Winny Aye:

A brief sweet scene in Ep 17..

I love your compo!

Adding this gorgeous DW pic <3

DW Fan ART. owner :)


I love your compo!

Thank You So Much..♥


DW Fan ART. owner :)

Omg...this art...yes the man..

Just a quick update. .after long pause. chapter 14 ...EP 20

Her first willing Kiss...

 Winny Aye:

Just a quick update. .after long pause. chapter 14 ...EP 20

Her first willing Kiss...

Thank you! It's beautifull!!! I love your compo!

Cr to owner. XiaoJing hairwashing scene .


Cr to owner. XiaoJing hairwashing scene .

lol I love hair wash scenes..  ♡♡

Yes I also wish there  a scene of hair washing between them 

Xiao Yao and Tushang Jing at Wedding...

from leaked script for season 2...

△ Xiaotian and Tu Shanjing bowed to heaven and earth side by side.
 Lao Sang: I pay my second respect to your elders.
△ Xiaotian and Tushan Jing kowtowed to old King Xuanyuan, Gao Xin Shaohao and Lingxuan. Both old King Xuanyuan and Gao Xin Shaohao looked pleased and happy. Cangxuan smiled slightly. Lao Sang: The newlyweds greet each other.
△ Xiaotian and Tu Shanjing bowed to each other, both looking shy and happy.
Lao Sang: (wiping tears with joy) The ceremony is done!
 A Nian: (laughing playfully) Congratulations to sister and brother-in-law!
Li Rongchang: (Just for fun) Congratulations Jing, congratulations sister-in-law.

△ Xiaotian and Tu Shanjing looked at each other and smiled sheepishly, and everyone expressed joy. Everyone: Congratulations, congratulations...
△ Miao Pu wiped her tears excitedly, Jing Ye also wiped her tears, and Hu Zhen held her hand comfortingly.
Gao Xin Shaohao: Xuan can't stay long. We must rush back to Shennong Mountain as soon as possible. Let's not stick to vulgar etiquette. Xiaoyao, Jing, you Everyone came to propose a toast to Cangxuan.
△ One of Guiwen and Zhoushan held the plate, the other poured the wine, and handed the wine glass to Tu Shanjing.
 △ Tu Shanjing toasted Zhenxuan. Cangxuan stood up politely, and everyone was stunned for a moment.
Lingxuan: You are kind-hearted and resourceful. The most rare thing is that you are devoted to Xiaotian and put her first in everything. Xiaotian can marry her. For you, not only my brother, but also my aunt and grandma will be satisfied.
△ Cangxuan drank the wine in one gulp.
Tu Shanjing: (embarrassed to salute) Thank you, Your Majesty.

 Winny Aye:
from leaked script for season 2...

 Winny Aye:
Xiaotian and Tu Shanjing looked at each other and smiled sheepishly, and everyone expressed joy. Everyone: Congratulations, congratulations...

THE HAppy End <3!!!

Thank you Winny !

Tushan Jing. owner

Xiao Jing .

Cr to owner! :)


Xiao Jing .

Cr to owner! :)

OMG.... this is just truely...make my day... XiaoJing is the best..

Adding a Tushan Jing fan art!