Close Friends 1&2 and Love at 9 had some great OhmFluke moments. We still have Between Us and 609 Bedtime Story coming out soon! And if you are talking about real life, Ohm absolutely adores Fluke! He is always so hyper aware of Fluke and is always there to immediately help him. At the Love at 9 final episode screening, Ohm and Fluke openly talked about how much they love and respect each other and want happiness for the other person. It was really sweet. Regardless of their series where they are portraying characters, you can tell how much they respect and care about each other from their REAL LIFE interactions during graduation, photo book filming, charity events, interviews, sponsorships, fan meetings, behind the scenes, commercials filming, song filming, etc... And also Ohm is the most considerate, quiet, humble person who respects Fluke. He is not an arrogant person. I've been following OhmFluke since 2020, I have never seen that behavior from Ohm's fans. Ohm just doesn't act that way so his fans wouldn't either. Ohm and Fluke have really helped each other in many ways since UWMA... I'm looking forward to their other projects with each other. 


I really don't like OhmFluke's series after UWMA. I didn't see any chemistry between them and it always seemed like Ohm was annoyed, or arrogant towards Fluke. I used to ship them and liked them after Uwma, but in real life Ohm also acts like he's too good for Fluke. And their fans often act like Fluke doesn't deserve Ohm because Ohm is too good, too cool or something like that?

I'm with you - I get zero from them. Sunshine Night was so bad that I even started to question whether or not Fluke can act. He seems to have one facial expression - mildly outraged and saddened surprise. But at least it's a facial expression - Ohm is about as expressive as a fencepost.  I've liked Fluke a lot in the past - but I don't think he's going to get anywhere in his career as long as he's chained to a talking mannequin.

During UWMA I really liked them. The feeling that they are always shy with each other makes people feel like they are secretly in love.  Ohm is very shy about touching Fluke even though he is comfortable touching other people. And Fluke is always shy around Ohm. But after all these years, Ohm still refused to touch Fluke, so it's simply because they weren't close enough.

I swear to God fluke toxic solo fans are the worst ! Plain stupid and previsible as f*ck

Get a damn life!! And stop harassing ohm everyway you can, spinning the truth, making it align the way your sick perverted pathetic narcissistic mind wants! "He's arrogant, he doesn't care about fluke"  bla bla... yeaaaaah... nice try! ( are you even a fan of fluke?? doing this misinformation campaign on every platform - do you love fluke?  Of course you don't and let me tell you that  in the long run it's not ohm but fluke and his name you're hurting) .

Spread more love, people! and less hate! The world And the  bl world will be a better safer place for artists as well as fans.

You don't like someone don't attack, insult, spread rumours and misinformation about that person. Ignore, simple as that; but concentrate on who or what gives you happiness.

Be respectful and responsible for your actions, you can't just come online, trash and lash out on someone undeserving and expect the rest of us to stay silent and turn a blind eye. 

Ohm is amazing and ohmfluke are each other safe zone GET OVER IT!!

I'm just saying he plays those roles, both Kim and Pierce are. In real life, I don't think he's arrogant or anything. Anyway, I used to really like them, but it's also true that their chemistry doesn't work with me anymore. And the reason is like I said ?

I like Fluke a lot, but if you replaced Ohm with a sheet of plywood nobody would notice.

Of course you'd notice.  The improvement in emotional engagement would be astounding.