Well we get a little realism injected into the situation in that our hero is naturally uncomfortable around a woman who is extremely attentive to his needs and all smiles (he still doesn't know the relationship) and he is on to our female lead when she weirdly evades his questions about her connection to this new Aunty a.k.a. his mom.

He misunderstands and believes this strange friendly woman living in the middle of nowhere is out to kill him (it does look like that).  And then he gets slapped by our leading lady (justice! for me, for all the times he was jerk! for the show, for being rude to mom).  She almost gives away her real identity...my prediction is this will be bad in the future when he learns her identity....but finally someone dares to challenge that Madame Jin (his adopted mom) and his family have some skeletons in the closet.  

Real mom shares a harsh truth with leading lady: I am happy him not knowing, if he is happy.  But our self-righteous heroine cannot tolerate such a crime.  I can guarantee she will do something foolish in the name of justice.  Who is this girl's real mother by the way, because I know she wouldn't be making out with her half-brother.  It is against her character and usually dramas have characters fall in love first before introducing that challenge.

The two look like an old married couple now, playing around.  My guess is things are going to get dark soon (I hope) and they will remember these happy moments later with a lot o' heartache.  So finally they appear to be getting along and they are bumped up to sixth grade siblings because they engage in a cringe worthy game of who can scare the other more when really it is just like kids flirting (with some bad cinematography).  But they ARE growing...I hope.  I don't know if I can put up with this much longer.

He learns her worse fears: but the rat they use is incredibly fake looking.  Come on writers.  Where did all the money go for this show?  These actors are pretty high profile must be they pocketed it...or maybe they had a small budget?  I know nothing of costs to film, so I am speaking out of frustration, please forgive my ignorance.

Housekeeper finds them...and seeing our leading lady kick his teams ass, he makes the very smart choice of turning on his own guys.  Me thinks I spy a snake.

Hopes: Now I am somewhat invested enough to keep watching because I want to know how he will react when he learns the truth about his birth mom and his fake wife's lies. I also want to see if the bad flirting will fade away into something better. And who is this new contender for the throne?

Positives: The hero knows he is bad at fighting and doesn't jump in.  He is clearly less reckless than his fake wife but she IS skilled (who taught her martial arts?).  Housekeeper.  Enough said.  Turns on his own men without blinking an eye! Awful, yes.  But extremely practical and smart.  Our male lead questions the convenient arrival of housekeeper...but is it out of jealousy?

Negatives: Awful teasing/flirting.  Bad cinematography when things slow down weirdly.  It took 10 hours of my life to gain a little of my interest--I hope it doesn't default.  Please, please don't let me down.  

Chemistry Level: Feels like I am watching a brother and sister mess around, who experimented with a kissing game a couple episodes ago.

I give this episode a 7.5.