young actors to gain experience and hone their acting chops and hopefully be able to transition into more mainstream productions. 

This is good. Prada is one of the top 5 I believe when it comes to fashion houses that put a lot of money into their campaigns and their presence during Fashion Week.

I believe he said he was wearing Prada on the red carpet at the Weibo Awards.  He had a cute robot pin too on his lapel.  Waiting to see if he'll change again for the actual show, like at TenCent.