I finished watching the final episode now. And I was afraid of this ending, but until they were generous to us (they were really together). And even my desire to see him with his beautiful golden wings again was fulfilled. It was more beautiful than I expected. (but I already miss this couple), but mainly Si Feng.
P.S: I just didn't feel a real paternity of the celestial emperor for any of his children. He never said "son" to either. There was no parent / child interaction with either child. Not a brother / brother interaction between Si Feng and Bai lin.
(but, I forgive all that, because the main thing has not been forgotten.).
And these scenes:
1- He wakes up and flies down from the roof to find her and they embrace each other with great tenderness (as if they were savoring each moment.).
2-Marriage, affectionate looks from one to the other. Even behind the veil, her gaze focused on him and was very tender.
3-He walks up to the autar to find her.
4-He takes her on his lap (how romantic. Our Si Feng is such a gentleman).
5-And it spreads its golden wings to take it to a cart in the skies.
6-They hold hands in the carriage.
7-And before all that: that scene in which he dies in her arms. There were no subtitles, but it was as if I understood everything, "my tears fell down my face".

“P.S: I just didn't feel a real paternity of the celestial emperor for any of his children. I never said "son" to either. There was no parent / child interaction with either child. Not a brother / brother interaction between Si Feng and Bai lin.”

I have a feeling that the heavenly emperor was a distant father + wasn’t close to SF or HC. 


“P.S: I just didn't feel a real paternity of the celestial emperor for any of his children. I never said "son" to either. There was no parent / child interaction with either child. Not a brother / brother interaction between Si Feng and Bai lin.”

I have a feeling that the heavenly emperor was a distant father + wasn’t close to SF or HC. 

Yes, I missed that.

1- He wakes up and flies down from the roof to find her and they embrace each other with great tenderness (as if they were savoring each moment.).

It was so cute but I was also like, "What you doing on the roof Sifeng?"

I bet he woke up and looked around the house for Chuanji but couldn't find her. He finally decided to fly up for a better vantage point.

 Lily Lam:

It was so cute but I was also like, "What you doing on the roof Sifeng?"

I bet he woke up and looked around the house for Chuanji but couldn't find her. He finally decided to fly up for a better vantage point. 

That hug was so sweet and cute 

It’s interesting how SF’s mother in the heavenly realm was from the demon tribe (with her being a demon princess)

Ok, here are rough translations for episodes 54-59, enough to get the gist of the story. Please wait for Productive Procrastination for better/detailed subtitles.


 Drama Empress:


You might want to update the subtitle again, I made a few changes after my first upload.


You might want to update the subtitle again, I made a few changes after my first upload.

thank you I updated them now 

episode 54-59 subs credit to MK916

I kinda wish Sifeng brought some Lize Palace people with him during the wedding ceremony, maybe some of the elders? 

 Lily Lam:

It was so cute but I was also like, "What you doing on the roof Sifeng?"

I bet he woke up and looked around the house for Chuanji but couldn't find her. He finally decided to fly up for a better vantage point. 

It is because he is a bird. He needs to fly. (And he needed to make a big entrance after going through the coma.)

I kinda wish Sifeng brought some Lize Palace people with him during the wedding ceremony, maybe some of the elders? 

Really ! This is a small hole in the script. And what happened to Ru Yu, after he fell into that hole of light, after he killed Yuan Lang?
 Drama Empress:

thank you I updated them now 

episode 54-59 subs credit to MK916

Thanks a lot !

Really ! This is a small hole in the script. And what happened to Ru Yu, after he fell into that hole of light, after he killed Yuan Lang?

I’m confused too, did RL die along with YL?