Hello! I am using Desktop version, from Win 7, browser Mozilla Firefox latest version.

Since a few days ago, I enticed that "Something is wrong" error keeps appearing on my profile when I log in or log out.

The videos I have posted on my profile are no longer visible to me, even tough I tried deleting and refreshing some of them. 

I checked other similar profiles with videos and for others it worked just fine. But not for me.

I tried clearing up the cache from the browser, but it was no use either. Please help me out, somehow! I will be waiting.

Photo as proof:


Edit: I just noticed "Something is wrong" error also appears when I scroll down my feeds page.

You have way too many stuff in your profile and youtube image is not loading.


You have way too many stuff in your profile and youtube image is not loading.

Oh, okay then I will try to sort out it differently then. I need to think of another design. Thank you for your reply.  

Edit: after some time I re-arranged my page and problems with viewing got solved. ^^

Cryssy Anne closed this Aug 12, 2020 08:41 am