i was wondering how ppl have username in profile url instead ??

I think it's because you don't have a display name. some people have display names which are different from the username they made when they first joined mdl


i was wondering how ppl have username in profile url instead ??


I think it's because you don't have a display name. some people have display names which are different from the username they made when they first joined mdl

Hi both, I believe it is because the account was made through a connection to twitter/ fb/ google+. If the account is made with a separate username and password on the sign up page, that is what your username'll be.

oh ! then I'm the later I guess

😹 is it possible ask admin to change it ?


oh ! then I'm the later I guess

😹 is it possible ask admin to change it ?

You can try, but if the account was created through an external source, it is through that number that your acc and its details are bound to- not sure what would happen, even if admins were able to change it. By all means though, give it a shot- would love to know of the results, whether positive or negative!

😅 i didnt get reply from email ?

maybe busy ???