Have been watching and enjoying “Novaland, castle in the sky” and others such as “The Journey of Flowe Seasons 1 and 2r”.

I’d like some Asian high fantasy recommendations similar to those. Don’t care what supernatural being the ML is, could be even a demon or ghost. I don’t care, I just want some supernatural romances to binge as good as those. No matter the setting, language or country, but preferably no annoying and jealous SFL, thank you.

  1. The flames daughter
  2. The Journey 1&2
  3. Eternal Love

I loved the journey of flower and felt empty when it finished so i watched the above. There is a jealous female in one of them and i can remember a particular scene but i can't remember which one it was. I remember her being very annoying but don't be put off ... the above shows are great.