If  Yuan Bingyan doesn't renew her contract, does it mean there's less chance for them to be pair up again, right?

The coolest daddy!

(Source: 福茂唱片 )

Wedding Invitation!!! We invite all of you to attend Xiao Sifeng and Xiao Xuanji's wedding party. come on! and give your best blessings and wishes to the bride and the groom. 

Credits:@13-cy-大壳 / @candybcz  [sina weibo] 

I am ready for the final epsss!!! The 1000 years timeline is very confusing but it seem like they are talking about mortal time and not heaven time. 

omg more of the missing kiss scene!! XJ when did you learn to be so naughty as well. 


omg more of the missing kiss scene!! XJ when did you learn to be so naughty as well. 


How do you post video and not just the link? 

Which part is missing? The cheek kiss? Or the chest kiss? 

I am lost.. hahaha


Which part is missing? The cheek kiss? Or the chest kiss? 

I am lost.. hahaha

She said don't ever think about running away again or else I will tie you up and do whatever I want with you XD

The peck piss, the eye kiss, the cheek kiss, the lip kiss and the chin kiss were all cut. 


She said don't ever think about running away again or else I will tie you up and do whatever I want with you XD

The peck piss, the eye kiss, the cheek kiss, the lip kiss and the chin kiss were all cut. 

Ooo ok..i need two device to see and compare.. i will do it shortly..

Trailer for ep 54-55

To CY fans, The promise of Chang an is coming out on sept 10 on Tencent, to continue spilling out blood for this poor guy.


Trailer for ep 54-55

I laugh the part when lhjd said I am Xuan ji...

Omg that kiss scene!!! Finally it is complete!! <3 No wonder something felt amiss in the aired kiss - a lot of dialogue was cut out :(


omg more of the missing kiss scene!! XJ when did you learn to be so naughty as well. 

lol usually, this is what most ml says '' don't dare to run away from me, I will tie you up and do whatever I want''. Bold and Fearless XJ

I remember seeing picture of backstory of white emperor and LHJD so we should get a backstory for them. XJ is like the male lead here, so straight forward.

TBH, SF is too insecurity and sometimes it feels like he needs XJ to continuously proof that she loves him and XJ is that type of person XD