Our leading lady struggles with guilt as she realizes her lies threaten her happiness...and that of the man she loves 0_O

Someone dies...

1.Cousin Quian Quian takes the time to pour salt on our lady's wounds (regarding Xi Er) and Housekeeper stands up for her--given the kind of vindictive characters I have seen in other shows, Quin Quin really doesn't bother me and is easy to ignore (I think) I also think that the leading lady's character is such that it shouldn't really bother her, even in a weak moment like this (I could be wrong)

2.Am loving the two-faced Housekeeper--and struggling to figure out his motive because he would be an okay guy otherwise, it seems, were it not for his loyalty to second prince who seems a little unhinged but I can't really commit to that yet

-he may have feelings for our leading lady, and wants the truth to come out so that she is horrified/turned away by how the hero acts + he keeps defending her-

3.Apparently the hero's ideal woman is perfect in every way, and cannot be lowly (according to housekeeper)--is this his way of driving a wedge between them? Probably.  He does it well.  And her guilt is clear--even as she remembers the hero saying on their marriage day 'I don't like being manipulated'....meaning he is probably going to be utterly devastated by her lies...(am looking forward to this epic unveiling and can't wait to see how she emerges from the mess--it should make her stronger, I hope)

4.Xue Er is struggling as well, but she won't be facing the death battle that will be unveiled when our hero finds out the truth...

5.Nooooo! Xi Er was killed and thrown into the lake like she was nothing....awwwww that actually made my eyes tear up...she didn't deserve that....Housekeeper....you did such an awful thing but are the most interesting character in this show....I like you against my will....

6.Now Qi Ling is racked with guilt and wants to run off...and run away from her problems without so much as an explanation.  Given her character development that is pretty consistent.  She's never had to take responsibility for anything, not really.  Everything has gone the way she's wanted, for the most part.

7.....her withholding of valuable info like they switched places will not be good later as hero investigates....i can see trust obliterated in the near future

8.Quian Quian points out some convincing evidence that paints Qi ling as the murderer...will Qi Ling fess up?  Nope. She (foolishly) lets herself get arrested--but I see her dilemma it's a damned-if-you-do-damned-if-you-don't dilemma--she can clear her name and then her lover will (likely) push her away but she needs to own up to her mistakes...unfortunately she picked the wrong person to lie to

9.hero is all tore up about this--his girl is in jail, arrested by his own hand, and she was going to leave him but won't tell the truth--as he investigates we are treated to a lot of intense choreographed poses of this actor looking intense and to show his level of commitment, he stops shaving 0_o

Positives: Finally, some drama--and a descent cliffhanger--the minister of justice(?) is asking for her death

 i am rating it against itself, not other shows

So this episode gets a 8.0 it made me tear up...poor Xi Er...don't worry you will be avenged as this is a romcom so the ending is bound to be happy...