
There's something that bothers me about kdramas sometimes. It's their depiction of suicide. 

If you look at the dictionary definition of suicide it's literally "Intentionally killing of oneself". What annoys me about suicide in kdramas is that they're always looking for someone to blame for another's suicide. They'd look for someone to call murderer. It's wrong. If someone hurts someone so badly that they want to end their life, the bully deserves to be punished. Painfully. He deserves to be hurt just as much as he hurt others. 

But he isn't a murderer. He didn't kill someone. Don't tell me that doesn't count. It does. A person who hurts another that terribly is despicable, but he still isn't a murderer. 

 I KNOW that sometimes what someone does or says affects the decision to commit something so terrible, but in the end the person chooses to kill himself. It's a horrible horrible choice that just leaves an ocean of wreck behind. But it's still a choice. 

i agree. i also think it s a hevy blow to mental health activists that popular media keeps perpetrating such wrong and toxic notions of suicide. 

In most countries, any attempt at suicide is considered a cry for help and the person needs to get psychiatric couselling. As a doctor, i can't tell you how much stigma is still associated with the very word "psychiatry" or "mental health".  For sure environment and social support plays a huge part in shaping the mental status of a person. But no single person is ever to be blamed for the act itself. Not even the perpetrator himself. It s a failure on part of the society that he/she did not receive the mental health support he deserved. To spread more authentic and reliable knowledge about mental health such as stress management depression anxiety, and to destigmatize the society to seeking professional help as well as the way they treat each other is much more important. Anyone and everyone is susceptible to mental illnesses. Does not mean the person is not strong or they are selfish. Let us not perpetrate hurtful and wrong sterotypes. 

If any of you reading this message is feeling blue, please know that you are never alone in this world. We all belong somewhere. Even if nothing is going your way now, please know that you deserve to live to fight another day. 

Please take care of yourself and the people around you. be more forgiving to yourself and to others. give yourself and others chance to grow and change. If your school or workplace is very stressful, please request professional stress management sessions or availability of counsellors from your management.


in this drama, there is a lot of normalization of toxic behaviour, right from suicide to stalking to how bad parents treat a child, how adults in forum hate on a child for lying and wallowing in guilt instead of feeling bad that the child never received the right support to express and correct his errors, how a young child was left to fend for himself. 

The adults in the drama are terrible, one of them lied and manipulated her grand-daughter, another thrust unfair expectations and stress on a child without considering his point of view and humiliate him if he doesnt meet it.

 another one barely even had an adult to take care of him.  it sort of explains why all the characters behave the way the do now. 



in this drama, there is a lot of normalization of toxic behaviour, right from suicide to stalking to how bad parents treat a child, how adults in forum hate on a child for lying and wallowing in guilt instead of feeling bad that the child never received the right support to express and correct his errors, how a young child was left to fend for himself. 

The adults in the drama are terrible, one of them lied and manipulated her grand-daughter, another thrust unfair expectations and stress on a child without considering his point of view and humiliate him if he doesnt meet it.

 another one barely even had an adult to take care of him.  it sort of explains why all the characters behave the way the do now. 

True. The adults in this drama aren't exactly the best. The only one who actually had decent intentions was Halmonie, but she set about acting on them wrong by lying to Dal Mi and involving Ji Pyeong in that lie. It was wrong, and Halmonie realizes it and regrets it. That " Even white lies hurt someone in the end". But it's too late. And the person who'll end up most hurt by it all is Ji Pyeong. He was just an orphan, all by himself. He did his best to survive. I hope, I really really hope that he isn't left alone by the end of this drama. It would be a tragedy. 

But then the other adults, especially In Jae and Dal Mi's mother, they're just terrible excuses for adults ( not as bad as the ones in Sky Castle though lol). 

I try not to judge so harshly though. The world isn't perfect, the people in it aren't. They do good and they do bad, but I'm not going to make all the good they intentionally did invalid because of the bad. It wouldn't be fair. For the time being, I'll just enjoy the drama, because it's compelling. 

@romantic idiot.

Ji Pyeong is the character holding our hearts. At the end of the day, he has less than everybody else. No friends, no family. And as humans, connections with other humans are just as important as food and water. 

I don't think Dal Mi is right for him though. I want him to have someone by his side, but Dal Mi isn't that someone. She doesn't really see him. She understands what he did for her, but she doesn't see him. Maybe she will start seeing him in the next episodes, but I doubt it. 

The most annoying thing in episodes 9 and 10 is that the writer tries to save Dosan's character who has lost to Ji Pyeong's character. Some scenes really side with Dosan. And it's an unbalanced fight for Ji Pyeong. 

For example, when Jipyeong had dinner three with Dalmi and grandmother, how could Dosan suddenly wake up and be fully conscious after being so drunk? then instead Ji Pyeong was fast asleep even though he wasn't drunk at all.

 Yes, Jipyeong's scene with Dalmi was indeed cut a lot by Dosan (and his friends) in the previous episode. But in these two episodes the writer really went so far as to spoil the theme of this drama itself. There is nothing about "Start Up" in these two episodes. There is only the writer trying to get rid of Ji Pyeong's character who turns out to be very strong unexpectedly, and trying to strengthen the Dosan character who is forced to develop (which should have been done in the previous episode). 

I myself don't care if Dosan ends up with Dalmi. But at least the writer can make Ji Pyeong lose in a better way than this, or at least the writer doesn't break the core theme of the drama's story as was done in episodes 9 and 10. 

It is very sad because all the characters and theme ideas in this drama are very good , and the actors performed their roles very well. 

Hopefully in the remaining 6 episodes the story gets better even though I'm not really interested in watching more.

@Ismail Bergitar

yeah, I agree with you that they kinda ruined the characters after being so intensely focussed on the love triangle plot. It really sucks since what drew me in to love this drama so quickly is the three leads, the dynamic and the premise was really interesting.

But at the same what else could you expect you know? Haha cos the lie has been snowballing and Now in such a climatic reveal, of course it would be focused on the love triangle.

also, I think you feel frustrated with DoSan bcs you’re one of the viewers who felt connected with JiPyeong right from the start. I get that how it might feel like they were trying to save DoSan’s character, but if  you could relate w DoSan’s life you would see that he’s...just being honest.

I actually could relate w DoSan’s character more- because as sympathetic JiPyeong’s life is, it turned out great. So my feelings towards JiPyeong is more like “wow I’m proud of you, please help teach DoSan and DalMi cause they’re new to all these start up stuff”. Whereas with DoSan, I feel like we’re at the same level and his seemingly stupid and mundane struggles is what I struggle with too. (parental expectations, failing his dreams, coming to terms w his failures, etc) so... point is... DoSan’s character is actually not as shallow as it seems. Especially once you stop comparing him with JiPyeong and when you stop seeing him as just “part of DalMi’s life to make her happy.”

I actually could relate w DoSan’s character more- because as sympathetic JiPyeong’s life is, it turned out great. So my feelings towards JiPyeong is more like “wow I’m proud of you, please help teach DoSan and DalMi cause they’re new to all these start up stuff”. Whereas with DoSan, I feel like we’re at the same level and his seemingly stupid and mundane struggles is what I struggle with too. (parental expectations, failing his dreams, coming to terms w his failures, etc) so... point is... DoSan’s character is actually not as shallow as it seems. Especially once you stop comparing him with JiPyeong and when you stop seeing him as just “part of DalMi’s life to make her happy.”

also, I think you feel frustrated with DoSan bcs you’re one of the viewers who felt connected with JiPyeong right from the start. I get that how it might feel like they were trying to save DoSan’s character, but if  you could relate w DoSan’s life you would see that he’s...just being honest.

yes weirdly enough I  felt more connected to do san's character from the first itself, although i do  try to understand ji pyeong's place and i do understand. Everybody says do san is full of shortcomings, i agree he has some but so does ji pyeong, if u look closely you will get it.

I personally feel like what ji pyeong needs the most in his life is family, he needs the grandma and he needs dal mi but as something like a sister, while do san needs a partner who gets him and can help him gain confidence and help him open up and be clear about what he wants in life. Dal mi is pefect for this 

I personally feel like what ji pyeong needs the most in his life is family, he needs the grandma and he needs dal mi but as something like a sister, while do san needs a partner who gets him and can help him gain confidence and help him open up and be clear about what he wants in life. Dal mi is pefect for this 

true. there's nothing wrong with gaining confidence thru your partner. in life, we only need at least one person who will support us, even in our shortcomings and also despite what many others say to us. That's what I see in NDS-SDM pair.

Anyways, who is Dalmi looking at, at the end of episode 11 preview?  IMO, it’s pretty telling.  And, when did she say, she doesn’t know who’s in her heart during that preview? it before or after demo day?

I actually could relate w DoSan’s character more- because as sympathetic JiPyeong’s life is, it turned out great. So my feelings towards JiPyeong is more like “wow I’m proud of you, please help teach DoSan and DalMi cause they’re new to all these start up stuff”. Whereas with DoSan, I feel like we’re at the same level and his seemingly stupid and mundane struggles is what I struggle with too. (parental expectations, failing his dreams, coming to terms w his failures, etc) so... point is... DoSan’s character is actually not as shallow as it seems. Especially once you stop comparing him with JiPyeong and when you stop seeing him as just “part of DalMi’s life to make her happy.”

To be honest, I don't really think about whether I'm connected to Ji Pyeong or Dosan. I think both are very interesting. The caring Jipyeong is quiet and calm, Dosan who is straightforward and honest with his feelings. Even I love Dosan and Dalmi's kiss scene, he deserves it after what he did to the head of the Mourning Group. 

What I regret is only the scenes in episodes 9 and 10 where there was no chance for Jipyeong to lose. At the end of episode 8 we know that Dalmi is suspicious of Jipyeong's writing which is the same as the writing in the letter. And in episode 9, the dinner moment when Dosan slept because he was drunk could have been a defeat for Jipyeong better if it wasn't bothered by Dosan who suddenly woke up and was fully conscious even though he had just been drunk very badly(this really doesn't make sense)

Episodes 9 and 10 are really trying to connect Dalmi and Dosan more deeply, which shouldn't have been necessary since there was already a kiss scene before(this is the deepest moment in Dosan and Dalmi's relationship). But because the writer still insisted on it, finally we no longer saw Samsan Tech's struggle to prepare for Demo Day, for 2 episodes.


@romantic idiot.

Ji Pyeong is the character holding our hearts. At the end of the day, he has less than everybody else. No friends, no family. And as humans, connections with other humans are just as important as food and water. 

I don't think Dal Mi is right for him though. I want him to have someone by his side, but Dal Mi isn't that someone. She doesn't really see him. She understands what he did for her, but she doesn't see him. Maybe she will start seeing him in the next episodes, but I doubt it. 

I'm reluctantly coming to that conclusion myself - but I would posit it a little differently. It's not that Dal Mi doesn't see Ji Pyeong - she doesn't want to see him. She pays attention to the details and it was lovely of her to help him with the Pine noodles thingie, but she's laser focused on Do San and In Jae. In fact I think that's her biggest flaw as a CEO right now, she doesn't look at the big picture enough and doesn't seem to have a vision for Samsan Tech beyond a nebulous idea of success. She'll have to get over that in a hurry in the real world to be useful. 

I would also argue that she isn't also allowed to see him at times. Do San has his friends running interference for her while Ji Pyeong-a is all alone with no support. 

These are the reasons why, as I said, I'm watching this like I would watch a tragic Melo.  I can't get into all these scenes of Dal Mi and Do San connecting at all because every time they do something moving or cute my heart breaks for Ji Pyeong. 

@romantic idiot

It breaks my heart. I do ship Dal Mi and Do San, but I want Ji Pyeong to have FAIR CHANCE too, and he's not getting it, thanks to Do San's friends and Dal Mi's unwillingness to actually look at him. He's doing his best, his gentlemanly best, and I'm proud of him. I just hope he doesn't wind up alone by the end of the drama. As someone previously said, what Ji Pyeong needs isn't a life partner, but family. Please, writer-nim, at least give him that. 

I actually could relate w DoSan’s character more- because as sympathetic JiPyeong’s life is, it turned out great. So my feelings towards JiPyeong is more like “wow I’m proud of you, please help teach DoSan and DalMi cause they’re new to all these start up stuff”. Whereas with DoSan, I feel like we’re at the same level and his seemingly stupid and mundane struggles is what I struggle with too. (parental expectations, failing his dreams, coming to terms w his failures, etc) so... point is... DoSan’s character is actually not as shallow as it seems. Especially once you stop comparing him with JiPyeong and when you stop seeing him as just “part of DalMi’s life to make her happy.”

Sameee... DalMi and DoSan are in their pupa stage, while Jipyeong is a butterfly already (sorry for the weird analogy) XD

yes weirdly enough I  felt more connected to do san's character from the first itself, although i do  try to understand ji pyeong's place and i do understand. Everybody says do san is full of shortcomings, i agree he has some but so does ji pyeong, if u look closely you will get it.

I personally feel like what ji pyeong needs the most in his life is family, he needs the grandma and he needs dal mi but as something like a sister, while do san needs a partner who gets him and can help him gain confidence and help him open up and be clear about what he wants in life. Dal mi is pefect for this 

Yes!!! I was hoping for this from the start but instead, it turned out to be a love triangle. :( We still have 6 episodes, so let's see how it goes.

I hope the next couple of episodes are happier. These last two ones have been too sombre. I miss my happy moments. 

Whenever I listen to the happy osts of the drama, like Running and Where Is Dream, they start to sound not-so happy anymore. 

Haha I've written "happy" four times counting this one, and it's relative adjective once. How desperate I sound :-\

I'm just gonna say after watching episode 11.... What the actual hell, they are never getting a break! I feel so bad for all of them, I hope by the end everyone is happy....

Also question what did Alex actually do? And what does that mean in the future? Is he only taking Dal-Mi and Do-San with him to San Francisco?