Update: Timer's working properly here after the edit to episode times got accepted but I don't know about other people. I will just leave the post here as a reference.

Creating this discussion because every time there's an episode's release close by people keep getting confused by timer and comments telling the real release time naturally get pushed down in comment section due to other discussions.

As of right now, MDL's countdown timer is reporting wrong times for episode release. Its off by approximately 15-20 hrs. This could be fixed later on.

Episodes release on Friday and Saturday, as mentioned in the details section too.

Episodes release at about 4:00 PM Korea Time.

Hope that helps.

For Korea it may be wrong but the timer is very much accurate for the USA; in the United States  new episodes are released at 0200  military time Friday and Saturday.


For Korea it may be wrong but the timer is very much accurate for the USA; in the United States  new episode are released at 0200 Friday and Saturday.

Ohh that's right, it was wrong earlier but I think it got fixed this week after edit got accepted. I will change title. Thanks.