
Well its just a rumor but to break CP on a L&R final event where most fans are drama and CP fans... somehow not good move...

Weird? Another rumor about her not being invited. There was also a rumor about her not being invited at the variety show Happy Camp on September 15. How odd? That two big companies are not inviting her. For what reason would they do it? In my opinion I don't think they did it. These rumors are just baseless rumors spread by her toxic fans. Personally, her fans always blame others to make her appears like a victim so she can gain the public sympathy. They are so brainless that they didn't realized that their action is doing to her more harm then good. 

Happy camp on September 15th? Hmm, it was already passed then. So, how was it? Did she go to that event or not??

I actually don't know whether all this lies comes from her fans or just paid fans wreaking havoc. But, she is indeed the one that get all the benefit from this fiasco. I heard that there are lies circulating online regarding Cheng Yi. People even dig out an old audio file when he was interacting with fans back then and twisted it around. How crazy people can get? 

Once I get to read what Cheng Yi really said in his goodbye speech, I don't think it was bad. It was completely normal. He just wanted fans not to be too sad that L&R has ended since there would be another project to entertain them. And then people twisted that around, saying that he shamelessly trying to promote his other drama and how he thinks so little of Si Feng. Instead of Cheng Yi, I think it was those crazy fans that have low EQ. Low IQ, too. Stupid and ignorance!

Well, currently her fans tactic (if they are really indeed her fans) seems to be working. People from left to right were blaming Cheng Yi for not showing more care for her. But, if her fans kept on doing this with other actors, too, well perhaps by then the mass would finally see the truth.


I wonder if there are some jealous people trying to bring negative press to Chengyi since his popularity is growing. I don't think it will work and Chengyi will only get more recognition. The truth will come out!

Indeed. And his current airing drama wasn't affected at all.  

Happy camp on September 15th? Hmm, it was already passed then. So, how was it? Did she go to that event or not??

She didn't go explaining that she didn't receive the invitation. Neither Chengyi I don't know the reason. But this event was supposed to be a CP reunion. So it was just cancelled. I kind of find this suspicious.

@Mira Vong

Would you share what was going on with Yuan Bing Yuan fans all this time? I knew that there was a fight between her and Cheng Yi fans regarding the drama script. I got that Yuan Bing Yuan fans thought that Cheng Yi only get so popular because the script was changed to favor him more in the expense of Xuan Ji character?! And so Cheng Yi fans then retaliate by criticizing Yuan Bing Yuan acting and look? Am I correct?

But, I never hear about her fans criticize the voice actress. What was that all about?


@Mira Vong

Would you share what was going on with Yuan Bing Yuan fans all this time? I knew that there was a fight between her and Cheng Yi fans regarding the drama script. I got that Yuan Bing Yuan fans thought that Cheng Yi only get so popular because the script was changed to favor him more in the expense of Xuan Ji character?! And so Cheng Yi fans then retaliate by criticizing Yuan Bing Yuan acting and look? Am I correct?

But, I never hear about her fans criticize the voice actress. What was that all about?

They said the voice actress make her acting look bad. They are blaming her lack of ability in crying scene to her voice actress. And also  they also complaint that the crew are cutting her onscreen time by replacing with male actor for the last six episodes. They calm down when it was revealed that the change of actor was due to YBY conflict scheduled. She was filming another drama at the same time, so she had less time for this drama. So they have no choice but to hired  the male actor.

 Mira Vong:
They are blaming her lack of ability in crying scene to her voice actress

This is absurd. Crying scene in L&R for both lead mainly dealt with micro-expression instead of voice. In Cheng Yi case, lots of his crying scene was without a voice, too.

But this is truly funny because in a way, her fans admitted that her crying scenes were not that good. I hope she can get fans that constructive to her acting instead of fans that always try to find justification for her failure.

People should never hate an actor or actress because you don't know them personally at all unless they do something serious like drunk driving or sexual assaults and so on. CY & YBY(especially YBY, there is nothing wrong with being emotional and crying, YXZ( who plays XYN) also cried) didn't even do anything wrong at all, it's their fans that is fueling all these hate. Furthermore,  I'm sure most people are mad at H&R for isolating YBY, the FL, at the event that means to warp up this drama. I'm sure CY will recover from this because he has the acting chops, H&R is pushing him hard now & he has more fangirls than ever.

You are absolutely right.  I was annoyed and mad because some people were pointing and accusing only one person in particular because someone post some video and published many articles focusing  on blaming and accusing Chengyi when it was obvious both of them are avoiding each other. If we are going to blame, then we should blame both of them not only one person by being biais.  Personally, I don't blame both of them because I don't know what going on behind the scene. After taking some time away from this platform, to clear my mind and doing more research and analyzing, I have noticed there is  something which got covered up by some people, who are pulling some string in the dark to manipulated the public opinion. 

I am sure that the distancing was agreed beforehand.

Agree, it make more sense now that you mention this because there was a video where both of them were looking at each other while taking picture with the fans at end of the event.

What I am the most upset for is seeing how people focusing on him alone. I am sure that the distancing was agreed beforehand. And both him and Yuan Bing Yuan were avoiding each other. It is weird that only him getting all the heat while the woman get all the comfort. Was it because she crying? We don't even know the exact reason why she cried. And why people expect Cheng Yi should be the one comforting her?

I was so annoyed that I have to take some days away from this forum to clear my mind. At first, I though the blaming and accusations focus on him was only because he was a rising star, so someone, for the sake of competition, was doing these things to stop his popularity from rising more.  I did also have those questions about him getting all the heat, her crying was used to damaged his reputation for not comforting her and so on. Something is not right. It was blow out of proportion too much, so after digging more and analyzing everything, I noticed something had been covered up by all those accusations and blaming. And someone from the dark was taking great effort to make sure only Chengyi will get blame for the failure of the 20/9 event to protect someone who didn't do what she was supposed to do by contract. It is a know fact that some fans were unhappy because they didn't get the lovey-dovey from the main couple during the event. The next day, there  was new that the company was going to sue one of the artist for breaching of contract. We have no idea who it was and what kind of contract that was broken. 

Then, strangely there are articles and videos that were circulating about Chengyi for being cold, rude, unprofessional, not being a gentleman toward his coworker YBY. All these accusations and blaming purpose, I first though it was because of his rising popularity, BUT after digging and analyzing more, I noticed it was to covered the fact that YBY didn't do what she was supposed to do during the game part where she was supposed to be partnered with Chengyi when he and the three others actors have their eyes covered while drawing eyebrow on their picture. I think, this game part was supposed to be the highlight for them to be lovey-dovey which the CP fans were expecting to get. This game part was design to make sure Chengyi with his eyes covered will be guide by his partner to draw the eyebrow on his picture. And I am 100% sure YBY as his female lead was scripted to be his partner. For me, she was being unprofessional by not following the script and someone was manipulating the news and information to make Chengyi a target by spreading rumors that he is the one who is not professional.

That is why she got sued, but someone published another article to distracted people attention from this fact, by claiming HR company sued her and pulling her out from a drama set after one week of filming because she broke her contract with them.  I find this article credibility doubtful. 

First, it's irrational for them to pulled her out because when one of their artist manage to get contract outside, it means money flow is going to get into the company. That is why many actors and actress from this company are all in Chengyi upcoming drama because they don't want the money to flow outside the company by hiring an outsider artist. 

Second, her being pulled out from a drama set is an old case because this drama is right now on air which means it happened a long time ago.  Why would HR decided to sue her because of this just right after this fiasco. If they really want to sue her, they should have done it months ago. Which lead me to believe someone have being trying very hard to mislead the public attention from the real reason which  in my opinion is related to what happened and what she did during the 20/9 event. 

Third, the screen writer came out to declare YBY got pulled out have nothing to do with HR company by clarifying  that it's a common practice for some actors/actress to get pulled out from a set after some time of filming because the crew realized he/she is not fit for the character. 

To summarize everything, this accusations and blaming is first just a scheme from someone to protect a certain person, from being target by fans for the failure of the 20/9 event by distracting the public attention, and putting the focus mainly on Chengyi by publishing articles and posting video where the blame and accusations are targeting him. And everything blow up more because I suspect YBY fans( who were at war with his fans), some anti-fans, others fake fans paid by competitive company to create havoc,  took this opportunity to add more oil to fire. As a result, we got a rising star with potential because of his acting skill got his reputation trample by all kinds of rumors just to stop him from getting more famous.

 Mira Vong:
I was so annoyed that I have to take some days away from this forum to clear my mind.

I see. I did wonder why you vanished from threads, hahahahaha. I can relate since I am too restrained myself to comment in certain thread because I feel I have different way of thinking that might upset the people there. And I am already have my hand full with my real life to seek a fight in online world. 

This past 2 weeks I watched a couple of youtube videos that talking about this. There are just two category: Cheng Yi supporter which work hard in explaining to the mass (just like what you have you done in the beginning of this thread) and Yuan Bing Yuan supporter. Yuan Bing Yuan supporter could be divided further into 2: blatantly accusing Cheng Yi for his "ungentleman" conduct and the one who try sugarcoating their words but in the end could not hide their bias.

They really have no other reason to accuse Cheng Yi else than he didn't show enough caring toward Yuan Bing Yuan. That he should have treated her better on stage. The same argument just went on and on. However, that mistake (if that could be counted as mistake) is very simple. It is so ridiculous that people blew that out until become this big. He is an actor, not political figure. He doesn't have any obligation to act a certain way to fulfill fans emotional need. 

Regarding Yuan Bing Yuan, I also watched this video that talked about how Huan Rui pulled her off from certain drama. Actually I took the news with grain of salt because I felt the whole situation was weird and illogical. I take Huan Rui is a big company?! Which big company splash its own dirt to public like that? Therefore, I think there must be someone leaked some news deliberately to the mass to incur public wrath. 

The way she and her agency handle live concert fiasco also didn't sit well with me. It almost as if they just chose to ride the wave for their own advantage. Also, there also rumor that Yuan Bing Yuan was not invited to the live concert at the beginning. But they finally had a change of heart after seeing Cheng Yi alone could not generate enough interest. I honestly feel that was absurd. Since when Cheng Yi fans losing in number compared with Yuan Bing Yuan? Or his bulk of fans only comprised by CP fans? I don't believe it. Also, that live concert was a kind of closing ceremony for L&R. Of course both ML and FL must be there. It is common sense .....

Are you sure that YBY is the one who is not participating in the game in the last event? Lol the script already included her and CY to play the game together, but later the script was changed to CY alone without YBY. Obviously, they took it to break down the CP, just because she doesn't participate in some games, the company chose to sue her? That company was famous to break down the CP and so many problems happened in the past.  


Are you sure that YBY is the one who is not participating in the game in the last event? Lol the script already included her and CY to play the game together, but later the script was changed to CY alone without YBY. Obviously, they took it to break down the CP, just because she doesn't participate in some games, the company chose to sue her? That company was famous to break down the CP and so many problems happened in the past.  

From what I have seen on the video, her action of walking away from the others actors standing in group, while 4 others were waiting beside their picture for someone from the group to go partner with them. What I SAW is she didn't participated in the game because she walk away to stand beside  the host. I also saw the Director walk away to stand beside them, so he also didn't participated. So that is why I said she didn't participated in the game from what I saw, and also from my deduction that she is part of the game. Are you insinuating, that she didn't participated in the game because they didn't want to include her in cause she wasn't invite in the first place to this concert. So that is why she was standing alone miserably while watching the other having fun playing the game. Was this one of the reason, that some people were saying she was bullied and was isolated by her co-workers and the people who organized this event, and also the higher up because everyone want to break down the CP. If I understand correctly from this point of view, she is the sole victim during this concert, and everyone including the higher up to the host and actors are the bad guys who mistreated her, especially CY who is the worse of the worse because he didn't give a special care to her. 

As for the breach of contract, usually, actors and actress sign contract and get paid when they participated in a tv show, variety show or concert, and so on. This is a FACT. 

The next day, after HR declared it company was going to sue a  certain artist and his/her company for breached of CONTRACT. It could be anyone. 

The fact that someone published an article about her been pulled out from a tv set by HR because the company is mad at her for signing a CONTRACT outside the company and that she was sued for this is just nonsense. Which make me question the purpose of this article. The timing is too coincidental. In my opinion, this article was published to distract the public from the fact that RH was going to sue an artist for breach of contract that is related with the 20 Sept. event.

But it's pointless to explain again why I think she got sued because she didn't participated in the game. You have your own point of view, and I have mine which is different. So continuing to argue with each other about this issue will get us nowhere. 

The purpose of my previous post was to show there is more than one interpretation, perspective or point of view about what happened during that concert. Let's take for example, there is a girl sitting on a bench crying alone. The first passer-by may think she cry because she is heartbroken; the second may think it was because  she got fired; the third may think she cry because one of her relative died, and so on. Who is right and who is wrong? Who know? The only person who know better than anyone is the girl herself. 

My point is we don't know what really happened behind the scene. So we shouldn't blame the actors, hating and bashing on them. Unfortunately, some of her fans still keep targeting him which lead to his fans hating on her. If they truly love her, they should stop doing this because she won't get noticed by any Director and get more project as some of her fans believe. Yeah, that fan who wrote that comment  and those who supported this idea about making  noise from this fiasco, so she can get attention from another director and have new project, sorry to break your fantasy, but that is not how the real and adult world work.  She will get new drama proposal if there is a character that fit her, or did she already got one. So no need to feel insecure by spreading rumors, attacking and blaming another actor for the purpose of getting her recognize.

Besides, as I said before, if we are to blame him for what happened during that event, then we should also blame her because she is also doing what he was accusing of doing. In my opinion, we should blame the real culprit who is the mastermind, and who was using some dirty scheme to make someone a scapegoat. That is how I interpreted this fiasco after putting together different parts of information from articles, news and video.  

The microphone incident happened in the middle, not the beginning. CY was the person that wasn't making eye contact. Yes he was cold and not professional. 

He made it awkward for himself, everyone was acting normal and smiling, he looked like he was sometimes spacing out, looking on the floor, didn't look comfortable. I know this is the agency behind it but he's a grown man, he can make decisions on how to deliver what the agency wants (they want to break CP and avoid YBY). 

He carried on another conversation with someone else as she was talking, that's pretty rude, then when the host asked him hey 'what do you think about what she said?' he pretended to not hear anything. He's being blamed for for talking and not the others talking with him because, hes the ML, he's not just some random person that appear in 3-4 episodes, they were asking about character and storyline, he should be paying attention. The host has to talk in this situation because she was talking to YBY and asking her questions lol.. 

The way he farewell his character, everyone spoke about their roles, CY used this time to suggest he has other roles coming, so good bye to this character, hello to CY, the real him. Everyone was acknowledging their gratitude for the role, CY instead was expressing he's still here and that things just started / having other roles. 

When asked hey why aren't you spreading "sugar" (being sweet), he responded to the fans, "that's in the show, if you want "sugar" I suggest you guys to eat candy more often". I mean I don't even know what type of response that is, you tell me if that's normal to say to fans of the show. 

He needs to make some eye contact. YBY made her eye contacts, as he spoke, she looked at him. He didn't even acknowledge her, i mean you can say you dont need to make eye contact to someone presenting / talking. When you're in any event, when someones speaking you look at them. I forgot if it was the snake actor or someone else that try to get CY to go closer to YBY to line up for pictures, it was obvious, CY was rejecting the force, i mean its not that hard to stand next to her and take the picture and then move on. 

For the game, she wasn't on the schedule for it, so she had to step out, it wasn't that she didn't want to attend, she was left out of the game. You'd have really thick skin to be participating something you weren't intended to participate in. Not sure how this can be used against her, since I mean crying is used against her, i think anything can happen.

Weibo post by the company for "breaking contract", although the post doesn't suggest it was her, people assume its her since the post happened RIGHT after the event, this post is viewed as a reason to justify why she was "snubbed and mistreated" during the event since it was made right after the event was over, people asking for refund and people shitting on the event. 

The company didn't give her any roles/ jobs after L&R, they actually didn't let her film and it was confirmed not just speculations, she had to pull out of Love is Sweet after filming a scenes because HR says so. You tell me, who's being bullied, just don't lie to yourself. Without YBY, this show would not be what it is today, give her some credit. 

I am a YBY fan, i watched the show for her, however I wouldn't stand up for her if she was the problem and you can see the public sees CY as the bad guy because he simply wasn't professional.