
  • Last Online: 1 day ago
  • Gender: Female
  • Location: Italy
  • Contribution Points: 654 LV5
  • Birthday: March 06
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  • Join Date: April 8, 2011

Recent Lists

~ 2024 ~
48 titles
~ 2023 ~
26 titles
~ 2022 ~
38 titles

My name is Eleonora and I'm Italian.

My "favorites" lists are in a random order, especially the lists about actors and actresses: I like many actors/actresses and everyone in a different way, so I can't decide who put 1st, 2nd or other... sorry! °-°

About the favorite movies and dramas lists: I put titles I watched at least 2 times (movies) or more than 2 times (dramas).

 In the most cases I try to watch shows that I think I'll like, so it's rare I watch something I dislike... I think it's easier to go on my watch/drama list and see the rating I gave them! :)

.oO( Two playlists I started a long time ago... they have some OST & insert songs that I like: *
click* & *click)

My watch list ordered by year (variety shows not included):

2013 (2nd Half) 2014 2015 • 2016 • 2017  2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024


461d 14h 27m
11,021 episodes, 611 shows
11d 12h 37m
148 movies

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