The title says it all. 

The dreaded "drama slump". 

I think a lot of you can relate to this and have been there, some of you more than once. You finally start on that one drama you've been keeping for a good time but find that it just.. lacks something. So you put it on hold, pick out a different drama and barely make it to the five-minute mark before you move on to the next one. The circle repeats itself. Nothing seems to do the trick and you're left there feeling utterly frustrated with yourself.

What drama came/comes to your rescue when nothing else seem to move you? And any you'd whole-heartedly recommend to another fellow victim of the drama slump?

I know the feeling, I posted a thread recently:

It's like nothing works anymore, like a drug addict that can't get his fix :)

But I found my dosage last weekend, Arthdal Chronicles. It's a bit dark, but it's very engaging, and high quality.

I also like Go Go Squid, but it's way too long and slow, but I keep watching it because I like the leads.

Maybe some sort of reset can help. Clear everything, don't watch anything for 2-3 weeks. And then watch something carefully selected, even a series you've previously watched that you really enjoyed but has sort of faded in memory.

I tend to just rewatch things that I already watched since I know I already like those shows and they will put me in a good mood.  I really enjoy historical fantasy so I have watched some of my favorites like Love and Redemption and the first season of The Witcher twice already. I also rewatch my favorite western comedies like The It Crowd or Arrested Development. If you are looking for really good recent shows my favorites this year have been Loki, which was so much fun to watch, and Move to Heaven, which made me cry more than once even though I rarely cry at tv shows or films.

I've been in the slump once or twice before - what helped was either 1. a meaningful intense but short lived - (long ones do too - but really not everyone wants long breaks from dramas) - where you do every other hobby except watching dramas and enjoy them to the fullest - since I'm sure you wouldn't have had time to do them much between life and dramas. 2. like somebody before me said, a completely a completely different genre, from a different country, or maybe an anime, or short intense or comedy movies. 

However, after acknowledging said slump in those times - sometimes wallowed in for a while or sometimes recovered quickly from... I learnt the trick and avoided even falling into slumps at all for a while now - recognizing it early - I did it so much - that I'm finally deeeeep in one now - even though I failed to acknowledge it and have been in denial for a while now. It goes something like I pick up 5 stuff and manage to stick with just 1 and drop all others. I got so complacent and have lead myself to this state. A clean break doesn't seem very welcoming. I'm out of tricks too ... What to do .. sigh..

She is the one pulled me out of a major slump, it was Hilarious and had a Sweet Romance with Possessive ML.