Last NON Asian Movie you watched?

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The Croods (2013)
Iceman Cometh - A hong Kong movie
G.I Joe: Retaliation. It was really good.
Frozen / Wai nei chung ching / 2010 / Hong Kong
The Odd Couple (1968)
I've just seen The Host. I can't believe I'm saying it, but I actually liked it? XD
Pleasantville (1998)
Dojemi10 VIPCommunity Manager
Anna Karenina
200 Pounds Beauty
Phone. I do not like Korean horror movies, they aren't scary nor entertaining. The part where the little 6 year old girl kisses a 30 something year old was just very, very disturbing.
The Naked Kitchen
Koizora: the movie !!!! So sad!!!!!
Taiyo No Uta/ Midnight sun. Loved it!
Just watched GI Joe 2 - very disappointed - Channing Tatum was only in it for like the first 5-10 minutes. Felt robbed!