1. Mara's Defeat - ft. the painter who could never paint the eyes of his mural subjects!

2. Death of the Coroner - The new magistrate meets the doppelganger of his dead wife!

3. Mo's Inn in Snowstorm- Where many Sherrifs meet in a secluded inn that's completely off the beaten track.

4. Qianchong Dock - Beware of the sea! What lurks beneath?

5. Tongtian Rhino - Everyone's looking for Moshi's tongue relic. A delusional sect hoping to overthrow the local government.

6. Drunk in Yunding - The crew finally arrives in Yunding and Lu Lingfeng takes office! Immortal steps abound & hunger games begin - 1 of my favourite episodes!

7. Letter from Shangxian Hall - Scummy Man dies in a bath. Revenge squad is formed!

8. Provider - A young tour guide who captivated all our hearts and the ice cream he loved. ?

Would appreciate it if anyone can find the episode number of each case! Please reply here and I'll update. Thanks ?