"None of the people I'd thought of as pillars are actually holding me up."
Park Dong Hoon 

(End of Ep.7 – Ep.8 Sneak Peeks)

Dong Hoon: Every building is like a struggle between external and internal forces. Wind, weight, tremors, we have to take into account all external factors that may affect the building so the design has to be able to withstand all that...We always have to make sure that the internal forces can withstand the external forces. And life, in a way, is a struggle between internal and external forces too. No matter what happens, you'll be able to withstand anything if you have sufficient internal forces.

Ji Ahn: So what are the 'internal forces' when it comes to life?

Dong Hoon: I don't know...

Ji Ahn: You said that I seemed to have strong 'internal forces.'

Dong Hoon: One of my friends was a really smart guy. I thought we'd have a really successful guy come out of the neighbourhood, but not long after that guy graduated college he shaved his head and became a monk. At the time his parents were bedridden and sick, and the entire neighbourhood was in shock. And there was something he said as he left. He said he wanted to try becoming a person who had nothing. Everyone struggles in their lives trying to have things, so they live their entire lives trying to prove themselves to everyone, but nobody truly knows what they are gaining by doing that. And even if you do end up getting what you want, if the things that made you feel safe and the things that made 'you' start getting fractured, it's impossible to withstand. And when the things that you thought made up who you are and the people who you thought were pillars in your life don't seem to provide you with any real strength and when nothing is what it seems...I guess, subconsciously, I agreed with him..."

(Beginning of Ep.8)

"What a wonderful relationship you have with him. And so precious,too. If you take the time to think about it each and every interpersonal relationship is quite fascinating and precious. You must repay them. Live a happy life. That's how you can repay the people in your life." - Ji An's Grandmother (in sign language)

Gyeomduk: "You were the biggest reason why I shaved my head and came here. 'The best I can hope to do is turn out like Park Dong Hoon. That punk is so diligent, he's probably the best example to follow but in the end he'll end up feeling really cheated.'"

Dong Hoon: "I just thought that if I sacrificed myself, life would go on just fine."

Gyeomduk: *chuckle* "What are you talking about? Who do you think you are to make sacrifices? I suppose you want to call it a sacrifice because you worked your ass off, yet you accomplished nothing and you're not happy either. Why don't you try telling Ji Seok that you sacrificed for him? He'll curse at you, imagine how he'll feel. Who'd want you to make a sacrifice? What child or parent would want that for a loved one? I like how you rationalise your crappy life."

Dong Hoon: "That's how everyone lives."

Gyeomduk: "Then tell Ji Seok to live that way too. Doesn't that make you mad? Why are you pressuring yourself to live a life that you wouldn't want for Ji Seok? You have to be happy first. Don't use the word 'sacrifice' again. No matter what troubles Sang Hoon and Ki Hoon get themselves into, your mother doesn't feel any heartache for them. I might have heard her curse about them all the time but I've never seen her in pain because of them. She only worries about you, and you're living just fine. She knows that Sang Hoon and Ki Hoon will be just fine and live without any shame, no matter what happens to them. Be shameless and focus on yourself. You're allowed to do that."

(Episode 11: Dong Hoon visits Gyeomduk at the temple)


Ji Ahn: (text message) "Good luck with your interview tomorrow." "It's no big deal."

Dong Hoon: (verbal) "Thanks."

Ki Hoon: "You think she'll be able to hear you? Text her and say 'thank you.' Come on, why not?"

Dong Hoon: "..."

Ki Hoon: *sigh*

Dong Hoon: "'When you feel like you want to die, don't die. You're a decent person. Hang in there.' The mere fact that there is someone cheering me on like that helps me breathe. How could I say that to her knowing exactly how it would seem?"

Ki Hoon: "Still...you can't even thank her? She helped you hang in there instead of dying but you can't even thank her. Just say it. You're allowed to do that much."

Dong Hoon: "Thanks for being by my side."

(Episode 13: The brothers walk Dong Hoon home after finding out his wife was cheating)

"There's no such thing as 'winning' or 'losing.' Everyone has his or her own life." – Gyeomduk

(Episode 16: Gyeomduk finally visits his old neighbourhood)

Ji Ahn: "I'll be sure to repay you." 

Song Hoon's Friend: "There's no need for that. You shouldn't live life in such a clean-cut way."

(Episode 16: After Ji Anh's grandmother's funeral)

Ji Ahn: "I want to try living my life as a different person. I want to go to a place where nobody knows me and live as if I have no history at all. If we happen to run into each other by chance we'll be able to act happy to see one another and for that I'm glad. When I was on the run I thought that you'd avoid me even if you ran into me by chance and that was what made me most sad. Thank you for allowing me to reveal everything. Thank you for being so good to me."

Dong Hoon: "You must have come to this neighbourhood in order to save me. I was on the verge of dying but you were the one who saved me,"

Ji Ahn: "I really lived my life for the first time ever because I met you mister."

Dong Hoon: "Let's truly be happy now."

(Episode 16: Dong Hoon and Ji Ahn have a meal together after everything)

"There's a little girl nobody knows. The mother abandoned all of her kids and left, so all the kids have to fend for themselves throughout the entire movie but I shut it off after just five minutes. The eldest kid who was 12 years old, would smile and beg adults for money, and that's when I turned it off. I couldn't bear to watch that movie because it broke my heart too much. I wanted to break the TV open, drag the kids out of there and raise them myself. I'm a movie director and yet I can't even watch a movie so how am I supposed to direct one? So I watched it the next day. I was glad i watched it after all. It turned out that the kids had some inner strength of their own. All human beings have some sort of power within them." – Ki Hoon

(Episode 16)

> "Strangely enough, I always felt really bad for Big Bro Dong Hoon. When he was faced with temptation he always chose his morals. A straight-edged guy like him is the most pitiful of all."   - Ki Hoon

> "What nonsense." - Dong Hoon      

(The very first Episode)

JeHwi - Dear Moon (My Mister OST Part 4)

Lyrics by: IU

Composed by: JeHwi

...Oh moon, My moon
I’m not trying to own you
The reason why you’re so dazzling to me
Is because I am a pitch-black night

Is it coincidence?
I think I saw a shadowy stain
That doesn’t suit you
Somewhere on your white face

I wave my hand
It’s my sign language to call you
In this place, there’s a lonely being
That resembles you so much

You don’t wane

My only moon
Down to the depths of the night
That I can’t reach
You shine down your white light, that serenity

I will stay up tonight too

(Translation source: kpop9977.com)

"Children who are scarred grow up too fast. You can see that and that's why I feel sorry for them." – Park Dong Hoon

(End of Ep. 3 – Ep.4 Sneak Peeks)

“How could you do that…as soon as you cheated on me with that bastard you pronounced me dead. Because you thought it was okay for me to be treated that way. That was you saying that I’m worthless and I should just die.” - Dong Hoon

This dialogue was so perfect 

"Now that she knows there is light, tell her to come out from the dark."

Company Founder   


What are some of your favorite quotes from the show?