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I wanted to post screenshots of it but it won't let me because I'm a new member.... in this scene a boy and a girl  are hiding from the rain and then they start to play some kind of a 'last letter game' in this scene I think? I'm not sure if it's korean or japanese though but I think they are saying the word "suki" and "kissu" and they are kind of leaning in to kiss each other ? Please does anyone know which drama this one is??? :(


Hello, I have been having some problems with finding one particular drama for a few months now. Basically it's about a girl that meets a boy who can play the guitar, she has an older brother who I think writes books. Also I think the boy and the girl had a stargazing date one time? And in the end the boy ends up in a hospital and she goes to visit him and confess her feellings. I thiink it was a thai drama and it was in the youth, school kinda environment. I would be extremely thankful, if someone knows what drama it is. I have been browsing in my history up to the beginning of the year and could not find anything! XD

Could it be the hormones series? I haven’t seen them myself but know there is someone who plays the guitar in one of them. 

Ah It's not Hormones, but someone already helped me find it, it was U Prince Series - The Crazy Artist. But thank you so much for trying to help :)

 Keira Lee:

hi  anyone please help me!!..lost a Chinese drama title..hope that you can help me!!..the plot goes something like this a black wolf man came looking for a gal/lady for his stuff in her house then she heard someone asking her to come down for food..(man will change to black wolf with silver eyes when angry..which is also a king)..(gal/lady with shoulder length hair)..modern days..i only finish about half of episode 1..really appreciate your help and thanks for your kindness..i am keira here..

Well... He is not a black wolf but maybe "Life of the white fox"?

 Keira Lee:

hi  anyone please help me!!..lost a Chinese drama title..hope that you can help me!!..the plot goes something like this a black wolf man came looking for a gal/lady for his stuff in her house then she heard someone asking her to come down for food..(man will change to black wolf with silver eyes when angry..which is also a king)..(gal/lady with shoulder length hair)..modern days..i only finish about half of episode 1..really appreciate your help and thanks for your kindness..i am keira here..

The only shows that come to mind for me are Prince of Wolf, The Love Knot: His Excellency’s First Love, and the movie A Werewolf Boy...

Hello! I am searching for a Korean(?) Drama and it's been already a few years. I remember that the main character is a woman and I think she wants to be a fashion designer (I hope I didn't mix that with another drama).  I remember her brother and I believe he was a doctor (The brother is the key figure to the drama I am searching, every other detail can be mixed up.) Her parents are not rich and treated him always better than her and later on, she finds out, that they treat him better, because he is not their biological son. Before that, she always thought, that she wasn't their biological child. I also think, that the brother secretly liked his sister and kept photos hidden from her in his room on the wall behind something.  If I am correct about the fashion designer's dream of her, I think the main lead was someone higher in the company that she starts to work in.

It's not "Love & Secret", "Baby-faced Beauty", "Cheongdamdong Alice", "Her Legend" or "Come! Jang Bo Ri"

I can't get these scenes with the brother out of my mind. Like, how her parents gave him the better food or how he never let anyone into his room, only later on he allowed it her sometimes.

I clearly remember, that his room was the first on the left side of the entrance.

I really appreciate every help!

@viweh, I'm going to throw All Out Of Love in here just in case...?! I hope you find it :) xx

@Thousand_Paper_Cranes, Unfortunately, this is not the show I am looking for, but I really appreciate your help. Thank you very much for your time and interest in this matter! xx

@viweh - I feel that this is something I have watched but I can’t place what it is. Do you have any other clues?

@oppalover87, I don't remember a lot as it's been a long time, but if I don't confuse it with another show and she wants to be a fashion designer, then in the company is a woman she works for. At first it seems that the woman doesn't like her and makes her do errands and other stuff and when she helps with a dress she gets taken a little more serious.

When it comes to her parents, she always trys her best to please them, but before the secret about her brother is revealed, it seems, that it's hopeless. 

Her parents live in a small house and the table, where they eat lunch while sitting on the floor, is right in front of the entrance.

I try really hard, but I can't remember anything else. It's really frustrating as it feels like I searched the whole Internet for it and it doesn't exist anymore...

I really appreciate every help. Thank you!

So, I am having a complete as The Great Gazoo would say "dumb dumb" moment.  I was asked the name of a drama by someone and I know I have seen it but I just can't remember what it is.

The girls mom or aunt is famous somehow and a marriage meeting is set up with the son of a hotel owner I believe. The son is young and very nice looking, the girl is "supposed" to be not as good looking. The guys father has a crush on the aunt/mom.  The girl and him meet and he really likes her and they get along well BUT she ends up liking someone else and considers him just a friend. I believe the person she likes is her sister/cousins friend.

I tried to make it more simpler then what I got lol. Any help would be sooooo appreciated  :o)

Thanx a bunch  :o)  

I saw this drama clip on douyin. It is a period setting. The lady had a veil over her nose or she would have her hand covering her mouth. She beautiful until the veil/hand was taken off/ away. She had buck-teeth. A man push her away when he saw her whole face.


I saw this drama clip on douyin. It is a period setting. The lady had a veil over her nose or she would have her hand covering her mouth. She beautiful until the veil/hand was taken off/ away. She had buck-teeth. A man push her away when he saw her whole face.

Do you know what country it is from? What colour/type clothes was she wearing?

I've been obsessing over this one but can't remember for the life of me. It was possibly Chinese. A rich a hole comes back and his sister is obsessed with a game character and the handsome developer and the a hole brother gets jealous or something so he gets a job working for the handsome developer but he turns out to be gay I think so the brother tries to be gay and hit on him to ensure the job and learn more about him for revenge plot or something. It's been a while so the details are a bit fuzzy. I do remember the first scene is the brother coming back and visiting his sister and she's being bullied or something so he makes a phone call on the spot and gets her bully's dad fired or something.  And maybe towards the last few episodes there was a hostage situation or something with a gun.


I've been obsessing over this one but can't remember for the life of me. It was possibly Chinese. A rich a hole comes back and his sister is obsessed with a game character and the handsome developer and the a hole brother gets jealous or something so he gets a job working for the handsome developer but he turns out to be gay I think so the brother tries to be gay and hit on him to ensure the job and learn more about him for revenge plot or something. It's been a while so the details are a bit fuzzy. I do remember the first scene is the brother coming back and visiting his sister and she's being bullied or something so he makes a phone call on the spot and gets her bully's dad fired or something.  And maybe towards the last few episodes there was a hostage situation or something with a gun. 

The description you told is so similar to this one Prince's Prince, but this is Korean not Chinese, so I'm not sure.