Last Non Asian TV show you watched?

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Austin and Ally (Re-watch) season 1 episode 4

Westworld ep 1

Tiger King ep 6

Surviving R. Kelly Part 2: The Reckoning epi 1- 5

  1. How To Fix A Drug Scandal epi 1-4
  2. Wild Wild Country epi 1-6
  3. Don't F**k With Cats epi 1-3
  4. Inside the Real Narcos epi 1-3
  5. Inside the World’s Toughest Prisons: S1 epi 1-3

Been watching more western shows than asian ones as of late...

The walking dead S10 E03.

huntik secrets & seekers

  1. Inside the World’s Toughest Prisons: S2 epi 1-3
  2. Inside the World’s Toughest Prisons: S3 epi 1-3
  3. The People vs. O.J. Simpson epi 1-10

The 100 (re-watch) S01

The Office S2E6 (re-watch) 

The Office
Just finished the last season and i feel like apart of me is empty  now.