More popped collar goodness.  More Scheming.  The Deities Chamber Clue(?)

1.Our hero is deeply invested in finding the meaning behind the strange tattoo that he has connected to a number of crimes since the beginning of the series.  He is investigating this closely and believes that there is a mole in the bureau. Ma Liu is arrested.  These choices make sense, especially given how many brushes with death he has survived.  He maintains his cool.

2.Our leading lady is now plagued with guilt as she must now figure out what happened to Xi Er in addition to the emotional turmoil of being in love with a man whom she has lied to since day one.  I don't envy that burden.  It does make her more human and more likable.  

3.Both husband and wife watch the brutal torture of Ma Liu (an agent of the bureau) without barely blinking.  It shows that they are close if he is bringing her here, and that he is acknowledging her personal stake in this case given it involved her.  She slaps Ma Liu!  I don't encourage the violence but usually female leads are too pure to do something like that--props for making her character consistent in this regard.

4.Housekeeper plots to have Ma Liu many people has he killed so far?  We cannot confirm if Xi Er is in fact dead, I think she is alive.  Housekeeper did not seem to want to kill her.  They threaten to kill Ma Liu's family/I'm not sure how he does it but Ma Liu manages to kill himself (did he smash his own head? it was pretty bloody).  They find out the reason why he killed himself.

5.After hiding Ma Liu's family, they f/u on the clue he gave them.  Back to the brothel. They find some abducted girls.  No Xi Er.  It seems our hero is doing this as a personal debt to his lady love.  To prove himself through his actions, I imagine. 

6.Our hero appears to be pained by the suffering of his lady wife--and upset that he cannot make her pain go away.  

7.Housekeeper and his shady underling learn info that may reveal the truth about the fake wife--he pretty much believes she is an imposter and wants evidence to confirm it (gained by investigating the 'wet nurse' in the mountains) and reveals that Second Prince wants our hero gone because he is...annoying?  Does the Dowager Empress favor him or something? 

Positives: More interesting plot and dialogue--more schemes by second prince via Housekeeper who stands to gain...? Money? A title? A harem?

Negatives: None really.  The chemistry could be better, but it is fairly good this episode.  I can live with it.

Side thought: I do pity the real Xuan because she grew up with Xi Er.  She is the type who holds it in while the fake Xuan lashes out//wears her heart on her sleeve.

Hopes: That I never see another episode 17 again/that this show can be consistent in its execution and that Xi Er is found alive and well; after all she is in this mess because of who she serves--

I rate this episode a 7.5--getting better.  Not blown away and I am still influenced by the horror of the last episode.