Amanda Ainsworth:

Can someone translate what they said in that deleted kiss scene? I barely understand it.

This is the translation I got from the video:

Xuanji: Don't run anymore

Xuanji: Otherwise

Sifeng: What else would happen?

Xuanji: Otherwise I will tie you up

Sifeng: Tie me up?

Sifeng: What do you want to do after tying me up?

Xuanji: After binding you

Xuanji: Naturally I will do whatever want

Xuanji: Si Feng

Xuanji: Why is this feather missing?


I only watched 2 eps of intense love lol 

It is pure fluff... if you watched bts and know how they film the scenes... all the spinning



This is the translation I got from the video:

Xuanji: Don't run anymore

Xuanji: Otherwise

Sifeng: What else would happen?

Xuanji: Otherwise I will tie you up

Sifeng: Tie me up?

Sifeng: What do you want to do after tying me up?

Xuanji: After binding you

Xuanji: Naturally I will do whatever want

Xuanji: Si Feng

Xuanji: Why is this feather missing?

BTW the feather is referring to feather mark from the curse... lol


This is the translation I got from the video:

Xuanji: Don't run anymore

Xuanji: Otherwise

Sifeng: What else would happen?

Xuanji: Otherwise I will tie you up

Sifeng: Tie me up?

Sifeng: What do you want to do after tying me up?

Xuanji: After binding you

Xuanji: Naturally I will do whatever want

Xuanji: Si Feng

Xuanji: Why is this feather missing?

Ummm....What intense love ! Beautiful !


Ummm....What intense love ! Beautiful !

So satisfying. No wonder why they removed it LOL


damn someone combined the full kiss scene on weibo and then it got deleted T_T its like 2.5 mins long.

edit: I found it on

lets all pretend this is the one we saw on the drama too hehe

ya, this is not good at all for CY.

When he gives that expansive laugh, she smiles so tenderly at him (and her lips are trembling.).
 Kiki January:

So satisfying. No wonder why they removed it LOL

They shouldn't have taken anything. (but at least we have BTS to understand the complete scene with its meanings.)

It better be as good or better than L&R

I only know that Promise of Chang'an from the music video of the trailer I saw presents such an intense, painful, heroic and passionate Cheng Yi interpretation. And I want to (for sure) watch it as soon as possible. (The story may not be as good as L&R, but it is an interesting 60-episode story).


Aww.. This is SO not a good timing huh.. When L&R on hype and they will release new CY drama.. Ugh.. 

It is good, yes, there are so many (less talented and beautiful actors) than him that his dramas are released one after another, why not Cheng Yi. This (new) drama was filmed in 2015, there is no time. I want to watch as soon as possible.


XJ; Don't dare to run away from me, if not.....

SF; What if not?

XJ; Otherwise I will tie you up

SF; Tie me up? And then?

XJ; Tie you up, and I will do whatever I want with you

So good ! This would only add to the meanings of their love.


It is pure fluff... if you watched bts and know how they film the scenes... all the spinning


I saw the video with all the hot kiss scenes they filmed lol but the storyline was not that interesting to me even though I like both leads. 

At the rate of CY filming in recent years, his films might come out back to back XD

I am waiting for Crystal thunder chaser, the plot seem interesting.


She said don't ever think about running away again or else I will tie you up and do whatever I want with you XD

The peck piss, the eye kiss, the cheek kiss, the lip kiss and the chin kiss were all cut. 

When he asks: What are you going to do (after tying him up), he melts all over, he looks so tender to her.


omg more of the missing kiss scene!! XJ when did you learn to be so naughty as well. 

She loves him too much. And then she can finally express to him, so that he doesn't doubt her love (never again.) This whole scene shouldn't have been cut. It is Si Feng's triumph.

To CY fans, The promise of Chang an is coming out on sept 10 on Tencent, to continue spilling out blood for this poor guy.

He's the heroic, classic sufferer. And we love him.

 Drama Empress:

Wedding Invitation!!! We invite all of you to attend Xiao Sifeng and Xiao Xuanji's wedding party. come on! and give your best blessings and wishes to the bride and the groom. 

Credits:@13-cy-大壳 / @candybcz  [sina weibo]