:) City Hunter best fits the requirements you're looking for.. Try it.. Prosecutor Princess, City Hall and the greatest love have happy endings and are really entertaining for me.. :)
I don't know if these are already said before: - Bad Guy; acting, plot and ending are extremely good and not a single episode i got bored with. - Shut up Flower Boy Band; its mainsubject is music if you don't like it, but the acting is very good. and not a single episode or scene i got bored with. - Coffee prince; acting, plot and transitons of scenes (^^)b. and not getting bored like i said above. - Last friends; again the acting is good and you can't miss an episode out. - Personal taste; the pace isnt slow at all, but not that fast that you want, but it has a good ending. - Protect the Boss; fast pace and the mainactor is extremely good from my point of view. - Zenkai girl; not fast, but has a beautiful ending. - Zettai Kareshi; fast pace and unhappy ending. Ofcourse these are all that I've completed (except for Shut up flower boyband) and from my point of view. I hope it helped you ^^ Oh and btw; WELCOME IN THE ASIAN DRAMA FAN WORLD!
Thank you all very, very much for the answers!!!

Little girl K definitely looked interesting. Now that you recommend it too, i will no doubt watch it . Btw, MDL lists other names for this mini-series as: Girl K ; Sonyeo K ; Killer K. And also "Killer Girl K" returns a lot of hits on google too.

I also have My Girlfriend is a Gumiho on my HD, so i will give it a try. Tokyo DOGS and The Greatest Love made my PTW-list. Im not a big fan of medical shows, so ill wait a bit with Code Blue, and maybe check it out later.

I`ve seen City Hunter recommended a lot of places. With a great score here on MDL, and your recommendation, I look forward to watching this .Yesterday i read through all the titles, and a few summaries, of shows with a ranking higher than 8.0. I added those i found most interesting. But its hard to know if a show is fastpaced and has a satisfying ending based on their MDL-page alone. This is also one of the reasons i created this thread. I am also familiar with the recommendation lists, and will use those when i have watched a couple shows.

I usually steer clear of historical dramas, cause im afraid they are slow-paced, have way too many intrigues/backstabbers and have a bad ending. But i might miss a lot of good shows if i think this holds true for all shows. Since you think i will like Dong Yi, it made my ptw-list, and i will give it a try .
Bloody Monday looks amazing, and got a great score. When i saw it also was recommended for fans of Liar Game/Death Note, it made my ptw list at once. Since the manga is still running, does it have a conclusion? Or is there a hope for another season when the manga is finished ?

White Christmas is on my PTW -list, and also looks really good.

I do sports every day, have a job and study full-time. So i dont have a lot of time for dramas/anime. I have only watched a handful (less than 10). (People laugh at me when i tell them i havent watched ONE full episode of friends,etc). But shows ive watched and liked are:

Liar Game- Loved the intelligent games, and how you are told enough of the rules that you can come up with ways to win before the main characters do.
24- Action and suspense. Entertaining.
Human target / Leverage/ White Collar - All three are ok shows that manages to keep my interest for an episode.
Big bang theory-Though it took a couple of episodes to get into, it is quite funny. Especially since im an engineer myself.

Death Note - Loved the battle of wits, and fast-paced style. Also liked how the show open up for philosophical discussions about what is right and wrong. (Without being melodramatic). Hated the ending :(.
Fullmetal Alchemist : Brotherhood- This show had it all: Action, comedy, some sad moments, mystery, romance, bromance and a satisfying ending.
Black Lagoon ok show that manages to keep my interest for an episode.

Since ive watched so few shows, i dont really know if those are representative. So dont look too much on those.

Well , seems like there is six shows that many recommends:
Bloody Monday
City Hunter
Tokyo DOGS
White Christmas
Secret Garden
Coffee Prince
All of them looks great, and i will definitely watch/try those.

The Greatest Love
The Quiz Show
Bad Guy
History of a Salaryman
Those shows all made my plan-to-GiveATry2 list.

I havent watched the rest of Liar Game yet, cause i promised my little sister to watch it with her. So i have to wait till she have her summer-vacation, and comes to visit me. (I study in another part of the country).
Since you like the same kind of shows, i will check out your list :).

Prosecutor Princess and City Hall both looks a bit slow-paced at first glance. But since you recommend them, i will check them out and maybe try them. City Hunter and The Greatest Love is on my PTW now :).

@ketibachan (and others)
I think its hard to know if a romantic comedy is good based on descriptions alone, cause its all about actors, chemistry, script etc. So it definitely helps to know which shows have a good ending, and how fastpaced they are :). I will also recommend some of them (and other shows) to my little sister. She loves romantic comedies and thrillers.

Again: Im really grateful for all your answers. This helped A LOT
This was hard, hope this helps.. based on your criteria, I seen one drama in your PTW list that you should stay away from: King of Baking, Kim Tak Goo- It's a very long drama, by my drama standards, and you will get tired of it/bored within the first I dunno 20 episodes, because a lot of this drama is very redundant, lots of cliche's, seems at times like its not going anywhere. But, it's a good drama, I just think it could have finished a lot faster if they didn't draw it out, and exhaust everything, the end was good. Recommend: Akutou:Juuhanzai Sousahan- It's a cop drama through and through, very underrated, goes fastish, decent plot, good acting, and suspense. Black & White- I don't honestly remember much, I just remember I couldn't stay away. Don Quixote- It's not really fast paced, but it has a good amount of humor. God's Quiz 1&2- When I reviewed this drama, I described it as CSI met House and had a baby and this drama is it. Neither season is long, and it goes by pretty quick, there is a lot of suspense/intrigue. City Hall, stick it out through the first episode, and it's great. A very good adult romantic comedy, I had tried to start watching it years ago, and just couldn't get through that first episode, and then another member, told me in my suggestion thread that it is a must watch, and I took her advice because she had never steered me wrong before. I was totally into it after the first episode. And if you want to give variety a chance, watch Running Man, I have seriously never laughed so hard in my life, I have pretty much stopped my drama watching to catch up on this show, 9 more episodes to go and I have caught up.
You pretty much described City Hunter. I highly recommend it. Go watch it! Now.
City Hunter is a definite must for you. It meets most all of your criteria, it's just not a big lighthearted romp, though it definitely has its funny parts. Once Upon a Time in Saengchori is one you might want to check out. Underrated, in my opinion. It's funny/cute/hilarious/bittersweet/shocking all at once. The last few episodes were particularly surprising, and it has a pretty good ending. When It's At Night is another great one, especially if you like 30-something heroines. A great blend of everything, without the series dragging on too long. It's funny/sweet/exciting/sad and has a great ending.
Hi everybody! I`ve added a couple of your recommendations to my PTW-list, and will definitely check out every one of them at some point :). City Hunter were recommended the most. Since its also the second highest rated show here at MDL, i decided to check this one out first. And i was definitely not disappointed! I have just finished the first episode, but wow! This looks really promising :). Just one thing- can anyone recommend a subtitle-group with good subs for this show ? I`ve downloaded 3 different subtitles. One of them didnt make any sense at all (seems like someone is practicing their korean by doing subs). The other two were decent, but with vastly different translations. Do you usually just use random subs found on google, or do you have any subtitlepages you can recommend ? Thanks :)
slimchance wrote:
Just one thing- can anyone recommend a subtitle-group with good subs for this show ? I`ve downloaded 3 different subtitles. One of them didnt make any sense at all (seems like someone is practicing their korean by doing subs). The other two were decent, but with vastly different translations.

Do you usually just use random subs found on google, or do you have any subtitlepages you can recommend ?

Thanks :)

I don't download anymore, I tend to watch streaming.. there are a few sights for that, and if your in North America you can watch City Hunter on Hulu & Netflix
slimchance wrote: Hi everybody!
I`ve added a couple of your recommendations to my PTW-list, and will definitely check out every one of them at some point :).

City Hunter were recommended the most. Since its also the second highest rated show here at MDL, i decided to check this one out first. And i was definitely not disappointed! I have just finished the first episode, but wow! This looks really promising :).

Just one thing- can anyone recommend a subtitle-group with good subs for this show ? I`ve downloaded 3 different subtitles. One of them didnt make any sense at all (seems like someone is practicing their korean by doing subs). The other two were decent, but with vastly different translations.

Do you usually just use random subs found on google, or do you have any subtitlepages you can recommend ?

Thanks :)

google darksmurf fansubs for good city hunter subs