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would love to see India here!! Indian and Korean dramas were my first dramas since I was a kid 


would love to see India here!! Indian and Korean dramas were my first dramas since I was a kid 

Sorry but India has dramas? 

There are web series now, which can be added 

We’ve been asking for Vietnam to be added for years (and it hasn’t been). I would honestly support Vietnam before India, simply due to the thousands of titles that get released each year. Just my opinion. 

Imbd already has a very active community for Indian media. I would recommended checking that out. 

My thought is that it might work best for some folks to make a sister site to MDL for Indian film & drama (which can include Pakistani, Bangladeshi and such). Same software if the MDL devs are agreeable, just a separate database, forum, news and Top, Most Popular etc. My concern is that adding a big film country like India would swamp everything here.  There might be additional divisions which make sense for an India-centric site too, like their many languages.

Anyway, just throwing this out. I'd love an Indian equivalent of MDL but in thinking about it I'm wondering if a parallel site might not be a better way of going about it.


My thought is that it might work best for some folks to make a sister site to MDL for Indian film & drama (which can include Pakistani, Bangladeshi and such). Same software if the MDL devs are agreeable, just a separate database, forum, news and Top, Most Popular etc. My concern is that adding a big film country like India would swamp everything here.  There might be additional divisions which make sense for an India-centric site too, like their many languages.

Anyway, just throwing this out. I'd love an Indian equivalent of MDL but in thinking about it I'm wondering if a parallel site might not be a better way of going about it.

Yeah I totally agree with you. A sister site to MDL for the rest of the asian countries will do cuz the current data base of MDL is already so huge, and adding a country like India, MDL is gonna blow up with the amount of films India releases in a year. Plus India just doesn't have Hindi Films aka Bollywood but it has various South Indian films (for example RRR, which won an Oscar, people think its Bollywood but its not) and not to mention the number of actors, actress, directors, producers etc.

Thank you for filling in some details R1SE, this is very much what I'm talking about. I'd really like an MDL-India so I can learn enough to also give specific examples :) It would also be helpful to learning more (and retaining that information) about the many cultures within India. Am overwhelmed with possibilities available to view.

The people who set up MDL have done a fantastic job making a tremendous amount of information easy to navigate. Really impressed with their work.

Agreed to  mdl-india.com.  just seperate site.

Cuz it wont stop with just  india, like the user elisheva says.


Their userbase is huge they will dominate the top airing list. mess up the system.  

I watch korean drama mostly. Cuz of beautiful people. Good plot. 

93 sk / 5jp

/1tw /1 ch : those are top of all timers. . 


I watched 3 5 amir khan movies thats it.? Those are world wide famous ones. Rest is probably bad or average. 

I'm afraid Soon its gonna turn in to imdb???


even if you want to add a country, average drama quality should be able to compete korean quality.


There is Filippo honkong . I don't even think they are upto the Korean standart . 

they are tolerable cuz, they arenot messing up currently airing / trending list. 

Edit: ASTER .  good think that u brought up gayboy series, they also dominate mess up top shows. 

I  also tolerate them. 

Lesbians are okay, though.


About turkish shows;

Siccin  is bullshit horror movie.   İt shouldn't be reference to learn the culture of a country.

Turkey doesn't even put any horror on tv. 


 about culture, 

dont get me wrong, i really like korean dramas , but man, they are pumping alcohol and coffee like hell.  


On one hand, someone says that the standards of Indian content are not good, on the other hand they are afraid that Indian content will  dominant  this site , this is a contradiction in itself. If it seems that Indian content will be on top only on Indian fan base. So it is with all the countries too.  

For example, just look at Chinese and Korean fan base; dramas are given 10/10 rating before release because their favorite kpop, actors and actresses are involved.

The one which the audience likes will have high rating and the one which doesn't will have low rating. There are different reasons for audience liking.  Favorite actor, actress, director, producer/production country , singer, story, theme, tag, genre Or there was some scandal at that time. So no one can control the choice of audience that you have to like any content on this particular  basis only .  Because every audience has different preferences

As far as the content is not good, there is no country which has 100% good content record.

I tolerate LGBTQ+ dramas the way someone  tolerates other countries content which they don't like . Whenever you search for ongoing drama, the top 10-12 are always LGBTQ+.  i'm not against of LGBTQ+ community its simple just not my preference . So what should i do ?  Easy way just exclude  it from your search/filter option .  It is not necessary if we are not XYZ's audience, it does not mean that XYZ  has no audience.

If the search and filter of any site is strong then it makes even the messy things easy for the user.

mdl is a good site to analyze/review drama/soap/movie of any country in real time And have good conversations/discussion with people who share your interests. Why  India be left out of this?

I strongly support adding India to this site.  ( sister-site is also ok)

With all due respect I personally think India need a separate dedicated site due to its large database. It doesn't have to be related to MDL at all. You can call it MyIndianList (MIL) if needed. I personally think MDL should focus on East and South East Asian first before expanding outside of these regions. 

There's an argument that this site is advertised as Asian dramas and movies database so it should include all Asian. Do you know how many Asian countries out there? And not to mention people confusing Turkey as Asian. 

It doesn't have to be related to MDL at all. You can call it MyIndianList (MIL) if needed.

By this I mean if you have the human resources (web dev, admin) and money, just initiate it. Don't rely on MDL admins. Steal the concept from MDL. Imitate the listing/reviewing systems and improve it. I'm sure it would attract the people.


I forgot to add this. I think this new website could also include countries with similar or close cultural value like Pakistan and Bangladesh together. You can change the name to anything appropriate. It would be more niche this way than to put all Asian in 1 website because Asian as a whole is huge in terms of cultural differences and values, way more than any other continent.

  • First of all, no one is demanding that this thing be implemented immediately now (today). This is up to the convenience of the administrator. (expected soon)
  • Be it Asian or non-Asian, it is up to them if the site wants to expand itself.  
  • turkey is a transcontinental country located at the juncture of Southeast Europe and West Asia. (wiki source)
  • we all  are  fans, not  the  professionals or experts, telling us to " build your own site." LOL
  • Yes, South Asian countries site . its good idea.
  • But till then MDL is everyone's only hope.
turkey is a transcontinental country located at the juncture of Southeast Europe and West Asia. (wiki source)

Sorry, but Turkey never joined any confederation, federation or union formed by Asian. I guess the country itself don't consider they are part of Asia. Their participation in NATO and EU is why I said this. Not participating in the current Asian Games would be another good example why Turkey should never be considered as Asian country.

Secondly, most (if not all) Turkish drama/movie don't represent Asian/Turkish culture. Instead they are focusing on "being western" in their media. So what's the difference of watching Turkish acting as a western than actually watching a western show?

I mean you can watch Turkey drama if you want to, but don't put them along with other Asian show. Just consider it uniquely as Turkish show. Therefore hopefully it will never be added to the site. At least not before all Asian Countries have been added. I would rather have India in this site over Turkey anytime.

Be it Asian or non-Asian, it is up to them if the site wants to expand itself.  

So if the admin of MDL decided to go global than be it. But they still label this site as Asian site. Until then priority should be given to Asian countries.

we all  are  fans, not  the  professionals or experts, telling us to " build your own site." LOL
Yes, South Asian countries site . its good idea.

After giving a second thought, I think adding India to MDL might not be as bad as it seems.  It might be more practical and cost effective than let say adding Vietnam.

Why? Because we have many Indian MDLers in here. We can utilize them to add the titles and artist profiles. It's also easy to pick 1 or 2 volunteers (among Indian) to do the submission check. This is a BIG advantage over Vietnam.

Secondly, many people watch shows from India apart from the usual East Asian shows. This would be a big PLUS point as they can now add Indian titles to their existing list. The happy they get the higher chance they will do donation or become VIP.

Lastly, the ability to add Indian show will attract new user base to the site. Even if they don't watch K,C,J,T,P shows, they now have good reason to join MDL. For comparison, fans of Vietnam most likely are from the same people who watch the usual K,C,J,T,P shows. In this case MDL can't attract new user base.

However the only constraint for this to actually happen is relying on the willingness of MDL admin to expand their database size, which require good BUDGET.

You can easily get Indian and Turkish dramas online because their media is working well. Even Pakistan is promoting its industry, their content is easily available with subtitles on YouTube.  Recently I also saw content from Lebanon.  These are some of the countries that I have mentioned, apart from this I have seen content from other countries also. What I mean to say is that i welcome  to content from any country.

If Turkey officially comes inside Asia, it will be counted among the Asian countries . And which country is carrying its culture completely,  no one . with time  which law, culture and constitution they follow for the progress of their country, it is up to them. and i found its similar to south asian contents.

My only request to the admin is to start adding countries, so everyone has a turn. Everyone is standing in queue. LOL