Hello, I'll give you advice instead of recommendations: switch up the type of dramas you usually like, you might be surprised to see it does it for you. This happened to me by accident. I was recently in a very big slump, I almost exclusively watch romance, but this year almost nothing could keep my attention. I couldn't finish all those really hyped kdramas (Queen of Tears for example).
The only dramas I've been able to enjoy this year were out of my go-to type: BL ( Koi wo Suru nara Nidome ga Joto and Let Free the Curse of Taekwondo are definitely in my all around top 5 this year ), and I used to think I hated BL dramas. I also found a few favorites in dramas with no or very little romance like High School Return of a Gangster .
I think the reason is simple : TV writing is very formulaic. When you only consume one or two genre ( like action and romance for example), you will end up knowing every trope of the genre and it leads to boredom. So you need a palette cleanser. Go explore more types of dramas, maybe other countries. Maybe go for more movies. After a little while, you will start missing your comfort watches again and you'll be out of the slump. I hope. Happy watching!