
Can't they just let us say a proper goodbye to LAR. It's not like we are asking them to act like SF & XJ and like to see them so sweet. Can't they at least just act like normal co-worker? They did have some Chemistry in the show and very friendly in BTS. Now CY didn't even look at YBY or speak a word. And even answer all the question from MC that way. YBY as a main female lead got the least screen time and no game activity. I'm happy that at least Bai Shu is there for her. 

Gosh! So disappointed!

What we should understand that all of this live concert fiasco most probably just for public showing. No need for us to worry that they are that hostile in reality. I bet some of concerned parties just want to use this chance to douse some cold water on CP fans. I suspect Sarah Zhao got bullied in the internet by these fans.


BL is still romance, but in China is censored romance. BL CP fans are equally fervent as straight CP fans. XD

i dont want BoyLove.. BrotherhoodLove.. is still ok.. hahahaha :D

quite shock that untame can become #1.. LOL


Can't they just let us say a proper goodbye to LAR. It's not like we are asking them to act like SF & XJ and like to see them so sweet. Can't they at least just act like normal co-worker? They did have some Chemistry in the show and very friendly in BTS. Now CY didn't even look at YBY or speak a word. And even answer all the question from MC that way. YBY as a main female lead got the least screen time and no game activity. I'm happy that at least Bai Shu is there for her. 

Gosh! So disappointed!

haizzz... not only you... me too.. gosh...  time for us to move on.. 

They want to Kill the CP by saying "SiFeng is over" and "Couple are happy in other dimension".... let it be... "ITS OK NOT BE OK" hahahaha

come.. we pat pat together.. and "Haiz" together... 

maybe we need to create "Healer group for SF and XJ"... hahahaha


i dont want BoyLove.. BrotherhoodLove.. is still ok.. hahahaha :D

quite shock that untame can become #1.. LOL

recommending lost tomb series then LOL 

sure fans can ship the two male leads but it's not meant to be romantic (i don't recall any romantic scenes...more like let's overcome tomb raiding obstacles together yay)


What we should understand that all of this live concert fiasco most probably just for public showing. No need for us to worry that they are that hostile in reality. I bet some of concerned parties just want to use this chance to douse some cold water on CP fans. I suspect Sarah Zhao got bullied in the internet by these fans. 

 Don't they have any other way to break the CP fans. I mean they may not have any interactions unless they work on another drama together. LAR also finished and CP will cool down after months later. I find this move is so disrespectful to the LAR show itself. We just want a normal wrap up of the drama. But well. ....Who is Sarah Zhao btw?


recommending lost tomb series then LOL 

sure fans can ship the two male leads but it's not meant to be romantic (i don't recall any romantic scenes...more like let's overcome tomb raiding obstacles together yay)

hahahahaa :D Lost tomb got many type lei.. which lost tomb?

lost tomb 1 by lu yi feng, lost tomb 2 by neo hu..

i think now i want to rewatch Mystic Nine... I missed my YBY.. i need to see her..


 Don't they have any other way to break the CP fans. I mean they may not have any interactions unless they work on another drama together. LAR also finished and CP will cool down after months later. I find this move is so disrespectful to the LAR show itself. We just want a normal wrap up of the drama. But well. ....Who is Sarah Zhao btw?

Sarah Zhao -> madam Dong Fang on L&R.. XCX love's on TPOC.

no other way.. they need to break the CP.. if not other series cant move on.. ppl cant move on.. hahahaa :D i oso dunno why the break the CP when CP just hot and getting Famous.. 

dunno how their marketing think.. 

well they do suprising end... by shocking all the fans.. so you will remember them forever..


Maybe you can watch dramas wherein the main leads got married in real life :)

rewatch back ah..  "Sheng Ming Lan"? hahahaha :D

somehow.. i want to watch Mystic Nine.. hahahaha :D


Hey I was quite serious ok?! Especially the part that it is out of my system. Haha. I guess u are also serious about TS and QL :D

The Chinese anime is better but really confusing. 

ohh... the way you say "out of my system" suddenly made me somehow I imagine the computer system down and that made me laugh.. hahahaa :D

TS and QL ok ah.. Brotherhood Love.. hahahaa :D


hahahahaa :D Lost tomb got many type lei.. which lost tomb?

lost tomb 1 by lu yi feng, lost tomb 2 by neo hu..

i think now i want to rewatch Mystic Nine... I missed my YBY.. i need to see her..

Maybe 2-3 eps on lost tomb 1 to get the story intro and then watch lost tomb 2 for better tomb raiding lol you see CY and LXY in lost tomb 2 and Neo is cute xD 


wah.. i dunno.. but if he has wife or gf.. for us are fine with it.. we know u are not SF.. SF just a character..

but just dun cut SF character like.. "SiFeng is Over".. waksss... then practice social distancing.. goshh..

he just.. crush the fans of SF character lar... dunno what they are thinking..

Even Xing Zhao Lin din do that.. we know Liang Jie got her fiance.. but fans still adore Xing Zhao Lin and Liang Jie.. they pair Eternal Love 1-3 then Love Destiny...  we respect their live lar..

but just dont cut "SiFeng is Over".



Maybe 2-3 eps on lost tomb 1 to get the story intro and then watch lost tomb 2 for better tomb raiding lol you see CY and LXY in lost tomb 2 and Neo is cute xD 

currently i want to see YBY... CY no mood.. maybe later.. hahaha :D

I need to pat pat my YBY first.. she kena bully in the recent show....

mayber later... CY.. hahaha :D


ohh... the way you say "out of my system" suddenly made me somehow I imagine the computer system down and that made me laugh.. hahahaa :D

TS and QL ok ah.. Brotherhood Love.. hahahaa :D

LOL... if computer then good lor. No need suffering now because of the saga.

I am keen to see TS in another drama


LOL... if computer then good lor. No need suffering now because of the saga.

I am keen to see TS in another drama

Listening Snow Tower.. Semi God Semi Devil..

YEa me too..


Listening Snow Tower.. Semi God Semi Devil..

YEa me too..

You should go check out the new trailer for Begin Again... That is the C-Drama I am most looking forward to now.