The ting tings : Great DJ , song that reminds me the drama Sunaoni Narenakute <3333
jumpin jack flash, stones
Neon Trees ~ In the next door
You know, if I'm honest, I actually cannot remember the last non-Asian song I listened to! I'll have to go and attempt to find out! BRB...

Okay, I found out! Alexisonfire - Born and Raised. I don't know why I forgot because it was only a few days ago! I really like the song too...
if you go away sherlly baissy
Golden Slumbers by the Beatles ^^
30 Seconds to Mars - Up In The Air
Rock 'n' Roll, Avril Lavigne!
D-tecnolife - UVERworld
The Prisoner - Iron Maiden
Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here