Thats a big mistake by writer he didn't properly convey his script to the viewers some missing things and some unlogics things, well its not some all unlogics.

1. I have followed buti don't understand TO and HW back lovestory and when they interact in the drama its big mistake writer should add some flashback or some interaction scenes.

2.  Ok you will all agreed that TO type character that show in drama like a intelligent,  well observed and smart person when he know about his friend betrayal he shocked i didn't get the point here he never checked Inha motive its clearly show he used him for his motive many time he took that girl away from him because if taeoh distracted by someone its must be HW his first love. 

3. Ok you have accused for murdered case and you had high post in kangho group and you haven't strong connection to safe yourself. I cant believe it thats a big unlogics thing.

For me its really crap show but i have stuck with this because i have know about Kang heeju end she most genuine person she judge very well she deserve better and also i am sad to watch LJW and LJY talent waste here its very big project they wasted money on this story 

@Dur-e-Shahwar  You are spot on and made excellent points. This show is terribly written and directed. Han Taeoh's motivations also make defy logic b/c we have no full backstory. And b/c the director time jumped there should have been some kind of info that would make us believe he loved Hyewon the way they made him give up his trump card to the oldest Kang brother. And we have no reason to believe he trust In Ha explicitly but he did. WHY??? Makes no sense.  Literally, once of the worst written shows I've watched. 

his friend betrayal he shocked i didn't get the point here he never checked Inha motive its clearly show he used him for his motive many time he took that girl away from him because if taeoh distracted by someone its must be HW his first love. 

On point.
There is no logic in the plot and lazy writers.