'My Drinking Capacity'

It was February 2011,

She (Bae Seokryu) said that she would be going to the US to study.        US? Time difference...16hrs

Late at night inside the street food stall, she was chattering excitedly.

I couldn't open my mouth.

Whatever it is, I wish it would just come out of my mouth.

But no words are coming out.

So I drank soju.

It's an alcohol drink which I don't usually like. 

That day, why is it that no matter how much I drink, I still didn't get drunk.

They say that when people drink alcohol they are able to get something off their chest.

Why is it that my feelings just piled up inside along with the alcohol?

No matter how many bottles of alcohol I drank, I still couldn't get drunk.

I regretted it that day. If only I had been drunk, if it had been like that, 

I'm sure I would have told you what I wanted to tell you. 

So, I will surely tell you this time. This feelings.


'Start of Swimming'

You know it right? Bae Seokryu swims like a brick (poor swimmer)

We went to a preschooler swim class together.

In fact at that time, I was shorter than Bae Seokryu and a little more weak.

The first thing which I could do better than Bae Seokryu, that was swimming.

The feeling of swimming more freely in the pool compared to Bae Seokryu who was struggling was great, but even more than that, there was a reason why I wanted to learn how to swim. 

It was Bae Seokryu.

Actually I knew it. Since we were kids, she has always been trying to protect me.

During the time when I was alone without my mother, when I was afraid because I couldn't speak the language well.

She was the one who had walk into my life without hesitation and eventually made me laugh.

That is why I continued swimming.

So that when she, who is afraid of water falls into it, I can save her.

Because she had always saved me.

I wanted to at least have one thing which I could protect her from.