I'm not even mad at them for breaking the CP anymore. I just want someone to go do some damage control for CY 

Why are they mad at CY? It's not his fault. He can go against his management or whatever. It's not fair for him to get the fans's wrath. 


It's like Sifeng taking all blame to protect XJ.... Well we dont know the inside story... We can only guess but things become a mess... Haizz soo sad

Exactly! Our Cheng Yi has to take all the blame. It's not fair! I'm about to lose it.

I wish all the fans directed their hate towards the agency and management instead. Actors and actresses have so little control over things like this.

 Lily Lam:

I wish all the fans directed their hate towards the agency and management instead. Actors and actresses have so little control over things like this.

Yeah blaming it on CY or YBY is overreaching

 Lily Lam:

I wish all the fans directed their hate towards the agency and management instead. Actors and actresses have so little control over things like this.

True!! It not like CY fault or YBY fault for happening like this 

The fans are really reaching when they're blaming CY or YBY for lack of interactions. They should be more sensible. They don't know what is going on in BTS. Maybe due to their agencies or maybe b/c  actors or actresses don't want this CP to impact their future works negatively, will never know.

One reason H&R wants to break the CP is because if they continue to promote it, it would also benefit YBY. and YBY is not their artist. Also, I don't see how Tencent has anything to do with this. It's not like TPOC is doing well. 


One reason H&R wants to break the CP is because if they continue to promote it, it would also benefit YBY. and YBY is not their artist. Also, I don't see how Tencent has anything to do with this. It's not like TPOC is doing well. 

They're just harming their own artist instead. 

People should be sending H&R criticisms instead of CY for how YBY was treated like an outsider at the event. 

I never see Zhang Yuxi, is she filming  a new drama or something?


Bingyan was crying . She was overwhelmed by the support and love she received from fans.They were all emotional. Thanks to the cast and team for this amazing drama. Too bad for this mess. It's unfortunate to end on this note.

I'm going to take a break from this... this is too much for my little heart. I think the most disappointing thing from this, aside from the mistreatment of the CY&YBY, is the fact that a complete version of LaR will ever be released. It just sucks knowing there is more content to be had but it might never get to see the light of day because some dumbasses didn't know how manage things properly

 Lily Lam:

I'm going to take a break from this... this is too much for my little heart. I think the most disappointing thing from this, aside from the mistreatment of the CY&YBY, is the fact that a complete version of LaR will ever be released. It just sucks knowing there is more content to be had but it might never get to see the light of day because some dumbasses didn't know how manage things properly 

If only if H&R / Youku realized that they could make more money if they actually promoted L&R properly and released the uncut episodes. 

I literally just created a weibo just to support CY