Let me preface this with thou should not lie and follow that with don't lie to your husband who risked everything for you.

1.Hero stops Xu Er and Dr Love from leaving and treats his wife with an icy resolve that burns--I feel the burn through the screen--

2.She promised to tell the truth to regardless--a pact made with Xu Er and to Xi Er during the ceremony where they ask for forgiveness--and even though Xu Er was caught, she made sure to remind Li Qing to fess up

3.Hero confronts her--and clearly says do you have anything more to say to me--after  calling her out on running away--and what does our leading lady do??



4.Hero is being a jerk, yes, but I think he is well within his rights.  Because she won't be honest.  I mean there is no excuse at this point.  Sure he was angry, but he wasn't terrifying.  She just keeps running away out of fear, and it is making it worse and worse I personally think many people would find it hard to forgive someone who so thoroughly lied to them after all they went through together--I mean it's like urinating on their relationship because trust is the foundation of a relationship and right now, there is nada

5.So even though she is suffering I can't say I pity her.  At all.  And she clearly doesn't seem to realize that he knows which is kind of insulting to his intelligence...but look on the bright side, she should learn from this when it all comes to light, right?

6......but telling her to sleep outside was a bit excessive.  i mean did the girl even eat?  and he should just ask her directly too...but i can understand his anger...i wonder how long this will last....because he can't be happy either

7.if his behavior lasts a long time, then i shall be mad, but right now i think his anger is warranted given the number of lies and these aren't little lies and she KEEPS LYING.  girl, why are are you doing this??  he should just confront her on it instead of mistreating her.  that would be the mature thing to do.

This episode had me VERY engaged.  I give it a 9.0