Last NON Asian Movie you watched?

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The King's Speech. It's a wonderful little movie, not well known but truly enjoyable and surprising.

I love to watch Live TV on Ustvnow.

Power Rangers (2017)

I've rewatched this movie like a dozen times, which isn't really a thing I do. I just really enjoy it.

X-Men: Days of Future Past

The Maze Runner: The Death Cure 

Pitch Perfect 3 

A Quiet Place

Mom and Dad, horror movie. Not that good but a bit odd in a good way and for once Nicolas Cage was alright - the role suited him. 

Jurassic World (2015). a pretty meh blockbuster IMO. 

Jurassic Park (classic)

Its nearly 30 yrs old and still holds up really well

Interview With A Vampire

Hostel (for like my 20th time)

Tale of Tales

random movie I watched and is really good if you like the macabre