LhJd: is the strongest in the show

SF: still protects him 


LhJd: is the strongest in the show

SF: still protects him 

Lhjd protect Sf...

Sf protect him also.. lol..


Ok thanks, I just saw that it is rated  0.1 lower than "in a class of her own" so if the leads are not as good looking probably won't start lol

yep leads don't have amazing looks but I started it after a recommendation from wuixarox's as quoted

"Among the currently aired drama, this is the one I would recommend. On the surface, Qing Qing Zi Jin is a light and fun story about scholars and school life, but under the surface, it's a hidden modern Wuxia gem. Wonderful characters, and surprisingly great fight scenes."

it's an ok drama for me but I think Maiden holmes > Qing Qing Zi ( watch it if you like poetry + action + school life)



Upcoming... XJ transformation to LHJD..

Even as LhJd he still protect Sf from YL..

Lol... he even Choose SF compare YL.. wakaka

the funny part is when SF protected LHJD from arrows. i cant help but LOL. Its's supposed to be romantic right? Kind of weird, when SF looked LHJD with those eyes. I just can’t XD 

LhJd pushing down YL and giving SF power was satisfying to watch 

"Amazing Trio" who made this marvelous drama possible

source: Sino Weibo

All these happened for a reason... the 10th life is supposed to be eventful though when it all began it is due the HC and his sanjie

From the trailer we can see SF trying to be the peacemaker, talking to LHJD about putting down his hatred but when he learnt of what BD done, he went to talk to BD if he regrets how he treated LHJD etc... BD as usual says it is because of sanjie. SF sets up a peace between BD and LHJD talk only to get ambushed...

Well, ultimately YL did "kill" SF his troublemaker 

 Kiki January:

the funny part is when SF protected LHJD from arrows. i cant help but LOL. Its's supposed to be romantic right? Kind of weird, when SF looked LHJD with those eyes. I just can’t XD 

I love how despite whatever form XJ is in, SF still loves her. SF really is the ideal man...


All these happened for a reason... the 10th life is supposed to be eventful though when it all began it is due the HC and his sanjie

From the trailer we can see SF trying to be the peacemaker, talking to LHJD about putting down his hatred but when he learnt of what BD done, he went to talk to BD if he regrets how he treated LHJD etc... BD as usual says it is because of sanjie. SF sets up a peace between BD and LHJD talk only to get ambushed...

Well, ultimately YL did "kill" SF his troublemaker 

I wonder who’s going to kill YL (will it be LhJd?)


LhJd pushing down YL and giving SF power was satisfying to watch 

Yea.... so funny.. cos it was YL give the idea to XJ to break the Liu Li Zhan in hope that MSX LHJD will choose him back as right minister... Lol....

Haiz... how come I felt that SF job is to release LhJd hatred?

First is XJ hatred.. second is LhJd hatred.... he kinda really like saint who teach let go hate.. learn to love someone.. hahaha

 Kiki January:

the funny part is when SF protected LHJD from arrows. i cant help but LOL. Its's supposed to be romantic right? Kind of weird, when SF looked LHJD with those eyes. I just can’t XD 

Hahahaha... guy save guy... hahahaha 

Anyway for SF event XJ become a man.. he still love him ... kya...

Bai Di ah? Bai Di scared when he received confession from a guy.. he prefer to kill him and create a women ... LoL


I see the 12 feathers in the trailer so I guess he got them back. YL is one of the smartest villains though, his plans worked except no one likes him hahahhaa

he is smart but unfortunately he airs his dirty laundry. Every one knows what he did so he needed the GOW power if not failure is for sure. 


I wonder who’s going to kill YL (will it be LhJd?)

I thought YL die already .. he was killed by WZQ and SF...

I thought only his soul... or maybe LHJd revive him back?

Or maybe YL will fight during the battle then die.. I saw in the trailer.. he fighting with heavenly guard.. maybe he will die over there.


he is smart but unfortunately he airs his dirty laundry. Every one knows what he did so he needed the GOW power if not failure is for sure. 

In the recent episode, I was smiling so much when SF, WZQ, and Zi Hu tricked YL by ZH pretending to be XJ. 


I love how despite whatever form XJ is in, SF still loves her. SF really is the ideal man...

Totally! just not use to seeing XF and LHJD together XD. and in the trailer, XF called out XJ name and held LHJD hand. When LHJD looked back, SF’s face reaction is priceless. Imagine when your girl turns into a strong man LOL. I’m sorry, we are supposed to be sad right? XD