LOL & aaww @ avoiding JKS cuz of YaB..
but then you're missing out on so much cuute!
I mn not just YaB, but Mary.. it's just so much fluff xDD
https://youtu.be/ivwWxvjnMeo #dareyounottomelt ♡♡
Disliking triangles & suffering from SLS, hmm no wonder you dropped BoF, lol.
I'm weak for all the shippy moments tho, I'm like, okay just keep the squee coming!
That's how I survive most of the forced triangles, haha #savorthecuute #rewritetherest
If you want a break from cliches, try My Love Patzzi.. only 10 eps but, eeee.. ^-^
& ooo yes Shut Up did get me, after Ramen Shop, tho it seemed a biit too heavy on the angst-
overall RS was more quirky, & the way "Onion/Pillar" (as nicknamed by both the other two, hee)
kept looking out for Cha ChiSoo.. too beyond adorkable ;P see:
https://youtu.be/Z2GD8YsKnhc #mentalnote for School2013 to be watched asap.. ahaha!