I am very anxious for the special episode, I don't even know what to expect because I like to come into these things with no expectation so I can't be disappointed. According to MAME, we are supposed to get another NC scene between Rain and Phayu. However, my concern is how is this going to be executed since the NC scene's are not in chronological order as they happened in the book. Especially with the particular scene that Mame and the other cast members were alluding too (for those who haven't read the book). 

I find it stupid that we have to watch the special episode on another platform and also pay to watch the episode itself. And this is coming from someone who is financially supporting the show by being subscribed to IQIYI. I think they should have took the route of like how Kinn and Porsche did their special episodes by having them included on IQIYI and YouTube for everyone to access. In the end, I just hope that it lives up to everyone's expectations even though me, myself have no expectations and just here for the thrill.