Last NON Asian Movie you watched?

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The last movie I watched was HOP , it was so hilarious people :D even though I wasn't able to watch the last 2 minutes >< I HOPe it come on tv again soon!!! << Ok, lame wordplay but still :P
My girlfriend is an agent:D It was really good...or I have to say preatty funny:)) It helped me because I was in the mood of something funny and short without complication and a deep story:D
Usagi Drop - talk about sweetness over load, but I needed it as a break from Bloody Monday
Korkoro from France.
I'm a cyborg but thats okay. It was weird. But it was pretty okay. Pretty good i guess. I just love rain.
It must be the man from nowhere, excellent!
educto1 wrote: It must be the man from nowhere, excellent!

I agree!

~ We Bought A Zoo ~

Check it out people ...Matt Damon is great.
-Memories of Murder- (3rd time) ,,,,,,,,,,see this if you like The Crucible it has drop kicks ^^
Chronicles 2012 =cool=
Cabin in the Woods. Decent movie.
The man from nowhere with Won Bin (re-watched it like the 5th time)