Drama where guy realizes true value of wife/gf after divorce/breakup

Most of these are Korean Dramas!

Go Back Couple- Couple time travels back before they dated(so they break up) but then realize they both love each other still. Comedic and pretty light.

Emergency Couple- Medical drama about a couple that divorced but the guy realizes what he did wrong and they work it out. More frustrating bc of the guy's mom but good drama. 

Familiar Wife- Similar to Go Back Couple but instead of traveling back in time, the husband ends up with a different wife(his first love/crush) so he experiences this new wife and figures out he actually loved his old wife.  A good drama of a man being given his "dream life" but then being slapped in the face because his dream life sucks.

18 Again- Remake of American movie 17 Again. A man transforms back into his younger self. Through living as this younger guy he's able to talk to his kids more sincerely (as friends now instead of as a dad) and he regrets wanting to end the marriage with his wife as he truly loves her and cares for her. Great family drama.


Welcome 2 Life- Not really divorce but honestly gives similar vibes, really good drama if you like crime-solving and guys realizing what they're missing out on in terms of romantic relationships. 

My Sunshine- Chinese drama about a college couple breaking up because of circumstances and the guy misunderstanding things. But then when they become adults they meet again and those misunderstandings slowly get untangled. One of my favorites, very romantic but very intense in the way the guy really loves the girl a lot. 

  • The World of the Married
  • Something in the Rain
  • Touch Your Heart