
Filipino name

Hello everybody.

I need your help, guys. I want to add some Filipino actors/ actresses. But I have a problem with their name (born name). 

They don't have only the first name and last name. They have a middle name yet. I don't know what I have to do because there isn't "middle name" in primary details. 

Can you tell me what I can do?
P.S: Sorry for English :) 

Many Koreans and Chinese have the same Just put both together in given name field. 

Oh. Thank you so much <3 

No problem. (*^_^*)

MTRNguyen closed this Feb 22, 2018 09:40 pm
MTRNguyen reopened this Feb 24, 2018 03:46 pm
MTRNguyen closed this Feb 24, 2018 03:46 pm