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LOTR has several important elements: 1) the language 2) the antagonist structure is based on WW2 in Europe 3) strong references European myths and folklore about elves and dwarves as wellmas some biblical references.

JR Tolkien loved languages and created the several languages. From what I remember, he even termed the idea of creating languages, similarly to idea of myth making. So the LOTR was created to fulfill his love for languages.

Tolkien took inspiration from WW2 for the plot of the story. Lord Sauron and his army of Oarks is basically Hitler and his Nazis. The fellowship of the rings is the allied powers. 

The third one is probably the easiest to spot: darves and eleves, dragons etc...but from what I remember darves and elves weren't exactly beautiful creatures. Tolkien took some liberties in crafting dwarves to be chiverlous and Eleves to be fairy and angel like. There is also a strong biblical references with Frodo almost equivalent to Jesus, as the person who will save us all.from sin and evil.

So in order to craft a world like LOTR, you still need to draw inspiration from antiquity, history and folklore.

According to my own experience in reading Chinese novels, Chinese novel writers generally do not describe scenes or objects too much. Generally speaking, describing scenes or objects is either to enhance the atmosphere or to meet the needs of the plot. The description of the scenes to enhance the atmosphere generally does not exceed three or four sentences. If you describe the scene or object too much, it will be regarded as procrastination or excessive rhetoric.

Hmm that all seems genreally consistent with English. Too much description that isn't broken up by dialogue or action is often considered dull. And certain overly descriptive styles of writing would often be criticized for being excessively flowery. But there still seems to be a difference between what details are typically included versus what is excluded because it's viewed as easily inferred and therefore unnecessary. 

The subsequent development of this novel is really unexpected, but is also very reasonable, so stay tuned! >_< 

Waiting in anticipation!

Xiao Zhou is Yu Ran, right? There have been rumors among readers of the Jiuzhou series that Lv Guichen, the male protagonist of Piao Miao Lu, is actually the author Jiang Nan's portrayal of himself, and Yu Ran is his ideal girl.

Actually no. 小舟 in the novel is a 12-13 year old girl that 吕归尘 once saved and treated like a younger sister. She liked 姬野, who in turn loved 羽然. Ultimately she married 百里景洪's son 百里煜. In the drama, she and 吕归尘 are in love, but in the end she had no choice but to ascend the throne and marry 百里煜. So very very different. But 小舟 in the drama is very capable, strong and independent too. Definitely not a child.

Interesting that you mentioned Jiang Nan's ideal girl is Yu Ran. I wonder then why he made such drastic changes in the drama, introducing a fourth character Xiao Zhou as Lv Guichen's final love interest after he initially fell in love with Yu Ran, who loves Ji Ye instead. 

Does a person's voice greatly affect your favorability towards him or her? :-)

Not really. I think that is the whole point of having VAs, when the actor's own voice is not suitable for the role. I watched cdramas for years and never really felt that a character sounded off in the past, and that is undoubtedly due to assigning the VA most suited for that character. I know some VAs are often paired with the same actors - 阿杰 voiced quite a few of Cheng Yi and Allen Ren's roles. I think though, that nowadays as more and more actors are required to voice their own roles, that is when the issue is glaring since not every actor is able to deliver their lines as effectively compared to professionally trained voice actors. 

My daughter and I were discussing the audiobook of 长相思 just yesterday, and thus far, we are truly enjoying the narration and the voice acting. The VA for Xiao Liu is absolutely spot on (truly love her performance), and the three male leads are equally convincing. My previous experience with an audiobook was not positive, because the narrator's delivery itself totally took me out of the story. So to be able to hear all-round well-presented audiobook is definitely a joy. And I think the same goes for hearing well-delivered lines in a movie or drama. I understand that some viewers are more critical of actors who need to be dubbed, but I think ultimately, it does not matter as much, as long as the dubbing ensure the quality of the final product, rather than let the poor line delivery spoil it. These days, with the onset of more and more characters originally voiced by VAs who are beset by scandals being replaced by AI-generated voices, I am more concerned that in the end, AI would take over the VA industry, which is something I hope will never happen.


Kissing Xiang Liu

Chapter 3

They made a great noise, and everyone nearby came to watch this show.

Zhong Nianliu picked the strong man to attack, namely Chuntao's husband, Mazi.

The method was not excessive: Haitang was commanded by her to use spiritual power to pull Mazi into the air and shake him.

Mazi looked tough, but he couldn't stand the tossing. No one had expected that after being shaken for a while, he foamed at the mouth, which made Chuntao panic.

Only then did Chuntao plead to Zhong Nianliu: "My lady, I was wrong. I apologize to you. The dress is ruined. We will compensate. What good does it do you to tease ordinary people like us?"

Haitang immediately said with disdain: "Compensate? You can never afford it!"

The butcher Gao only had a daughter, Chuntao. After Mazi married Chuntao, he is his son.

Now that his son was humiliated and his daughter was scolded, his anger suddenly rose, and he rushed over and roared viciously: "How dare a group of foreign hooligans bully me! I, the butcher Gao, have slaughtered thousands of living things in Qingshui Town. Believe it or not, I'll chop you into pieces!”

As soon as these words came out, not to mention Haitang couldn't bear it, Zhong Nianliu's face also turned ugly. The servant was very experienced. When Butcher Gao rushed towards Haitang and Zhong Nianliu unexpectedly, he kicked him back hard.


Following Chuntao's scream, the butcher fell down at her feet.

Mazi didn't want his father-in-law to be beaten, so he wiped the foam from his mouth and attacked the servant.

The servants around Zhong Nianliu were all carefully selected by Cangxuan. Even though Mazi was as strong as an ox, he had no advantage against the professional bodyguard of the gods.

Sure enough, within a few seconds, Mazi fell down next to the butcher Gao, and landed on his face. His forehead, mouth and nose were all visibly red and swollen. When the servant who attacked him felt it was not enough and wanted to hit him harder, Zhong Nianliu shouted at him and raised her hand to stop him.

Chuntao just kept crying, not daring to speak arrogant words to them anymore.

Someone cast a shadow on the ground in front of Chuntao. Chuntao supported her father and raised her head. The graceful girl wearing a veil spoke to her: "Go and call the head of your family over, and I will spare your life!"

Zhong Nianliu looked calm and majestic on the surface, but the fists clenched behind her back were shaking slightly.

Life is like a play, it all depends on acting skills! It was her first time being A Nian, and she was so nervous!

Chuntao didn't dare to refute, and she and Butcher Gao quickly lifted up the seriously injured Mazi and walked to the Huichun Clinic at the end of the street.

Looking at the lonely backs of the three people, Zhong Nianliu thought about whether she should let the buyers from Wushen Mountain go to their house to discuss business in the future.

Soon, a thin man came with a hoe. As soon as he appeared, Zhong Nianliu knew that he was Chuanzi - because Mazi had already appeared, and Wen Xiaoliu would definitely come with bare hands.

"Haitang, he is weak, just use your spiritual power to suppress him." Zhong Nianliu said.

Chuanzi and his hoe immediately stuck to the ground.

Next up was Lao Mu, an uncle over fifty years old with a goatee.

This is a key figure. Zhong Nianliu thought about it for a while, but still couldn't do what A Nian did in the book, so she quietly whispered in Haitang's ear: "Hang him in the air and...conjure up a few dogtail grass to scratch the soles of his feet!”

Haitang was puzzled. This was not the behavior of the domineering princess of the past. In the past, princess would tease others just for her own pleasure and would not care about the severity of their actions.

"Princess, didn't you just say you wanted to see somersaults, frog-jumping, and donkey-rolling?"

Zhong Nianliu immediately frowned and said unhappily: "I am the princess, you will do whatever I say!"

After hearing this, Haitang felt relieved. Yes, these words, this tone, still have the same flavor!

Haitang got to work immediately, suspended Lao Mu in the air, took off his straw sandals, and created a few dogtail grass to scratch the soles of his feet.

Lao Mu was ticklish and tried hard to endure it for a while. He couldn't laugh or cry, and felt quite uncomfortable.

At this time, a young man broke through the crowd and walked in.

He looks about sixteen years old. Although his skin is a bit rough, he is handsome. The contours of his face are strong and have the charm like a Northern Desert man.

The young man first glanced at the immobile Chuanzi on the ground, then moved his gaze to Lao Mu, and finally stopped at Haitang and Zhong Nianliu.

He first cupped his fists at Zhong Nianliu, and then said to Haitang: "He admits defeat. Please stop, miss."

Haitang looked at Zhong Nianliu, but Zhong Nianliu stared straight at the young man.

If she guessed correctly, this person is the heroine Wen Xiaoliu!

Look at this man's height, bone, Adam's apple, and mellow masculinity. Who can look at her and not say "real man"?

No wonder that idiot Cangxuan couldn't recognize her. Who can mistake this man in front of her for a woman?

"The rule of Qingshui Town is: if there is no revenge for murder, and one party admits defeat, then the fight will stop." Wen Xiaoliu spoke again, reluctantly.

Zhong Nianliu actually didn't want to embarrass anyone, let alone, it was her who accidentally bumped into Chuntao. Although Chuntao sprinkled her with sheep blood and scolded her, she was at fault after all.

So Wen Xiaoliu's words undoubtedly gave her a step down.

She would be a fool not to seize this opportunity!

Zhong Nianliu agreed, and Haitang stopped.

Wen Xiaoliu's expression relaxed when she saw that they didn't make things difficult for them anymore. Just when she was about to speak, Zhong Nianliu said first:

"What happened today is actually a misunderstanding. I think you are a reasonable person. Why don't we find a time to have a good chat to resolve the misunderstanding? What do you think?"

Wen Xiaoliu's movements froze, and then she showed a fake smile: "Okay, then I'll wait for you at the Huichun Clinic."


After returning to the liquor store, Zhong Nianliu and Haitang tiptoed around the front desk and tried to walk back to the back room.

This was a critical period, and she didn't want Cangxuan to mess up the situation.

Whatever you fear will come. Cangxuan just finished his work, and when he looked up, he saw two people sneaking into the yard.

What trouble did A Nian get into again?

Cangxuan couldn't help but frown slightly and walked forward quickly: "A Nian, You are back."

He was very gentle, but in Zhong Nianliu's eyes, that gentleness contained an elder-like sense of control.

Oops, she was seen.

Zhong Nianliu was furious: This man's eyes are as sharp as a cobra's. If this could be applied to Wen Xiaoliu, how could he not recognize her in three years?

Book fan like her is pissed to death...

"We were going shopping just now, and someone offended the lady. She poured a large basin of sheep blood on the lady and her men even wanted to hit her!" Haitang was still angry and took the lead in complaining to Cangxuan.

During this period, in order to cooperate with Haitang, Zhong Nianliu opened her arms silently and rotated in a circle, so that Cangxuan could see her miserable condition and understand why she tried to sneak into the yard.

The sleeves, chest, waist and hem on the left side were all dyed red, with varying degrees of blood color, and due to air oxidation, some places had already turned rusty red.

In fact, the blood-stained position is not ugly. If it were in modern times, she could even say that this is a Gothic-style art design and a trend.

But in Cangxuan's eyes, Zhong Nianliu looked miserable and covered in filth.

His warm eyes suddenly burst into flames. When Haitang saw this, her smile was full of pride that someone was supporting them. On the other hand, Zhong Nianliu pursed her lips worriedly, thinking that Cangxuan might be a lunatic hiding under the mask of a gentleman.

Cangxuan's eyes darkened and he said seriously: "Who offended you?"

What is majesty that does not require anger to be displayed? What is imperial spirit?

Cangxuan's reaction at this time already showed the first signs of imperial aura.

Zhong Nianliu was afraid that Cangxuan would avenge her, so she quickly pretended to be obedient and downplayed the matter: "The people here are simple and honest, so there may be a misunderstanding in this matter. But don't worry, Ge, am I the kind of person who can be bullied? I will definitely find out about this matter!"

"Besides, my brother is so powerful. Who dares to bully me when he is here? Ge, don't you think so?"

Zhong Nianliu's pretending to be cute was fake, but flattering him was real. If she kept living in this book, she would have to rely on him in the future, so she had to at least make her guardian happy.

Cangxuan really liked this, and his expression softened slightly when he heard Zhong Nianliu praising him sweetly.

"A Nian has grown up and knows negotiation. Okay, if you have any trouble, just tell your brother and he will help you."

This is great! Zhong Nianliu smiled and said: "Okay, Ge! Now I'll go back to the room to change clothes, then I'll go to their house to reason with them as soon as possible!"

After saying that, Zhong Nianliu didn't dare to look at Cangxuan anymore and pulled Haitang towards the yard.

Cangxuan behind her didn't answer, just stared at them silently, and didn't stop looking until the two figures disappeared through the door.

As soon as she entered the room, Zhong Nianliu immediately surrounded Haitang like a little skylark, looking left and right.

"How do you feel? Are you okay? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

Haitang was dazzled by her, and said with a smile: "My good princess, why should I feel uncomfortable? Don't you want to change clothes? I will serve you."

Zhong Nianliu put on a Conan-like posture and thought: Could it be that... Wen Xiaoliu didn't poison Haitang?

After saying that, Haitang wanted to get A Nian's clothes from the rattan box, but Zhong Nianliu stopped her and ordered: "Haitang, I'll do it myself. You go and help me prepare something. When everything is ready, we will go to Huichun Clinic to find that boy!"


After working hard for several days, Haitang finally gathered what Zhong Nianliu wanted.

She took a look at the items in the bamboo basket: red dates, longan, wolfberry, angelica and other medicinal materials rare in Qingshui Town, hard-to-find wood moths, shiitake mushrooms, and a freshly killed fat black-bone chicken.

Doctor Wucheng happened to see this basket when he was visiting, and quickly asked her about the condition of Prince Cangxuan and Princess A Nian.

Haitang didn't understand what he meant, but after asking, she found out that these things were used to replenish qi and blood.

She couldn't understand her princess's purpose - could she be giving them to the shrew to replenish the sheep's blood with medicinal herbs? Or is she going to sit down and eat in that Huichun Clinic and use these things to mock those people at the dinner table?

Haitang thought hard and couldn't figure it out.

When Zhong Nianliu saw that everything was ready, she couldn't help but feel excited. She almost wanted to drag Haitang to dance together!

"Haitang, let's go to the Huichun Clinic!" Zhong Nianliu's eyes were bent and shining.

Does this look like someone going to "collect debt"?

It’s clearly like going to meet a lover!

Haitang felt that she could no longer guess the princess's thoughts.

(To be continued)


Thanks for the explanation! >_< Creating language is really difficult, but it also makes the world of Lord of the Rings more real and believable. It would be interesting if Chinese writers also want to create a world with its own language, perhaps drawing on the languages of ethnic minorities~

As far as I know, after the silence of the Jiuzhou series, no one has tried to make a similar attempt: to construct all the details, including history, for the fictional world in the novel. The physical book of Piao Miao Lu back then even contained a chronicle list of the Jiuzhou world, as well as a map of the three continents and the three inner seas. There were many writers who wrote different stories based on a unified setting, intersecting each other like a real history. 

I think one of the reasons why this series has limited longevity is because it has no connection with the real history and mythology of China. As far as I know, there is no character or country recorded in ancient Chinese mythology or history in the world of Jiuzhou, so it is not enough to attract readers other than fantasy fans. Tonghua obviously did a better job at this point. She skillfully constructed a colorful remote ancient fantasy world that is related to the real world based on real mythology and history (although she obviously did not pay special attention to the setting part) , which is one of the reasons why I'm so interested in the Dahuang world. It's just a pity that this series cannot continue, perhaps due to relevant censorship regulations. I really hope this ridiculous situation can return to normal as soon as possible!


Yes, but in fact, many explanations are omitted not only because they are not necessary, but also because sometimes allowing readers to guess appropriately will increase the interest of reading, and will make the reading experience closer to reality: in real life , it is true that no one can completely know the whole picture of a thing. For many of the details, we can only assume. There are ten truths in the minds of ten parties. But of course, I have never professionally studied writing, and the above is just my experience as a Mandarin reader :-)


Now I know, Xiaozhou should be Longge Ning (Suma) in the book, the little princess from the prairie, right?

"I wonder then why he made such drastic changes in the drama, introducing a fourth character Xiao Zhou as Lv Guichen's final love interest after he initially fell in love with Yu Ran, who loves Ji Ye instead. " — Don't you feel this is just like a typical first love story in reality? The boy fell in love with the dazzling class belle, but the class belle fell in love with another handsome guy. The boy who finally got over the pain of broken love suddenly discovered that the girl at the same table who had been silently caring for him and enlightening him was actually very cute... When you put it this way, I feel that these three characters are really Jiangnan's commemoration of his youth! >_< 

From your description, I became interested in this audiobook. Do you have a link? I want to try it :-) 

I remember Tan once said in an interview that he very much likes his character to use his own voice, because then the entire character is shaped by him (others cannot change his design of this character). So I wonder, maybe the same is true for a lot of other actors. The characters are their creations, and of course they want to do everything with their own hands. So I'm thinking, do some actors make relevant requirements when they take on roles? 

As for artificial intelligence dubbing replacing human dubbing, I think this will only happen in some low-cost dramas. Just like pre-prepared dishes, they will be popular to a certain extent because of their low cost and high efficiency, but for most people, if they can eat freshly made dishes, of course they will eat freshly made dishes. Everyone knows which one is more delicious and healthier. Speaking of which, I want to ask you an unrelated question: There was a discussion on the Chinese Internet a while ago about whether pre-prepared dishes can become the mainstream of China's catering industry. Almost everyone was very opposed to this. I wonder if there have been related discussions in Malaysia? What are people's attitudes like? :-)

Now I know, Xiaozhou should be Longge Ning (Suma) in the book, the little princess from the prairie, right?

No. In the novel, Xiao Zhou is the princess of Wei kingdom. 




cr. hb.people.com.cn


cr. yxlady.com

When you put it this way, I feel that these three characters are really Jiangnan's commemoration of his youth!

That is certainly one way of looking at it!

From your description, I became interested in this audiobook. Do you have a link? I want to try it :-) 

It is 磨铁图书's production of the audiobook, which is available here. From my understanding, this production is the official collaboration between Tong Hua and 磨铁. Do let me know how you find it. I have seen other versions on Youtube, but have not properly listened to those.

I remember Tan once said in an interview that he very much likes his character to use his own voice, because then the entire character is shaped by him (others cannot change his design of this character). So I wonder, maybe the same is true for a lot of other actors? The characters are their creations, and of course they want to do everything with their own hands. So I'm thinking, do some actors also make relevant requirements when they take on roles? 

I thought the decision to dub or use the actor's original voice is something that is decided by production, and not as much by the actor, unless the actor has proven that his line delivery is good enough? Certainly, having heard TJC's own voice, it feels jarring to hear him dubbed. I also recall there was a lot of disapproval abut Zhao Liying using a VA in her recent drama 与风行 when she is more than capable of voicing her own roles. If I am not mistaken, at the time she did voice her character, but post-production, they finally opted to use a voice actor (I think it also had to do with the fact that she could not be available for all the post-production dubbing). 

As for artificial intelligence dubbing replacing human dubbing, I think this will only happen in some low-cost dramas. Just like pre-prepared dishes, they will be popular to a certain extent because of their low cost and high efficiency, but for most people, if they can eat freshly made dishes, of course they will eat freshly made dishes. Everyone knows which one is more delicious and healthier.

I don't foresee this as much in dramas (the worst that can happen is probably having actors with poor line delivery voicing their own roles), but I have seen this in games. There were several VAs who have had to step down (either temporarily or permanently) due to scandals. In most cases, when the VA is confirmed to no longer be able to reprise the role, they are replaced by a new VA. However, in some games, instead than getting a new VA, the dialogue for their characters is now replaced by AI (with permission from the original VA), and the quality is such that it is almost indiscernible from the actual VA itself. While this may be good in that the switch is not jarring and the voice remains familiar to the players, it makes me concerned whether this will become the norm in future. 

There was a discussion on the Chinese Internet a while ago about whether pre-prepared dishes can become the mainstream of China's catering industry. Almost everyone was very opposed to this. I wonder if there have been related discussions in Malaysia? What are people's attitudes like? :-)

Pre-prepared dishes? Like fast food? Or pre-packaged food like those that are available in supermarkets? I don't recall seeing this as a topic of discussion in my country so far. However, online food ordering services have a wide selection of foods to order - from fast food, to cook to order dishes. However, in some franchises even within their outlets itself, hot meals tend to be pre-prepared and just heated up upon order, which is surprising and quite disappointing. Certainly not as delicious and fresh compared to those cooked to order.

Chapter 3

Thank you for the latest chapter!

He looks about sixteen years old. Although his skin is a bit rough, he is handsome. The contours of his face are strong and have the charm like a Northern Desert man.

This is surprising. My impression of Xiao Liu in the novel is that he should appear to be middle-aged, because both he and Lao Mu adopted Chuanzi and Mazi and brought them up. Not to mention he had been living in Qingshui Town for about 30 years by then. The whole town called him 六哥 too.

I'm glad that Nian Liu did not humiliate Lao Mu the way A Nian did... it's good that she is veering away from her more extreme actions during those early days.


Book fan like her is pissed to death...

LOL! Cang Xuan and his poor eyesight has always been mocked by everyone from book fans to drama fans.

She couldn't understand her princess's purpose - could she be giving them to the shrew to replenish the sheep's blood with medicinal herbs? Or is she going to sit down and eat in that Huichun Clinic and use these things to mock those people at the dinner table?

Haitang thought hard and couldn't figure it out.

Glad I'm not the only one, Hai Tang! Is she planning to apologise for their behaviour and give these nutritious gifts in apology? How would she go about doing that without everyone being suspicious, especially Cang Xuan? Right now I wonder who will discern that she is not who she says she is first - Xiang Liu, Cang Xuan or Xiao Liu? Or could it be Jing? After all, Jing knows the real A Nian too. Interesting..


Thank you for the third installment!

Regarding audio adaptations ... I saw a clip from a Sha Po Lang fan, and apparently the audio drama adaptation had put on a show, just like we saw Tan Jian Ci's dubbing group do in Love Me Love My Voice!  I was stunned.  They had the 2 voice actors on a platform, with a big screen behind them and banners, and then they had cosplay or actors in costume in front of them acting out the scenes they were voice acting.  It was cool!

Regarding audio adaptations ... I saw a clip from a Sha Po Lang fan, and apparently the audio drama adaptation had put on a show, just like we saw Tan Jian Ci's dubbing group do in Love Me Love My Voice!

Wow! Can you please share the link? Were the VAs good?


I am not a member of this website, but when I searched for 磨铁 on Baidu, I found that there seemed to be two versions of the audiobook. Are you listening to the version by Xiaoyu, Zhang Qili, Jiujiu, Wang Ning, and Li Ai? 

I'm not sure whether actors can request their own dubbing. But what is certain is that the entire crew, including the actors, must prioritize the quality of the drama, because if the ratings of the drama are poor, it will be absolute bad news for everyone. However, I think whether the actor's skills are sufficient to dub the character has most likely been tested during the audition. 

I don't play games very much, so I haven't encountered the situation you mentioned. I have a question, that is, how can AI handle the tone of voice the same as a real person? Or is it that game dubbing itself doesn’t require a very varied tone? 

What I'm talking about is called 预制菜, which are often used in catering brands with many restaurants: the same dish is sterilized, sealed, and shipped to restaurants after most of the processes are completed in the same place. In the restaurant, after customers order, they unpack them, return them to the pot, and then serve them after just a little processing. The advantage is that the food is served quickly, the table turnover rate is high, and the taste of all restaurants can be guaranteed to be consistent. The downside, of course, is that customers with sensitive tastes can tell they're not fresh enough, and some question whether they're healthy. Generally speaking, Chinese people are willing to accept new things and are open-minded, but the pre-prepared dish incident let me know that when it comes to things that do not need "progress", Chinese will not be easily deceived by this word :-)

Did Tonghua describe Xiaoliu's appearance in the novel? If not, it may be left to the reader's imagination. The author of this fanfic wrote that she was "大概年岁二八", which is about sixteen years old. This setting actually makes sense to me, because it takes about several decades for the gods to grow one year older biologically, so even a very young god should be regarded as an elder by humans. 

The direction of the next chapter will definitely surprise you! Hahahahaha...


After hearing what you said, I went to Baidu to search for the audiobook of Sha Po Lang. Is this the one you are talking about? https://m.bilibili.com/video/BV1Et421A7F7

To be honest, I didn't really like the tone of the person who voiced Gu Yun in it. I felt that he didn't express Gu Yun's aura in my heart. But Shen Yi and Chang Geng are both good voices :-)

I am not a member of this website, but when I searched for 磨铁 on Baidu, I found that there seemed to be two versions of the audiobook. Are you listening to the version by Xiaoyu, Zhang Qili, Jiujiu, Wang Ning, and Li Ai? 

I didn't realise there were two versions. Yes, that's the version I am listening to, with 345 chapters, which should is affiliated with Ximalaya. Surprisingly, this audiobook does not start with the prologue but jumps straight into Ch1 of the novel. Were you able to listen to it? I found a link on Ximalaya and another site here. Are you familiar with the narrator and VAs of this version?

Do you have the link to the other version of the audiobook? I would be very curious to hear what the differences are between both versions. 

But what is certain is that the entire crew, including the actors, must prioritize the quality of the drama, because if the ratings of the drama are poor, it will be absolute bad news for everyone.

Very true, though some dramas using actors' real voices have been painful to sit through, which makes me wonder how they were approved to voice their roles in the first place.

how can AI handle the tone of voice the same as a real person? Or is it that game dubbing itself doesn’t require a very varied tone? 

The one I heard was a very calm, even-toned character, but does have some highs and lows as well. I can't tell how it was done, but it is surprising to see how effectively AI replaced the VA in this case. 

What I'm talking about is called 预制菜, which are often used in catering brands with many restaurants: the same dish is sterilized, sealed, and shipped to restaurants after most of the processes are completed in the same place.

Oh I see. I guess it is similar to airline food in that case? Then this is rather similar to the pre-prepared hot meals of coffeehouse franchises, which are heated up and served as and when ordered. Certainly, not as tasty, and definitely not as fresh as dishes prepared to order.

Did Tonghua describe Xiaoliu's appearance in the novel? If not, it may be left to the reader's imagination. The author of this fanfic wrote that she was "大概年岁二八", which is about sixteen years old. This setting actually makes sense to me, because it takes about several decades for the gods to grow one year older biologically, so even a very young god should be regarded as an elder by humans. 

Actually you have a point. Vol 1 Ch2 says that Xiao Liu looks younger than Mazi, who is almost 20 years old. So I guess 16 is as good a description as any. Although her spiritual powers are low, she has the 驻颜花  to maintain her looks, so it does make sense. 



The direction of the next chapter will definitely surprise you! Hahahahaha...

Can't wait to find out!

To be honest, I didn't really like the tone of the person who voiced Gu Yun in it. I felt that he didn't express Gu Yun's aura in my heart. But Shen Yi and Chang Geng are both good voices :-)

Gu Yun is voiced by famous VA 阿杰, who dubbed Cheng Yi and Allen Ren. Chang Geng is voiced by 杨天翔 , who was the voice of Dylan Wang's Ning Que in Ever Night 2, 动漫 Link Click's Lu Guang etc. I don't know what to expect from Gu Yun since I never read the book. What kind of aura were you expecting from Gu Yun?


Wow! Can you please share the link? Were the VAs good?

I thought they did a good job.  Of course, I loved Tan Jian Ci and Hou Wen Yuan and their performances from LMLMV more, but that is a high high high bar. lol

Hmmmm.  Not sure how to directly link the video, but here's the link to the Google Drive.  The first is a singing performance from the show.  The second is the OST.  And the third and last on is the voice performance.  You don't have to download the files, just click on them and they'll open.  I think you can find it on Bilibili if you search for the audio play / audio drama.


Here's the Sha Po Lang fan card it came from.
