Last NON Asian Movie you watched?

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Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance. Got it on DVD in HD uncut for 8,99€. Yahay :p
J-movie : High School Debut
The Man From Nowhere (Ahjussi) on my new HD TV. Today is a good day :D
Wrath of The Titans
The Crucible! It made my heart hurt so much for those kids. Those r the type of kids I use to work w/ & this was a movie based off of actual events that took place. It kills me to see ppl that r supposed to care for children hurt them using their power of position like that. I just don't think I could have stood still after seeing those kids behave that way. But I have more experience than the lead actor's character did working w/ abused children. So, I know the signs of an abused child. I also know that most abused children r hurt by some1 they know not strangers. It is always either a family member or some1 close to them that they see on a daily basis. This movie is not for every1. Don't watch it if u have issues seeing the harsh reality of an abused child's life, b/c they don't hold back & it is graphic enough to make ppl rly upset. Like in America if they filmed what I saw in this movie they would have been put in jail for abusing a child & any1 who viewed it would be in trouble for watching child porn. Just a warning to any1 who is thinking of watching.
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
chilling romance for me.. :)
Going by the Book (Korean Movie) very funny..highly recommended:-)
battle royale 1 again after several years 9/10
Blind (Korean) ...a lot better than I was expecting it to be
wrote: From : Lave
Wrath of The Titans

---i'm want to watched it in theaters but unfortunately I chose to watch "Hunger Games ":(

Last Movie I watched: In Time :)
Wor Horse didnt know that i would like it better